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Ein Programm in der Programmiersprache | A program in the programming language | |||
vbScript + Power BASIC combined to one program | ||||
ein vbScript-Programm ruft 2 Dateiauswahlfenster auf, die in Power-Basic geschrieben sind | a vbScript-Program calls 2 File-Select-Windows, written in Power-Basic | |||
Es ist schwierig, in vbScript einen Code für perfekte Datei-Auswahlfenster zu finden, aber in Power-Basic sind sie perfekt und einfach zu schreiben. So kann man einen Power-Basic-Code per vbScript aufrufen. Dazu ist wohl ein Mehrfaches an Code notwendig für die Übergabe von Informationen in beiden Richtungen über die Festplatte, aber ein Teil davon sind allgemein verwendete Prozeduren, die dann vom anderen Programm mit verwendet werden können. Und man kann danach die Methode verwenden, um Code auszulagern, wenn die Funktionen von grossen Programmen zu unübersichtlich werden. Das Script merkt sich die Pfade, die bei der Datei-Auswahl eingestellt wurden in einer INI-Datei, und beim nächsten Aufruf werden diese als Startpfade verwendet. Beim erstmaligen Programmlauf werden vorgegebene Pfade verwendet. Power-BASIC ist eine Compiler-Sprache und läuft als exe-Datei, kann aber auch ohne den Aufruf durch das Script verwendet werden. Es erkennt dann, dass keine entsprechende INI erzeugt wurde und erlaubt ein Dateiauswahl mit voreingestellten Werten für den Start. Dann ruft es seinerseits ein Script auf unter einem fixen Namen, das vom Benutzer frei gestaltet werden kann. | It is difficult to find a code in vbSript for perfect file-select-windows, but in Power-Basic they are perfekt and simple to write. So one can call a Power-Basic-Code per vbScript. For this there is certainly nessesary a multiple of code for the tranfer of informations in both directions over the harddisk, but a part of it are generally used procedures, which can be used too by the other program. And one can use the method for outsourcing of code, if the large-program-functions get too confusing. The script remembers the pathes, which are selected by the file-select in an INI-file and by a next call they were used as start-pathes. By the first-time program-run default-pathes are used. Power-BASIC is a compiler language and runs as exe-file, but can also be used without a call by the script. Then it recognises, that no appropriate INI has been generated and admits a file-select with default-values for start. Thereafter it calls itsself a script under a fix name, which can be shaped free by the user. | |||
Das Programm ist getestet vor der Publikation, aber es kann keine Garantie gegeben werden, dass es fehlerfrei ist | The program ist tested before publication, but there can be given no guarantee, that it is free of errors | |||
1. Nov. 2014 | Nov 1st 2014 |
