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Ein Programm in der Programmiersprache | A program in the programming language | |||
vbScript | ||||
zur Umbenennung von eml-Dateien in einem Verzeichnisbaum zur besseren Archivierung nach Datum geordnet | for renaming of eml-files in a directory-tree for better archiving ordered by date | |||
Das Programm dient der Archivierung von eml-Dateien, indem es solche in einem Verzeichnisbaum umbenennt, sodass sie dann nach Datum und Uhrzeit geordnet sind und leichter wieder aufgefunden werden können. Das Programm sucht Datum und Uhrzeit aus den Datei-Inhalten heraus sodass sie als Dateinamen verwendet werden können. Kann Datum und Uhrzeit nicht gefunden werden, wird der alte Dateiname verwendet und eine Eintragung in eine Fehlerliste vorgenommen, deren Inhalt am Ende des Programms angezeigt wird. Die umbenannten Dateien werden in ein Nachbarverzeichnis kopiert. Sollte bei 2 oder mehreren E-Mails Datum und Uhrzeit bis auf die Sekunde gleich sein, dann werden die Dateien automatisch umbenannt durch Anhängen einer laufenden Ziffer. Da bei mehreren 1000 E-Mails die Laufzeit einige Minuten betragen kann, so ist eine Fortschrittsanzeige eingebaut, die im vb-Script eine Spezialität darstellt. Wenn man wegen Tests von Änderungen am Code einen Testmodus einstellt, werden die langwierigen Pfadeingaben vermieden. Hier wird zur Datum-Uhrzeit-Erkennung die Maskierungs-Technik verwendet. In der zu untersuchenden Zeile werden alle Ziffern in #-Zeichen und alle Buchstaben in @-Zeichen umgewandelt. Dann wird eine ebensolche Maske aus einem Maskensatz mit der maskierten Zeile in Übereinstimmung gebracht. Die Erkennung ist auch an verschiedener Stelle im Zeilentext und bei verschiedener Datum-Uhrzeit-Schreibweise eindeutig. Hierbei liegt keine Kenntnis von Normen für den E-Mail-Kopf vor, doch das Programm kann als Hilfe dienen und entsprechend verbessert werden. Die E-Mail-Inhalte bleiben völlig unverändert. | The program serves for archiving of eml-files, by renaming of such in a directory-tree, so that date and clock-time is ordered and can be found easier. The program seeks date and clock-time out of the file-contents, so that they can be used as filenames. Can date and clock-time not be found, the old filename is used and the matter listed up in an error-list, which content is indicated at the end of program. The renamed files are copied into a neighboring directory. Should by 2 or more E-Mails be date-and-clock-time equal up to the second, then the files are automaticly renamed by attaching a current number. Because by several 1000 E-Mails the runtime can be some minutes, so is built-in a progress display, which constitutes in vbScript a speciality. If one adjusts a test-mode, due to test changes at the code, long-lasting path-inputs are avoided. Here is used, for the date-and-time-recognition, the masking technique. In the line to investigate, all numbers are replace by a #-sign and all characters by a @-sign. Then a likewise mask out of a mask-set is brought in accordance with the masked line. The recognition is also at different location in the line-text and by different writing-styles of date-and-clocktime nonambiguous. Hereby there is no knowledge of norms for the e-mail-head on hand, but the program can serve as aid and can be improved on desire. The e-mail-contents stay entirely unchanged. | |||
