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Ein Programm in der Programmiersprache | A program in the programming language | |||
vbScript | ||||
zur automatischen Generierung eines Backup-Protokolls in Form einer Excel-Tabelle | for automatic generation of a backup-protocol in form of an excel-table | |||
Das folgende vb-Script erzeugt automatisch ein Backup-Protokoll durch Einsammeln von Datum und Uhrzeit aller verfügbaren Backup-Protokolle und Eintragung der Daten in eine gemeinsame Excel-Datei, die nachher in alle Backups kopiert wird. Datum und Uhrzeit wird durch ein anderes vb-Script (siehe vorige Seite), welches von einem Langmeier-Backup-Auftrag gestartet wird, in eine Datei geschrieben, die vom selben Langmeier-Backup-Auftrag in die gewünschten Verzeichnisse der Original-Daten kopiert wird. Durch den Backup-Vorgang werden diese Dateien mitkopiert und danach wird Datum und Uhrzeit aus ihren Inhalten vom folgenden vb-Script eingesammelt und in das Backup-Protokoll eingetragen. Dann kann jederzeit von überall aus in die Excel-Datei Einblick genommen werden. | The following vb-Script generates automaticly a backup-protocol by picking-up date and clocktime out of all available backup-protocols and entering of data in a common excel-file, which is copied thereafter into all backups. Date and clocktime will be written by another vb-Script (see previous page), which is started by a Langmeier-Backup-task, by the same Langmeier-Backup-task into the desired folders of the original data. These files will be copied by the backup-procedure, together with the other backup data, and thereafter date and clocktime will be picked-up from their contents and entered into the backup-protocol. Then it can be taken anytime insight from everywhere into the excel-table. | |||
Das Programm ist getestet vor der Publikation, aber es kann keine Garantie gegeben werden, dass es fehlerfrei ist | The program ist tested before publication, but there can be given no guarantee, that it is free of errors | |||
3. Aug. 2012 | Aug 3rd 2012 |
' Update Backup-Protocol Option Explicit ' Constants, Variables + Objects Const ForReading=1, ForWriting=2 ' Constants Dim fso, objexcel, objWorkbook ' Objects Dim TmpText, DesiredDrive, DriveLetter, DAT, DateAndTime, SourceFileSpec ' Strings Dim PathOfBackupProtocol, FileNameOfBackupProtocol, FileNameOfLastBackup, FileNameTemp ' Strings Dim BF, row, col ' Numerics Dim DesiredDriveList, BaseFolderList ' Arrays Public DriveList: ReDim DriveList(-1) ' C:\Drivename1 ' Instantiations Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objexcel = CreateObject("Excel.application") ' User-Parameter-Settlings ReadOut ' Causes Reset of TmpText ReadIn "Drivename1,Drivename2,Drivename3,Drivename4,Drivename5" DesiredDriveList = ReadOut ' causes handing over of TmpText in form of an Array and reset ReadIn "TOTALARCHIVE\OLDDATA\,TOTALARCHIVE\ACTUALDATA\" BaseFolderList = ReadOut PathOfBackupProtocol = "c:\TOTALARCHIVE\ACTUALDATA\" FileNameOfBackupProtocol = "Backup-Protocol.xlsx" FileNameOfLastBackup = "LastBackup.txt" FileNameTemp = "Temp.xlsx" Set objWorkbook = objexcel.Workbooks.Open(PathOfBackupProtocol & FileNameOfBackupProtocol) ' Program For Each DesiredDrive In DesiredDriveList DriveLetter = GetDriveLetterFromDriveName(DesiredDrive) If DriveLetter <> "" Then For BF = 0 To 1 ' BF = Nr of BasefolderMinus1 DAT = PickOutDateFromFile(DriveLetter & BaseFolderList(BF) & FileNameOfLastBackup) DateAndTime = DAT If DAT <> "" Then DateAndTime = ReformatDateAndTime(DAT) row = 3 + BF: col = 3 + Asc(UCase(DriveLetter))-70 objexcel.Cells(row,col).Value = DateAndTime End If Next End If Next DeleteFileIfAny PathOfBackupProtocol & FileNameTemp objexcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(PathOfBackupProtocol & FileNameTemp) objexcel.Quit Set objexcel = Nothing DeleteFileIfAny PathOfBackupProtocol & FileNameOfBackupProtocol fso.MoveFile PathOfBackupProtocol & FileNameTemp, PathOfBackupProtocol & FileNameOfBackupProtocol ' Copy Backup-Protocol to all available drives For Each DesiredDrive In DesiredDriveList DriveLetter = GetDriveLetterFromDriveName(DesiredDrive) If DriveLetter <> "" Then SourceFileSpec = "d:\" & BaseFolderList(1) & FileNameOfBackupProtocol If fso.FileExists(SourceFileSpec) Then fso.CopyFile SourceFileSpec, DriveLetter & BaseFolderList(1), True End