vbScript - Code ' Variable- and Object-declarations Dim ScriptSpec, ScriptPath, ScriptName ' Strings Dim INIfileSpec, SourceFileSpec, DestFileSpec, ErrMsg Dim DialogNr ' Numerics Dim PrevResults, INImsg, CallMsg, A0: A0 = Array() ' Arrays Dim fso, WshShell ' Objects Const RD = 1, WR = 2 ' Constants ' Instantiation of Objects Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") GetScriptSpec ' Program ' CallExternalData = True if no ErrorMsg was made ' data are in global variables If CallExternalData Then Program Sub Program MsgBox SourceFileSpec ' to show what comes out MsgBox DestFileSpec ' Program to insert here End Sub ' Procedures Function CallExternalData Do: ErrMsg = "break off by the user" SourceFileSpec = CallFileSpecFromOutside("Select SourceFile") If SourceFileSpec = "" Then Exit Do DestFileSpec = CallFileSpecFromOutside("Select DestinationFile") If DestFileSpec = "" Then Exit Do ErrMsg = "" Loop Until True: WshShell.SendKeys "% x" ' should maximise succeeding windows CallExternalData = Not DisplayMsg(ErrMsg) End Function Function CallFileSpecFromOutside(Title) ReadWriteListFile RD, INImsg, INIfileSpec If UBound(INImsg) < 0 Or UBound(INImsg) <> 1 Then _ INImsg = DefaultPathes: ReadWriteListFile WR, INImsg, INIfileSpec PrevResults = INImsg: CallMsg = GetCallMsg( Title, INImsg) ReadWriteListFile WR, CallMsg, INIfileSpec RunCmdLine BPth(ScriptPath, ScriptName & ".EXE"), "" ' --------- Called External Pgm is running here --------- ReadWriteListFile RD, INImsg, INIfileSpec If UBound(INImsg) < 0 Then PUSH INImsg, "" If INImsg(0) <> "" Then PrevResults(DialogNr) = fso.GetParentFolderName(INImsg(0)) End If: ReadWriteListFile WR, PrevResults, INIfileSpec CallFileSpecFromOutside = INImsg(0) End Function Function DefaultPathes Dim A: A = A0 PUSH A, "d:\..... your source-file-path ....." PUSH A, "d:\..... your destination-file-path .....""" DefaultPathes = A End Function Function GetCallMsg(Title, Pathes) Dim AllTitles, A: A = A0: DialogNr = -1 AllTitles = Split("Select SourceFile,Select DestinationFile",",") Select Case Title Case AllTitles(0) PUSH A, Array(Title, "300", "200") PUSH A, Pathes(0) PUSH A, Array("BASIC", "*.vbs;*.hta;*.bas","") DialogNr = 0 Case AllTitles(1) PUSH A, Array(Title, "300", "200") PUSH A, Pathes(1) PUSH A, Array("HTML", "*.htm;*.html","") DialogNr = 1 End Select: GetCallMsg = A End Function ' General Used Procedures Sub GetScriptSpec ScriptSpec = WScript.ScriptFullName ScriptPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(ScriptSpec) ScriptName = fso.GetBaseName(ScriptSpec) INIfileSpec = BPth(ScriptPath, ScriptName & ".INI") End Sub Function RunCmdLine(AnyFileSpec, AnyParam) ' Returns False if AnyFileSpec not exists Dim CmdLine: RunCmdLine = False If Not fso.FileExists(AnyFileSpec) Then Exit Function CmdLine = qo(AnyFileSpec) If AnyParam <> "" Then CmdLine = Join(Array(CmdLine,qo(AnyParam))," ") WshShell.Run CmdLine, 1, True RunCmdLine = True End Function Sub PUSH(ByRef AnyArr, byVal AnyVar) ' AnyVar can be a String, Numeric or a Variant Array Dim item: If Not IsArray(AnyVar) Then AnyVar = Array(AnyVar) For Each item In AnyVar: ReDim Preserve AnyArr(UBound(AnyArr)+1) AnyArr(UBound(AnyArr)) = item: Next End Sub Function qo(AnyString): qo = """" & AnyString & """": End Function Function BPth(aStr, bStr): BPth = fso.BuildPath(aStr, bStr): End Function Function DisplayMsg(AnyMsg) If AnyMsg = "" Then DisplayMsg = False Else DisplayMsg = True If DisplayMsg Then MsgBox AnyMsg,,"Error" End Function Sub ReadWriteListFile(ByVal Direction, ByRef AnyList, ByVal AnyFileSpec) Dim f, Line, LastLine, Ubd, A If Direction = RD Then 'returns CodeLines in an array AnyList = A0: If Not fso.FileExists(AnyFileSpec) Then Exit