Das Programm ist getestet vor der Publikation, aber es kann keine Garantie gegeben werden, dass es fehlerfrei ist | The program ist tested before publication, but there can be given no guarantee, that it is free of errors | |||
12. Feb 2016 | Feb 12th 2016 |
The program produces these windows
' Rename eml- and nws-Files in a Foldertree by taking out Date and Clocktime
' from the text for use as new filenames for the purpose of long-time-archiving Option Explicit ' Constants, Variables + Objects Dim A0: A0 = Array() ' Empty Array Const RD = 1, WR = 2 ' Constants Const Numerics = "0123456789" Const Alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" Const Months = "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec" Const ExtFilter = "eml,_eml,nws,_nws" Const TAG_font1 = "<font size=""+1""><b>" Const TAG_font2 = "</b></font>" Dim SourcePath, DestPath, DestFolder, BoxMsg, Title, Version ' Strings Dim ProgressBarTitle Dim ProgressBarWidth, ProgressBarHeight, NrOfMails ' Numerics Dim MaskSet, ErrMsg: ErrMsg = A0 ' Arrays Dim WshShell: Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim fso: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim objShell: Set objShell = CreateObject( "Shell.Application" ) Dim oExplr: Set oExplr = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") Dim OWN: Set OWN = New OwnSysSpecs ' Classes DestFolder = "MailsExportUmbenanntInDatum" ' DefaultValue Version = "" ' Version = "Test" skips user input-procedures SourcePath = "d:\MailsFolder" ' DefaultPath for Version = "Test" ProgressBarTitle = "Progress-Bar" ProgressBarWidth = 800 ProgressBarHeight = 170 ' Program Program DisplayResult Sub Program: Dim ParentPath, SourcePathList, FileSubSpecList: BoxMsg = "": Title = "" ProgressDisplay "Open","" If Version <> "Test" Then SourcePath = BrowseSourcePath: If BoxMsg <> "" Then Exit Sub GetDestinationFolder: If BoxMsg <> "" Then Exit Sub End If ParentPath = FoP(SourcePath) DestPath = BPth(ParentPath,DestFolder) If Version <> "Test" Then If Not GetOK Then Exit Sub ' BreakOff by the user DeleteFulPath(DestPath) SourcePathList = CreatePathList(SourcePath, 1) FileSubSpecList = CreateFileSubSpecList(SourcePath) RenameAllFiles(FileSubSpecList) End Sub Sub RenameAllFiles(fSubSpecList): NrOfMails = 0 Dim fSubSpec, fSpec_Old, fSpec_New, Ext, NewPath ' Strings Dim EMailText ' Arrays CreateMaskSet For Each fSubSpec In fSubSpecList fSpec_Old = BPth(SourcePath, fSubSpec) Ext = fso.GetExtensionName(fSpec_Old) EMailText = GetContentFromFile(fSpec_Old) If Not GetDateAndTimeFromText(fSpec_New, EMailText) Then _ fSpec_New = FiB(fSpec_Old): _ PUSH ErrMsg, "no date-time found " & Mid(fSpec_Old, Len(SourcePath)+1) ' fSpec_Old = message-1-24959.* fSpec_New = 20121229-042232.