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Ein Programm in der Programmiersprache A program in the programming language
zum Lesen und Schreiben von Daten in INI-Dateien mit Gruppen und Obergruppen for reading and writing of data in INI-files with groups and supgroups

Das ist eine weiter abgespeckte (minimalisierte) Version von Read-Write von INI-Daten mit Gruppen und Obergruppen, getrennt durch Ausdrücke in eckigen Klammern und Doppelklammern, so dass die INI-Datei von mehreren Programmen verwendet werden kann, obwohl der Code muss in allen diesen sein. Das Meiste des gezeigten Programm-Beispiels besteht aus Code für den Test der verschiedenen Arten von INI-Daten. Für die Minimalisierung ist angenommen, dass die Default-Daten und die INI-Daten fehlerfrei sind und unnötige Leerzeichen und Leerzeilen nicht vorkommen.

Das Programm-Beispiel zeigt das Prinzip, dass für die Verarbeitungs-Prozedur keine Delimiters verwendet werden, so dass diese in der INI-Datei verwendet werden können wie folgt:

ParameterXYZ$etc=1,2,3;4,5,6:x,y,z,50%,2&3,'e23',abc etc or
[Groupname1(index);xyz:abc/\{} ] etc

Hier ist die Dictionary-Object-Technik verwendet, um Objekte mit Eigenschafts-Namen zu erhalten, welche vom Programmierer verwendet werden können wie Variable, welche automatisch den gleichen Namen haben wie die Parameter in der INI-Datei auf der Festplatte, ohne dass man Variablen-Deklarationen mit Zuweisungen zu den Parameter-Namen schreiben muss.

Es ist gezeigt, dass Listen von Parametern geschrieben werden können vor und ohne dass eine Gruppe oder Obergruppe vorkommt.

Es ist extra gezeigt, dass Parameter-Namen in verschiedenen Gruppen gleich sein können.

Im Fall von einer irrtümlichen Verwendung von Parametern im Programm, welche nicht in der INI-Datei vorkommen, wird das ignoriert ohne eine Fehlermeldung.

Für den Test, ob das Programm richtig arbeitet, sind 6 Beispiele gezeigt und das Ergebnis wird angezeigt in einem von 6 Notepad-Seiten, wenn sie weg geklickt wird, wird die nächste angezeigt.


This is a futher slimmed (minimalised) version of Read-Write of INI-data with groups and supgroups, separated by expressions with squared brackets and double-brackets, so that the INI-file can be used by several programs, although the code must be in all of them. Most of the shown program-example consists of the code for testing different kinds of INI-data. For the minimalisation it is assumed, that the default-data and the data of the INI-file is free of errors and no unneeded blanks and empty lines occor. For this there is no error-detect.

The program-example shows the principle, that for the processing procedure there are used no delimiters, so that they can be used in the INI-file like this:

parameterXYZ$etc=1,2,3;4,5,6:x,y,z,50%,2&3,'e23',abc etc or
[Groupname1(index);xyz:abc/\{} ] etc

Here it is used the Dictionary-Object-Technique to get objects with property names, which can be used by the programmer as variables which have automaticly the same names as the parameters in the INI-file on disk without having to write declarations and assignments of the variables to the parameter-names

It is shown, that list of parameters can be written before or without a supgroup or a group occurs

It is extra shown, that parameter-names in different groups can be equal

In case of a faulty use of a parameter in the program, which does not occur in the INI-file, this is ignored without giving an error-message.

For the test if the program works properly, 6 examples are shown and the result is displayed in one out of 6 notepad-pages, if clicked away the next is displayed.

Das Programm ist getestet vor der Publikation, aber es kann keine Garantie gegeben werden, dass es fehlerfrei ist

The program ist tested before publication, but there can be given no guarantee, that it is free of errors
16. April 2014 April 16th 2014

' ReadWriteINI with Sup-Groups

Option Explicit

' -------------- For this program --------------
Dim GpON ' Boolean
Dim INIFileSpec  ' Strings
Dim DefaultINI, ItemList, ItemList1, ItemList2, GroupList ' Arrays
Dim INI ' Objects
Set INI = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

' -------------- For all programs --------------
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
Dim A0: A0 = Array() ' Arrays
Dim fso, WshShell ' Objects
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' -------------- For Testing --------------

Dim INIexample

' INI-File in CurrentDirectory
INIFileSpec = fso.BuildPath(WshShell.CurrentDirectory,_
    fso.GetBaseName(WScript.ScriptName) & ".INI")

' If SupGroup, Group and correct key, used by the programmer, 
' are not found in the INI-file, then all value-assignment is ignored 

' GroupClose can be ommitted before next group is opened (is automatisized), 
' but must be written before writing the ItemList on disk

' For the test if the program works properly, 6 examples are shown and the 
' result is displayed in one out of 6 notepad-pages, if clicked away the next
' is displayed.

