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Ein Programm in der Programmiersprache A program in the programming language
zum Lesen und Schreiben von Daten in INI-Dateien for reading and writing of data in INI-files

Das ist eine abgespeckte (minimalisierte) Version, die davon ausgeht, dass keine Fehler in den Default-Daten und den Daten der INI-Datei vorkommen und das Programmbeispiel soll das Prinzip zeigen, wie man das Datenformat ändern muss, damit man vom Programm her einen einfachen und bequemen Zugriff auf die gewünschten Parameter hat, sodass der Code insgesamt verkleinert wird. Weiters werden die Möglichkeiten des Dictionary-Objekts verwendet, um automatisch Variablen-Namen durch Eigenschaftsnamen eines Dictionary-Objekts zu ersetzen, sodass diese der Programmierer wie Variablen-Namen verwenden kann, die automatisch gleich sind wie die Parameter-Namen in der INI-Datei.

Weiters sind alle Formatumwandlungs-Prozeduren für beide Richtungen gemacht, sodass man bei der Abspeicherung der Daten des INI-Arrays nur die Reihenfolge der Prozeduraufrufe umkehren muss und es kann schliesslich mit einer einzigen Prozedur alles in beide Richtungen konvertiert werden.

This is a slimmed (minimalised) version, which emanates from no errors in the default-data and the data of the INI-file and the program-example is to show the principle, how one must change the data-format, that one has from the program a simple and comfortable access to the desired parameters, so that the code in total can be made smaller. Further there are used the possibilities of the dictionary-object, in order to replace the variable-names by propertynames of a dictionary-object, so that the programmer can use them like variable-names, which are automaticly equal with the parameter-names in the INI-file.

Further there are all format-conversion-procedures made for both directions, so that one by the saving of the data of the INI-array only needs to reverse the order of the procedure-calls and it can finally be converted all with one single procedure in both directions.

Das Programm ist getestet vor der Publikation, aber es kann keine Garantie gegeben werden, dass es fehlerfrei ist

The program ist tested before publication, but there can be given no guarantee, that it is free of errors
7. Dez. 2013 Dec 7th 2013

' ReadWriteINI

' Here it is used the Dictionary-Object-Technique to get objects with
' property names, which can be used by the programmer like variables
' which have the same names as the parameters in the INI-file on disk

' It is extra shown, that Parameter-Names in different groups can be equal

' All is done without cleaning INI-lines, because it is assumed,
' that the DefaultINI and the INI-Data on disk are error-free

Option Explicit

Const ForReading1ForWriting2
Dim FileSpec  ' Strings
Dim DefaultINI, ItemList, GroupList, Params ' Arrays
Dim fso, f, INI ' Objects
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set INI = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

FileSpec = "c:\Users\UserName\Documents\Scripts\ReadWriteINI.INI"
DefaultINI = Array( "[Group1]","Param1=11","Param2=12","Param3=13",_

' Job

ReadWriteListFile ForWriting, DefaultINI, FileSpec ' Write Default INI on disk
ReadWriteINI ForReading, FileSpec, "Group2" ' Loads INI-Dictionary-Obj from disk
INI.Item("Param2")= 2255 ' Changing the value of one "Variable" per using the parameter-name
ReadWriteINI ForWriting, FileSpec, "Group2" ' Saves INI-Dictionary-Obj to disk

' Procedures

Sub ReadWriteINI(ByVal Direction, ByVal AnyFileSpec, ByVal AnyGroup)
    ' ForReading: Direction=IN, AnyFileSpec=IN, AnyGroup=IN
    ' ForWriting: Direction=IN, AnyFileSpec=IN, AnyGroup=IN
    ' ForWriting: Procedures worked down in the opposite order to 
    ' restore original INI-file-format on disk
    Dim i, d: d = 0
    Select Case Direction
        Case ForReading: d = 1
        Case ForWriting: d = -1
    End Select
    For i = 1 To 4
        Select Case i * d + ( 5 And d < 0)
            Case 1: ReadWriteListFile Direction, ItemList, FileSpec
            Case 2: GroupUngroupParams Direction, ItemList, GroupList
            Case 3: AccessParams Direction, GroupList, Params, AnyGroup
            Case 4: INIObjVars Direction, Params
        End Select
End Sub

