Abraham lived 2000 B.C.
Moses born 1350 or 1525 B.C. (uncertainty in calculation of times)
From Nebuchadnezzar (605-562 B.C.) there are no pictures, only conjectures how he could have looked,
but there are pictures, how the huge statue of him looked, which was predicted him by the prophet Daniel
Dan 2,1-49 (Nebuchadnezzars dream of the world empires)
Jerusalem was the city of Judah and what was the area you can see on the map left.
N. besieged Jerusalem and abducted the upper class,
but gave himself the order to select some of the appropriate members of his captives to serve on his court.
This was the way how the prophet Daniel came together with N.
Daniel was for some time in prison and I am going to investigate when and for what.
But his special meaning he got, because he interpreted N. a dream in order to save the life of all his advisors,
who were threatened with beheading, because they could not interpret it, because he did not tell them the dream.
And Daniel told him, his dream was the dream of his statue,
but consisting of 4 different materials, which were the symbols for the future of the empire,
what you can read in all details in Dan 2,1-49
N. reconstructed the temple of god Marduk in his capitol,
let construct a pompous palace and let build the famous hanging gardens and praised his might and glory,
but for this haughtiness god's justice hit him and he went mad temporarily, but then reinstalled in his office.
last update Jan 28th 2013