If End If Next ' End of Program ' Procedures Function ReadIn(ByVal AnyText) If TmpText <> "" Then TmpText = TmpText & "," TmpText = TmpText & AnyText End Function Function ReadOut ReadOut = Split(TmpText,","): TmpText = "" End function Function GetDriveLetterFromDriveName(AnyDriveName) Dim item: GetDriveLetterFromDriveName = "" If UBound(DriveList) = -1 Then CreateDriveList For Each item In DriveList If Mid(item,4) = AnyDriveName Then GetDriveLetterFromDriveName = Left(item,3): Exit For End If Next ' "C:\" End Function Sub CreateDriveList Dim dc, d: ReDim DriveList(-1) Set dc = fso.Drives For Each d In dc If d.IsReady Then If d.DriveType = 1 Or d.DriveType = 2 Then ReDim Preserve DriveList(UBound(DriveList)+1) DriveList(UBound(DriveList)) = d.DriveLetter & ":\" & d.VolumeName End If End If Next End Sub Function ReformatDateAndTime(AnyDateAndTime) '....+....1....+.." 'yyyymmddhhmmss '20101105134628 Dim s, a, i: s = "" a = Array("",7,".",5,".",1,"",3," ",9,":",11) For i = 0 To UBound(a)-1 Step 2 s = s & a(i) & Mid(AnyDateAndTime, a(i+1), 2) Next: ReformatDateAndTime = s '05.11.2010 13:46 End Function Function PickOutDateFromFile (AnyFile) Dim DateAndTime, MyFile, LineText: DateAndTime = "" If (fso.FileExists(AnyFile)) Then Set MyFile = fso.OpenTextFile(AnyFile, ForReading) Do While MyFile.AtEndOfStream = False LineText = MyFile.ReadLine DateAndTime = ExtractDateAndTime(LineText) If DateAndTime <> "" Then Exit Do Loop MyFile.Close End If PickOutDateFromFile = DateAndTime End Function ' Extract Date and Time ' Time of last backup : ' Date and Time: 29.02.2012 23:59:59 ' AnyText = "Date and Time: 29.02.2012 23:59:59" Function ExtractDateAndTime(AnyText) Dim TheDate, TheTime, Period, xDate, xTime, DateList, TimeList Dim x, TimeOK, limit, leapdays, yy, mm, Ptr ExtractDateAndTime = "" TheDate = ExtractDate(AnyText): TheTime = ExtractTime(AnyText) ' Check if Valid Date- and Time-Specification If TheDate <> "" And TheTime <> "" Then DateList = Split(TheDate,"."): x = DateList(2): DateList(2)= DateList(0): DateList(0)= x TimeList = Split(TheTime,":"): TimeOK = True leapdays = Array(3,0,3,2,3,2,3,3,2,3,2,3) yy = Eval(DateList(0)): mm = Eval(DateList(1)) If mm > 12 Then mm = 12 If mm < 1 Then mm = 1 If yy/4 - Int(yy/4) = 0 Then leapdays(1) = 1 If yy/100 - Int(yy/100) = 0 Then leapdays(1) = 0 limit = Array(1900,2099,0,23,1,12,1,59,1,28+leapdays(mm-1),1,59) For Period = 0 To 2: Ptr = 4 * Period xDate = Eval(DateList(Period)): xTime = Eval(TimeList(Period)) If xDate < limit(Ptr) Or xDate > limit(Ptr+1) Then TimeOK = False: Exit For If xTime < limit(Ptr+2) Or xTime > limit(Ptr+3) Then TimeOK = False: Exit For Next If TimeOK Then TheDate = Join (DateList,""): TheTime = Replace (TheTime,":","") ExtractDateAndTime = TheDate & TheTime End If End If End Function Function ExtractDate(AnyText) ExtractDate = ExtractDateByMask(AnyText, "##.##.####") If ExtractDate = "" Then ExtractDate = ExtractDateByMask(AnyText, "#.##.####") End If End Function Function ExtractDateByMask(AnyText, Mask) Dim Pos: ExtractDateByMask = "" Pos = InStr(ReplaceAllFigures (" " & AnyText & " "), " " & Mask & " ") If Pos = 0 Then Exit Function If Mask = "#.##.####" Then ExtractDateByMask = "0" ExtractDateByMask = ExtractDateByMask & Mid(AnyText, Pos, Len(Mask)) End Function Function ReplaceAllFigures (ByVal AnyString) Dim i For i = 0 To 9 AnyString = Replace(AnyString,CStr(i),"#") Next ReplaceAllFigures = AnyString End Function Function ReplacePerPos(AnyExpression, AnyPos1, AnyPos2, AnyReplacewith) ' Pos1 Pos2 ' | | '....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4 Dim L1, L2: L1 = Len(AnyExpression): L2 = Len(AnyReplacewith) ReplacePerPos = AnyExpression If AnyExpression = "" Or AnyPos1 > L1 Or AnyPos2 < 1 Or AnyPos1 > AnyPos2 Then Exit Function If AnyPos1 < 1 Then AnyPos1 = 1 If AnyPos2 > L1 Then AnyPos2 = L1 ReplacePerPos = Left(AnyExpression, AnyPos1 - 1) & AnyReplacewith & Mid(AnyExpression, AnyPos2 + 1) End Function Function ExtractTime(ByVal AnyText) Dim Mask, Pos: Mask = " ##:##:## ": ExtractTime = "" Pos = InStr(ReplaceAllFigures (" " & AnyText & " "), Mask) If Pos = 0 Then Exit Function ExtractTime = Mid(AnyText, Pos, Len(Mask) - 2) End Function 'End of Extract Date and Time Sub DeleteFileIfAny (AnyFileSpec) If fso.FileExists(AnyFileSpec) Then fso.DeleteFile(AnyFileSpec) End Sub ' End of Procedures | ||