Sub INIObjVars(ByVal Direction, ByRef AnyParams) ' AnyParams ... Array
    ' ForReading: Direction=IN, AnyParams=IN --> INI.key.items=created for global use
    ' ForWriting: Direction=IN, INI.key.items --> AnyParams=OUT 
    Dim item, a, key
    If Direction = ForReading Then
        For Each item In AnyParams
            a = Split(item, "="): INI.Add a(0), a(1)
    ElseIf Direction = ForWriting Then
        AnyParams = Array()
        For Each key In INI.Keys
            PUSH AnyParams, key & "=" & INI.Item(key)
    End If
End Sub

Sub AccessParams(ByVal Direction, ByRef AnyGroupList, ByRef AnyParamList, ByVal AnyGroupName)
    ' ForReading: Direction=IN, AnyGroupList=IN, AnyParamList=OUT, AnyGroupName=IN
    ' ForWriting: Direction=IN, AnyGroupList=OUT, AnyParamList=unchanged, AnyGroupName=IN
    Dim item, i: i = -1
    For Each item In AnyGroupList: INC i
        If UCase(Split(item, ",")(0)) = UCase(AnyGroupName) Then
            If Direction = ForReading Then
                AnyParamList = Split(Mid(item, Len(AnyGroupName) + 2),",")
            ElseIf Direction = ForWriting Then
                AnyGroupList(i) =  AnyGroupName & "," & Join(AnyParamList, ",")
            End If
        End If
End Sub

Sub GroupUngroupParams(ByVal Direction, ByRef AnyItems, ByRef AnyGroupChains)
    ' ForReading: Direction=IN, AnyItems=IN, AnyGroupChains=OUT
    ' ForWriting: Direction=IN, AnyItems=OUT, AnyGroupChains=IN
    Dim item, A, sTmp: sTmp = ""
    If Direction = ForReading Then
        AnyGroupChains = Array()
        For Each item In AnyItems
            If Left(item,1) = "[" And Right(item,1) = "]" Then
                If sTmp <> "" Then PUSH AnyGroupChains, sTmp
                sTmp = Mid(item, 2Len(item)- 2)
                sTmp = sTmp & "," & item
            End If
        NextIf sTmp <> "" Then PUSH AnyGroupChains, sTmp
    ElseIf Direction = ForWriting Then
        AnyItems = Array()
        For Each item In AnyGroupChains
            A = Split(item, ","): A(0) = "[" & A(0) & "]"
            PUSH AnyItems, A
    End If
End Sub

Sub ReadWriteListFile(ByVal Direction, ByRef AnyList, ByVal AnyFileSpec)
    ' ForReading: Direction=IN, AnyList=OUT, AnyFileSpec=IN
    ' ForWriting: Direction=IN, AnyList=IN, AnyFileSpec=IN
    Dim MyFile, Line, LastLine
    If Direction = ForReading Then 'returns lines in an array
        ReDim AnyList(-1)
        If fso.FileExists(AnyFileSpec) Then
            Set MyFile = fso.OpenTextFile(AnyFileSpec, ForReading)
            While Not MyFile.AtEndOfStream
                ReDim Preserve AnyList(UBound(AnyList)+1)
                AnyList(UBound(AnyList)) = MyFile.ReadLine
            Wend: MyFile.Close()
        End If
    ElseIf Direction = ForWriting Then
        ' If AnyList not defined (DIM AnyList(-1)), 
        ' then save no file with lenght 0 and 
        ' if such a previous extant, then delete.
        ' writes lines without quotation marks
        ' True overwrites already existant files
        ' WriteLine makes ein CrLf behind
        If UBound(AnyList) > -1 Then
            If fso.FileExists (AnyFileSpec) Then fso.DeleteFile(AnyFileSpec)
            Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(AnyFileSpec, ForWritingTrue)
            f.Write Join(AnyList,vbCrLf): f.Close
        ElseIf fso.FileExists(AnyFileSpec) Then
            Set f = fso.GetFile(AnyFileSpec): f.Delete
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub PUSH(ByRef AnyArr, ByVal AnyVar) ' AnyVar can be a String, Numeric or a Variant Array
    Dim item: If IsEmpty(AnyArr) Then ReDim AnyArr(-1)
    If Not IsArray(AnyVar) Then AnyVar = Array(AnyVar)
    For Each item In AnyVar
        ReDim Preserve AnyArr(UBound(AnyArr)+1): AnyArr(UBound(AnyArr)) = item
End Sub

Function INC(ByRef AnyNr)
    AnyNr = AnyNr + 1: INC = AnyNr
End Function