' Job

For INIexample = 1 To 6

    Select Case INIexample
        Case 1: DefaultINI = Array"Param1=01","Param2=02","Param3=03")
        Case 2: DefaultINI = Array"Param1=01","Param2=02","Param3=03", _
                                    "[Group1]","Param1=11","Param2=12","Param3=13", _
                                    "[Group2]","Param1=21","Param2=22","Param3=23", _
        Case 3: DefaultINI = Array"[Group1]","Param1=11","Param2=12","Param3=13", _
                                    "[Group2]","Param1=21","Param2=22","Param3=23", _
        Case 4: DefaultINI = Array"Param1=001","Param2=002","Param3=003", _
                                    "[[SupGroup1]]", _
                                    "[Group11]","Param1=11","Param2=12","Param3=13", _
                                    "[Group12]","Param1=21","Param2=22","Param3=23", _
        Case 5: DefaultINI = Array"Param1=001","Param2=002","Param3=003", _
                                    "[[SupGroup1]]", _
                                    "Param1=101","Param2=102","Param3=103", _
                                    "[Group11]","Param1=11","Param2=12","Param3=13", _
                                    "[Group12]","Param1=21","Param2=22","Param3=23", _
        Case 6: DefaultINI = Array"[[SupGroup1]]", _
                                    "[Group11]","Param1=11","Param2=12","Param3=13", _
                                    "[Group12]","Param1=21","Param2=22","Param3=23", _
                                    "[Group13]","Param1=31","Param2=32","Param3=33", _
                                    "[[SupGroup2]]", _
                                    "[Group21]","Param1=11","Param2=12","Param3=13", _
                                    "[Group22]","Param1=21","Param2=22","Param3=23", _
                                    "[Group23]","Param1=31","Param2=32","Param3=33", _
                                    "[[SupGroup3]]", _
                                    "[Group31]","Param1=11","Param2=12","Param3=13", _
                                    "[Group32]","Param1=21","Param2=22","Param3=23", _
    End Select
    ' Write Default INI on disk
    ReadWriteListFile ForWriting, DefaultINI, INIFileSpec
    ' Read INI from harddisk into Array
    ReadWriteListFile ForReading, ItemList, INIFileSpec
    ' Changing the value of "Variables" per using the parameter-name
    With INI
        Select Case INIexample
            Case 1: GroupOpen """":                   .Item("Param2") = .Item("Param2") & "333"
            Case 2: GroupOpen """":                   .Item("Param2") = .Item("Param2") & "99" 
                    GroupOpen """Group2":             .Item("Param2") = .Item("Param2") & "55"
            Case 3: GroupOpen """":                   .Item("Param1") = .Item("Param1") & "88" 
                                                        .Item("Param2") = .Item("Param2") & "44"
                    GroupOpen """Group2":             .Item("Param2") = .Item("Param2") & "666"
            Case 4: GroupOpen """":                   .Item("Param2") = .Item("Param2") & "333"
                    GroupOpen "SupGroup1""Group12":   .Item("Param2") = .Item("Param2") & "555"
            Case 5: GroupOpen """":                   .Item("Param2") = .Item("Param2") & "44" 
                    GroupOpen "SupGroup1""":          .Item("Param2") = .Item("Param2") & "66"
                    GroupOpen "SupGroup1""Group12":   .Item("Param2") = .Item("Param2") & "88"
            Case 6: GroupOpen "SupGroup2""Group22":   .Item("Param1") = .Item("Param1") & "111"
                                                        .Item("Param2") = .Item("Param2") & "44"
        End Select
    End With

    ' Write INI from Array to harddisk
    ReadWriteListFile ForWriting, ItemList, INIFileSpec
    ' Display Result on Screen
    WshShell.Run Join(Array("notepad",INIFileSpec)," "), 3True

' --------------- Procedures ---------------

Sub GroupOpen(anySup, anyGrp): If GpON Then GroupClose
    GroupsSelect ForReading, anySup, anyGrp: GpON = TrueEnd Sub
Sub GroupClose: GroupsSelect ForWriting, """": GpON = FalseEnd Sub

Sub GroupsSelect(Direction, byVal AnySupGroup, byVal AnyGroup)
    Dim i, d: d = 1 + 2 * (1 - Direction): If Abs(d) <> 1 Then Exit Sub
    For i = 1 To 2
        Select Case i * d + ( 3 And d < 0)
            Case 1: ReadWriteItemList Direction, AnySupGroup, AnyGroup ' ItemList <-> GroupList
            Case 2: INIObjVars Direction
        End Select
End Sub