* ADD fSpec_New, "." & Ext ProgressDisplay "Display", _ ProgressMessage("Renames:", SourcePath & " -> " & _ DestPath, fSubSpec, " -> " & fSpec_New) NewPath = FoP(BPth(DestPath, fSubSpec)) fSpec_New = BPth(NewPath, fSpec_New) fSpec_New = GetUnusedFileNameForSaving(fSpec_New) CreatePath(NewPath) ' automatic detected if not exists fso.CopyFile fSpec_Old, fSpec_New: INC NrOfMails Next End Sub Sub DisplayResult If aON(ErrMsg) Then DisplayMessage(vbCrLf & "Errors " & vbCrLf & Join(ErrMsg, vbCrLf)) BoxMsg = CStr(NrOfMails) & " Mails renamed": Title = "Procedure done" If NrOfMails = 0 Then ADD BoxMsg, vbCrLf & "No Mails found" ProgressDisplay "Close","": MsgBox BoxMsg,,Title End Sub ' End of Program ' Procedures Class OwnSysSpecs: Public ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, ScriptPath, ScriptName, INIfSpec Private Sub Class_Initialize GetMonitorProperties GetOwnFileSpecs End Sub Private Sub GetMonitorProperties Dim strComputer, objWMIService, objItem, colItems, VMD: strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_VideoController") For Each objItem In colItems: VMD = objItem.VideoModeDescription: Next ' VMD = 1280 x 1024 x 4294967296 Farben VMD = Split(VMD, " x "): ScreenWidth = Eval(VMD(0)): ScreenHeight = Eval(VMD(1)) End Sub Private Sub GetOwnFileSpecs: Dim ScriptSpec ScriptSpec = WScript.ScriptFullName ScriptPath = FoP(ScriptSpec) ScriptName = FiB(ScriptSpec) INIfSpec = BPth(ScriptPath, ScriptName & ".INI") End Sub End Class Sub GetDestinationFolder: Dim Msg: Msg = A0 PUSH Msg, "Enter Destination Folder" PUSH Msg, "Breakoff or no Destination Folder Chosen" PUSH Msg, "Error" Do: DestFolder = InputBox(Msg(0),,DestFolder) If DestFolder = "" Then BoxMsg = Msg(1): Title = Msg(2): Exit Do Loop Until DestFolder <> "" End Sub Function BrowseSourcePath: Dim PF, SourcePath, StartPath, A, KeepPath StartPath = "MY COMPUTER": ReadWriteListFile RD, A, OWN.INIfSpec If aON(A) Then If FoE(A(0)) Then StartPath = A(0) Do: If StartPath <> "MY COMPUTER" Then KeepPath = MsgBox(Left(StartPath, 3) & _ Replace(StartPath, "\","\" & vbCrLf,4), vbYesNo, "Use last StartPath ?") SourcePath = "": If KeepPath = vbCancel Then Exit Do If KeepPath = vbNo Then StartPath = "MY COMPUTER" End If: SourcePath = StartPath If StartPath = "MY COMPUTER" Then _ SourcePath = BrowseFolder(StartPath, False): If SourcePath = "" Then Exit Do PF = FoP(SourcePath): If PF = "" Then MsgBox "root must be a folder, not the drive",,"Error" Loop Until PF <> "": If SourcePath = "" Then BoxMsg = "BreakOff by the User" Else _ ReadWriteListFile WR, Array(SourcePath), OWN.INIfSpec BrowseSourcePath = SourcePath End Function Function BrowseFolder( myStartLocation, blnSimpleDialog ) Const MY_COMPUTER = &H11&, WINDOW_HANDLE = 0 ' Must ALWAYS be 0 Dim strPrompt, numOptions, strPath, objFolder, objFolderItem, objPath strPrompt = "Select root folder:": numOptions = 0 ' Simple dialog strPath = myStartLocation If Not blnSimpleDialog Then numOptions = &H010& Or &H200& ' &H010& Or &H200& = Additional text field to type folder path ' and ommit new folder button If UCase( myStartLocation ) = "MY COMPUTER" Then Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace( MY_COMPUTER ) Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self strPath = objFolderItem.Path End If: Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder( WINDOW_HANDLE, _ strPrompt, numOptions, strPath ) If objFolder Is Nothing Then BrowseFolder = "": Exit Function Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self: BrowseFolder = objFolderItem.Path End Function Function GetOK: Dim DelTree: GetOK = True: If Not FoE(DestPath) Then Exit Function DelTree = MsgBox("Old Destination-Tree will be deleted",vbOKCancel,"Warning") If DelTree = vbCancel Then BoxMsg = "BreakOff by the User": GetOK = False: Exit Function ProgressDisplay "Display", "Former DestTree will be deleted" End Function Function CreatePathList(AnyBasePath, SortDirection): Dim Path: CreatePathList = A0 For Each Path In CreateSubPathList(AnyBasePath, SortDirection) PUSH CreatePathList, BPth(AnyBasePath, Path): Next: End Function Function CreateSubPathList(AnyPath, Sortdirection) ' in SPL no leading and no trailing backslash Dim SD, SPL, Path, ListPos, FolderGroup, ChosenFolder, SubFldr, f, item, IllicitFldrs IllicitFldrs = WRAP("System Volume Information,$RECYCLE.BIN") SPL = A0: CreateSubPathList = SPL: SD = SortDirection: Listpos = -2: item = "" If SD <> 0 And Abs(SD) <> 1 Then Exit Function Path = AnyPath: If Mid(Path,2,1) <> ":" Then Exit Function Path = BkSl(Path, -1): If Len(Path) = 2 Then Path = BkSl(Path, 1) Do: INC ListPos: If ListPos > -1 Then item = SPL(ListPos) Set FolderGroup = fso.GetFolder(BPth(Path, item)).SubFolders On Error Resume Next ' skip too long pathes For Each ChosenFolder In FolderGroup If Err.Number = 0 Then SubFldr = Mid(ChosenFolder, Len(Path)+1+(1 And Len(Path)>3)) If InStr(IllicitFldrs, WRAP(SubFldr)) = 0 Then PUSH SPL, SubFldr End If Next Loop Until ListPos >= UBound(SPL): CreateSubPathList = SORT(SPL, SD) End Function Function CreateFileSubSpecList(AnyBasePath) Dim SubPath, fSpec, A: A = A0: CreateFileSubSpecList = A0 For Each SubPath In CreateSubPathList(AnyBasePath, 1): SubPath = BPth(SourcePath,SubPath) If FoE(SubPath) Then PUSH A, CreateFileList(SubPath, 1): End If: Next For Each fSpec In A If InstrWRAP(ExtFilter, fso.GetExtensionName(fSpec)) > 0 Then _ PUSH CreateFileSubSpecList, Mid(fSpec,Len(SourcePath) + 2) Next End Function Function GetContentFromFile(xfSpec): ReadWriteListFile RD, GetContentFromFile, xfSpec: End Function ' --------------- GetDateAndTimeFromText ---------------------- Function GetDateAndTimeFromText(ByRef DT, ByVal AnyText): Dim TxtD, Line GetDateAndTimeFromText = False: DT = "": TxtD = "Date:" 'Date: 12 Mar 2013 01:27:02 +0100 'Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 01:27:02 +0100 ' Tue, 12 Mar 2013 01:27:02 +0100 (CET) 'X-MailStore-Date: 20110530233234 Do: For Each Line In AnyText If Left(Line, Len(TxtD)) = TxtD Then _ If ExtractDateAndTime(DT, Line) Then Exit Do Next: For Each Line In AnyText If ExtractDateAndTime(DT, Trim(Line)) Then Exit Do Next: TxtD = "X-MailStore-Date:" For Each Line In AnyText: DT = "" If Left(Line, Len(TxtD)) = TxtD Then _ If GetOtherDateFormat(DT, Mid(Line, Len(TxtD)+2)) Then _ GetDateAndTimeFromText = True: Exit Function Next: Exit Function Loop Until True: DT = GetDateAndTime(DT): GetDateAndTimeFromText = True End Function Function GetDateAndTime(ByVal xLine): GetDateAndTime = "": If xLine = "" Then Exit Function ' Returns: "20140312-130317" or "" xLine = Replace(xLine,"-"," "): xLine = Replace(xLine, ":", " ") Dim A, i: A = Split(xLine," "): A(1) = InStrWRAP(Months, A(1)): If A(1) = 0 Then Exit Function A(1) = (A(1) - 1) \ 4 + 1: For i = 0 To 5: A(i) = Use(A(i),2): Next: SWAP A(0), A(2) A(2) = A(2) & "-": GetDateAndTime = Join(A,"") End Function Function ExtractDateAndTime(ByRef DT, ByVal xLine): ExtractDateAndTime = False: DT = "" If xLine = "" Then Exit Function Dim Mask, MaskedLine, Pos, L, LWD: LWD = Len (" @@@,"): MaskedLine = ENBL(MaskLine(xLine)) For Each Mask In MaskSet: Mask = ENBL(Mask): Pos = InStr(MaskedLine, Mask): L = Len(Mask)-1 If Pos > 0 Then If Left(MaskedLine, LWD) = " @@@," Then Pos = Pos + LWD: L = L - LWD DT = Trim(Mid(xLine, Pos, L)): ExtractDateAndTime = True: Exit Function End If Next End Function Function MaskLine(AnyLine): Dim i, Char, L, Mask: MaskLine = "" ' vbTab is replaced by blank, Date: is removed, all is trimmed While InStr(AnyLine, " "): AnyLine = Replace(AnyLine, " ", " "): Wend AnyLine = Trim(Replace(AnyLine, vbTab, " ")): L = Len("Date:") If Left(AnyLine, L) = "Date:" Then AnyLine = Trim(Mid(AnyLine, L+1)) For i = 1 To Len(AnyLine): Char = Mid(AnyLine, i, 1) Do: If InStr(Alphabet, UCase(Char)) > 0 Then Char = "@": Exit Do If num(Char) Then Char = "#": Exit Do If InStr(",-+: ", Char) = 0 Then Char = "~": Exit Do Loop Until True: MaskLine = MaskLine & Char Next End Function Sub CreateMaskSet: Dim A: A = A0 PUSH A, "@@@, ## @@@ #### ##:##:##" PUSH A, "@@@, # @@@ #### ##:##:##" PUSH A, "@@@, ##-@@@-#### ##:##:##" PUSH A, "@@@, #-@@@-#### ##:##:##" PUSH A, "## @@@ #### ##:##:##" PUSH A, "# @@@ #### ##:##:##" PUSH A, "##-@@@-#### ##:##:##" PUSH A, "#-@@@-#### ##:##:##" MaskSet = A End Sub Function GetOtherDateFormat(ByRef ODF, xStrg): GetOtherDateFormat = False: ODF = "" If Len(xStrg) <> 14 Then Exit Function Dim i, Char 'Date-Format = "20110530233234" For i = 1 To Len(xStrg): Char = Mid(xStrg, i, 1): If Not num(Char) Then Exit Function Next: ODF = Left(xStrg,8) & "-" & Mid(xStrg,9): GetOtherDateFormat = True End Function ' ------------------------------------ Sub DeleteFulPath(AnyPath): Dim f, fc, File, Path: If Not FoE(AnyPath) Then Exit Sub For Each Path In CreatePathList(AnyPath, 1) If FoE(Path) Then For Each File In CreateFileList(Path, 1) If FiE(File) Then ProgressDisplay "Display", ProgressMessage("Deletes:", _ DestPath, Mid(File, Len(DestPath) + 2), "") FiD(File) ' Detects automaticly if exist End If Next End If Next: FoD(AnyPath) ' Detects automaticly if exist End Sub Function CreateFileList(xPath, SortDir): CreateFileList = A0: If Not FoE(xPath) Then Exit Function Dim f1: On Error Resume Next ' skip too long pathes For Each f1 In fso.GetFolder(xPath).Files If Err.Number = 0 Then If f1 <> "" Then PUSH CreateFileList, f1 If Err.Number > 0 Then On Error GoTo 0: On Error Resume Next Next: CreateFileList = Sort(CreateFileList, SortDir) End Function Function CreatePath(AnyPath) ' Returns False if drive not exists or faulty Anypath Dim Path, drv, Fldr, FldrChain : CreatePath = False Path = PathValid(AnyPath): If Path = "" Then Exit Function drv = UCase(Left(Path,1)): If Not DrE(drv) Then Exit Function If Not FoE(Path) Then FldrChain = drv & ":\" Else CreatePath = True: Exit Function For Each Fldr In Split(Mid(Path,4),"\"): FldrChain = BPth(FldrChain, Fldr) If Not(FoE(FldrChain)) Then fso.CreateFolder(FldrChain) Next: If FoE(FldrChain) Then CreatePath = True End Function Function PathValid(AnyPath): Dim Pth, drv: Pth = AnyPath: drv = UCase(Left(Pth,1)): PathValid = "" If InStr(Mid(Alphabet, 3), drv) = 0 Then Exit Function Pth = Pth & Right (":\", 3 - Len(Pth) And Len(Pth) < 4) If Mid(Pth,2,2) <> ":\" Then Exit Function If InStr(Pth, "\\") <> 0 Then Exit Function If Len(Pth) > 3 Then Pth = BkSl(Pth, -1): End If: PathValid = Pth End Function Function GetUnusedFileNameForSaving(AnyFileSpec) Dim fSpec, Path, FulName, FileName, Ext, fName, Vary, nr, f Dim i, i1, i2, Numeric: fSpec = AnyFileSpec Do: GetUnusedFileNameForSaving = fSpec If fSpec = "" Then Exit Do If Not(FiE(fSpec)) Then Exit Do Path = FoP(fSpec): FulName = fso.GetFileName(fSpec) FileName = FiB(FulName): Ext = "." & fso.GetExtensionName(FulName) Do: fName = RTrim(FileName): Numeric = False If Right(fName, 2) = "()" Then CUT fName, 2: Exit Do fName = FileName: i1 = InStrRev(FileName, "("): i2 = InStrRev(FileName, ")") If i1 = 0 Or i2 = 0 Or i1 > (i2 - 2) Then Exit Do fName = Left(FileName, i1 - 1): If i2 < Len(FileName) Then Exit Do For i = i1 + 1 To i2 - 1: If Not num(Mid(FileName, i, 1)) Then Exit Do Next: If Len(fName) - Len(RTrim(fName)) <> 1 Then Exit Do Numeric = True: nr = Mid(FileName,i1+1,i2-i1-1) Vary = CStr(Eval(nr)): If Vary = nr Then Vary = CStr(Eval(nr) + 1) Loop Until True: f = RTrim(fName) If Right(f, 2) = "()" Then CUT f, 2 If RTrim(fName) <> f Then fName = f: Vary = "1" If Not Numeric Then Vary = "1" fSpec = BPth(Path, RTrim(fName) & " (" & Vary & ")" & Ext) Loop End Function Function SORT(AnyArray, SortDirection): Dim A, SD, ItemPos, Ptr, PtrToPeak, CmpOp ' Sortdirection Ascend = 1, Descend = -1 A = AnyArray: SD = SortDirection SORT = A: If Not aON(A) Or Abs(SD) <> 1 Then Exit Function For ItemPos = 0 To Ubd(A): PtrToPeak = ItemPos For Ptr = ItemPos + 1 To Ubd(A): CmpOp = 0 If A(Ptr) < A(PtrToPeak) Then CmpOp = -1 If A(Ptr) > A(PtrToPeak) Then CmpOp = 1 If CmpOp <> SD Then PtrToPeak = Ptr Next: SWAP A(PtrToPeak), A(ItemPos) Next: SORT = A End Function Function INC(ByRef AnyNr): AnyNr = AnyNr + 1: INC = AnyNr: End Function Function Ubd(xA): Ubd = UBound(xA): End Function Function aON(xA): aON = Ubd(xA) > -1: End Function Function BPth(aString, bString): BPth = fso.BuildPath(aString, bString): End Function Function FiE(FiSpec): FiE = fso.FileExists(FiSpec): End Function Function FiB(FiSpec): FiB = fso.GetBaseName(FiSpec): End Function Sub FiD(FiSpec): If FiE(FiSpec) Then fso.DeleteFile(FiSpec): End If: End Sub Function FoE(FoSpec): FoE = fso.FolderExists(FoSpec): End Function Sub FoD(FoSpec): If FoE(FoSpec) Then fso.DeleteFolder(FoSpec): End If: End Sub Function FoP(FiSpec): FoP = fso.GetParentFolderName(FiSpec): End Function Function DrE(drv): DrE = fso.DriveExists(drv): End Function Function num(xChar): num = (InStr(Numerics, xChar) > 0): End Function Function InstrWRAP(aStr, bStr): InstrWRAP = InStr(WRAP(aStr), WRAP(bStr)): End Function Function WRAP(aString): WRAP = "," & aString & ",": End Function Function ENBL(aStr): ENBL = " " & aStr & " ": End Function Sub SWAP(byRef aVar, byRef bVar): Dim vTmp: vTmp = aVar: aVar = bVar: bVar = vTmp: End Sub Sub ADD(ByRef aStr, ByVal bStr): aStr = aStr & bStr: End Sub Sub PUSH(ByRef xArr, ByVal xVar): Dim item, u ' AnyVar can be a String, Numeric or a Variant Array For Each item In CArr(xVar): u = Ubd(xArr) + 1: ReDim