Sub Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(AnyFileSpec, RD) While Not f.AtEndOfStream: PUSH AnyList, f.ReadLine: Wend: f.Close ElseIf Direction = WR Then A = AnyList: Ubd = UBound(A) If Ubd < 0 Then fso.DeleteFile(AnyFileSpec): Exit Sub If fso.FileExists (AnyFileSpec) Then fso.DeleteFile(AnyFileSpec) LastLine = A(Ubd): ReDim Preserve A(Ubd-1) Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(AnyFileSpec, WR, True) If Ubd > 0 Then For Each Line In A: f.WriteLine Line: Next f.Write LastLine: f.Close End If End Sub ' End of Procedures Power BASIC - Code ![]() #COMPILE EXE #DIM ALL %TRUE = -1 %FALSE = 0 GLOBAL INIfileName AS STRING FUNCTION PBMAIN () AS LONG DIM FileSpec AS STRING, CommandLine AS STRING DIM INImsg() AS STRING, INIexist AS INTEGER ' initialise variables INIexist = %TRUE: INIfileName = EXE.NAME$ & ".INI" ' read-in parameters ReadArrayFromFile(INImsg(), EXE.PATH$ & INIfileName) ' EXE.PATH$ with \ ' correct parameters if needed to default values IF NOT(ARRAYATTR(INImsg(), 0)) THEN CALL GetDefault(INImsg()) INIexist = %FALSE ' detected program call from vbs ELSEIF (UBOUND(INImsg)) <> 6 THEN ' coarse check if INI right CALL GetDefault(INImsg()) END IF ' ========== FileOpenSelectCall =========== FileSpec = FileOpenSelect(INImsg()) ' ========================================= CALL WriteTextToFile(FileSpec, EXE.PATH$ & INIfileName) IF INIexist = %True THEN EXIT FUNCTION ' for use of the program without call from vbs CommandLine = EXE.PATH$ & EXE.NAME$ & ".vbs" IF ISFILE(CommandLine) THEN SHELL "WScript.exe " & CommandLine END FUNCTION ' Procedures SUB GetDefault(BYREF AnyArr() AS STRING) DIM i% DATA "Select a File", "300", "200" DATA "c:\Users\Public\Documents" DATA "All Files", "*.*","" REDIM AnyArr(0 TO DATACOUNT-1) ' DIM instead of REDIM does not work FOR i% = 0 TO DATACOUNT-1: AnyArr(i%) = READ$(i%+1): NEXT END SUB FUNCTION FileOpenSelect(Parameters$()) AS STRING ' DISPLAY OPENFILE [hParent], [xpos&], [ypos&], title$, folder$, filter$, _ ' start$, defextn$, flags& TO filevar$ [,countvar&] ' Parameter = title, xpos, ypos, startpath, filetype, filter, startfilename DIM countvar&, filevar$ DIM A(0 TO UBOUND(Parameters$)) AS STRING CALL ArrayCopy(A(), Parameters$()) DISPLAY OPENFILE %HWND_DESKTOP, _ VAL(A(1)), VAL(A(2)), A(0), A(3), _ CHR$(A(4), 0, A(5), 0), A(6), "", _ %OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT + %OFN_ENABLESIZING + _ %OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST + %OFN_NOVALIDATE + _ %OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST TO filevar$, countvar& FUNCTION = filevar$ END FUNCTION ' General Used Procedures SUB ArrayCopy(ArrCopy() AS STRING, BYREF AnyArr() AS STRING) DIM i&: REDIM ArrCopy(0 TO UBOUND(AnyArr)) FOR i& = 0 TO UBOUND(AnyArr): ArrCopy(i&) = AnyArr(i&): NEXT END SUB SUB ReadArrayFromFile(BYREF AnyArray() AS STRING, BYVAL AnyFilSpec AS STRING) DIM count&: REDIM AnyArray(0 TO -1) IF ISFILE(AnyFilSpec) THEN OPEN AnyFilSpec FOR INPUT AS #1 FILESCAN #1, RECORDS TO count& IF count& > 0 THEN REDIM AnyArray(0 TO count&) LINE INPUT #1, AnyArray() TO count& END IF CLOSE #1 END IF END SUB SUB WriteTextToFile(AnyText AS STRING, BYVAL AnyFileSpec AS STRING) OPEN AnyFileSpec FOR OUTPUT AS #1: PRINT #1, AnyText;: CLOSE #1 END SUB ' End of procedures | ||