Sub ReadWriteItemList(Direction, byVal SupGroupName, byVal GroupName)
    ' ForReading: ItemList -> GroupList
    ' ForWriting: GroupList -> ItemList
    Dim SupGroup, Group, GroupFound, GroupBeen, item, debr
    DoIf Direction <> ForWriting Then Exit Do
        PUSH ItemList,ItemList1: PUSH ItemList,GroupList: PUSH ItemList,ItemList2: Exit Sub
    Loop Until TrueIf Direction <> ForReading Then Exit Sub
    ItemList1 = A0: GroupList = A0: ItemList2 = A0
    SupGroup = "": Group = "": GroupBeen = False
    If SupGroup = SupGroupName And Group = GroupName Then _
        GroupFound = True Else GroupFound = False
    For Each item In ItemList
        debr = Debrack(item) ' debr(0) ... Nr of Brackets, debr(1) ... expression
        If debr(0) > 0 Then
            If debr(0) > 1 Then SupGroup = debr(1): Group = "" Else Group = debr(1
            If SupGroup = SupGroupName And Group = GroupName Then _
                GroupFound = True Else GroupFound = False
            If GroupBeen Then PUSH ItemList2, item Else PUSH ItemList1, item
        ElseIf GroupFound Then
            PUSH GroupList, item: GroupBeen = True
        ElseIf GroupBeen Then PUSH ItemList2, item Else PUSH ItemList1, item
        End If
    Next: ItemList = A0
End Sub

Function Debrack(AnyItem) ' Debrack(0) ... Nr of Brackets, Debrack(1) ... expression
    Dim expr: expr = Replace(Replace(AnyItem,"[",""),"]","")
    Debrack = Array((Len(AnyItem) - Len(expr))\2,expr)
End Function

Sub INIObjVars(ByVal Direction) ' AnyGroupList ... Array
    ' ForReading: Direction=IN, AnyGroupList=IN --> INI.key.items=created for global use
    ' ForWriting: Direction=IN, INI.key.items --> AnyGroupList=OUT 
    Dim item, a, key, j:    With INI
        If Direction = ForReading Then
            .RemoveAll: For Each item In GroupList: a = Split(item, "="): .Add a(0), a(1): Next
        ElseIf Direction = ForWriting And UBound(GroupList) > -1 Then
            A = A0: For Each item In GroupList: PUSH A, Split(item, "=")(0) : Next
            For Each key In .Keys: j = Find(A, key, 1
                If j > -1 Then GroupList(j) = key & "=" & .Item(key)
        End IfEnd With
End Sub

' ----------- General Used Procedures -----------

Function Find(AnyArray, AnyString, AnyComp)
    Dim item: Find = -1If AnyComp <> 0 And AnyComp <> 1 Then Exit Function
    If UBound(AnyArray) < 0 Or AnyString = "" Then Exit Function
    For Each item In AnyArray: INC Find
        If StrComp (item, AnyString, AnyComp) = 0 Then Exit Function
    Next: Find = -1
End Function

Sub PUSH(ByRef AnyArr, ByVal AnyVar) ' AnyVar can be a String, Numeric or a Variant Array
    Dim item: If IsEmpty(AnyArr) Then ReDim AnyArr(-1)
    If Not IsArray(AnyVar) Then AnyVar = Array(AnyVar)
    For Each item In AnyVar
        ReDim Preserve AnyArr(UBound(AnyArr)+1): AnyArr(UBound(AnyArr)) = item
End Sub

Function INC(ByRef AnyNr): AnyNr = AnyNr + 1: INC = AnyNr: End Function

Sub ReadWriteListFile(ByVal Direction, ByRef AnyList, ByVal AnyFileSpec)
    ' ForReading: Direction=IN, AnyList=OUT, AnyFileSpec=IN
    ' ForWriting: Direction=IN, AnyList=IN, AnyFileSpec=IN
    Dim f
    If Direction = ForReading Then 'returns lines in an array
        AnyList = A0: If Not fso.FileExists(AnyFileSpec) Then Exit Sub
        Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(AnyFileSpec, ForReading)
        While Not f.AtEndOfStream: PUSH AnyList, f.ReadLine: Wend: f.Close()
    ElseIf Direction = ForWriting Then
        ' If AnyList not defined (DIM AnyList(-1)), then save no file with lenght 0
        ' and if such a previous extant, then delete. Writes lines without quotation marks.
        ' True overwrites already existant files, WriteLine would make ein CrLf behind
        If fso.FileExists (AnyFileSpec) Then fso.DeleteFile(AnyFileSpec)
        If UBound(AnyList) < 0 Then Exit Sub
        Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(AnyFileSpec, ForWriting, True)
        f.Write Join(AnyList,vbCrLf): f.Close
    End If
End Sub