Preserve xArr(u): xArr(u) = item: Next End Sub Function CArr(ByRef aVar): CArr = aVar If Not IsArray(aVar) Then aVar = Array(aVar): CArr = aVar: End If: End Function Function CUT(ByRef AnyString, ByVal AnyNr): Dim i i = Len(AnyString) - AnyNr: If i < 0 Then i = 0 AnyString = Left(AnyString, i): CUT = AnyString: End Function Function BkSl(ByRef AnyPath, Mode): Dim slON: slON = Right(AnyPath,1) = "\" ' Backslash, Mode = 1 / -1 If Mode = 1 And Not slON Then ADD AnyPath, "\" If Mode = -1 And slON Then AnyPath = Left(AnyPath, Len(AnyPath)-1) BkSl = AnyPath End Function Function Use(AnyNr, NrOfDigits): Use = CStr(AnyNr) While Len(Use) < NrOfDigits: Use = "0" & Use: Wend: End Function Sub DisplayMessage(AnyMsg): Dim fSpec, A: If IsArray(AnyMsg) Then A = AnyMsg If Not IsArray(AnyMsg) Then If AnyMsg = "" Then A = A0 Else A = Array(AnyMsg) If Not aON(A) Then Exit Sub fSpec = BPth(OWN.ScriptPath, "tmp.txt") ReadWriteListFile WR, A, fSpec WshShell.Run "notepad " & fSpec, 1, True ' 3, True = Fulscreen FiD(fSpec) ' Detects automaticly if exist End Sub Sub ProgressDisplay (Mode,AnyText): Dim String1, String2, colServices ' Mode = Open, Display, Close ' AnyText only used in Display-Mode With oExplr: Mode = UCase(Left(Mode,1)) & LCase(Mid(Mode, 2)) Select Case Mode Case "Open" .Navigate "about:blank" .ToolBar = False: .StatusBar = False .Width = ProgressBarWidth: .Height = ProgressBarHeight .Left = (OWN.ScreenWidth - ProgressBarWidth) \ 2 .Top = (OWN.ScreenHeight - ProgressBarHeight) \ 2 .Visible = True With .Document .title = ProgressBarTitle .ParentWindow.focus() With .Body.Style .backgroundcolor = "#F0F7FE" .color = "#0060FF" .Font = "11pt 'Calibri'" End With End With: While .Busy: Wend String1 = "winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2" String2 = "Select * from Win32_Service" Set colServices = GetObject(String1).ExecQuery(String2) Case "Display": .Document.Body.InnerHTML = AnyText Case "Close": WScript.Sleep 1000: .Quit End Select End With End Sub Function ProgressMessage(AnyTitle, AnyPath, AnyFileSpec, AnyMore) Dim A, A2, Line, MaxLenght, L, s: A = A0: A2 = A0 MaxLenght = (ProgressBarWidth - 20)\8: L = MaxLenght\2-6: s = " ....->.... " PUSH A, TAG_font1 & AnyTitle & TAG_font2 PUSH A, AnyPath PUSH A, FoP(AnyFileSpec) PUSH A, fso.GetFileName(AnyFileSpec) & AnyMore For Each Line In A: If Len(Line)- MaxLenght > 0 Then _ Line = Left(Line, L) & s & Right(Line, L) PUSH A2, Line Next: ProgressMessage = Join(A2, "<BR>") End Function Sub ReadWriteListFile(ByVal Direction, ByRef AnyList, ByVal AnyFileSpec) Dim f, LastLine, Line, format, A: format = False ' False = ASCII If Direction = RD Then 'returns lines in an array AnyList = A0: If Not FiE(AnyFileSpec) Then Exit Sub Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(AnyFileSpec, RD,, format) While Not f.AtEndOfStream: PUSH AnyList, f.ReadLine: Wend: f.Close ElseIf Direction = WR Then FiD(AnyFileSpec) ' Detects automaticly if exist A = AnyList: If Not aON(A) Then Exit Sub Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(AnyFileSpec, WR, True, format) LastLine = A(Ubd(A)) If Ubd(A) > 0 Then ReDim Preserve A(Ubd(A)-1): For Each Line In A: f.WriteLine Line: Next End If: f.Write LastLine: f.Close End If End Sub ' End of Procedures | ||