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Ein Programm in der Programmiersprache | A program in the programming language | ||||||||||||||||||
vbScript | |||||||||||||||||||
zum Lesen und Schreiben von Daten in INI-Dateien | for reading and writing of data in INI-files | ||||||||||||||||||
In INI-Dateien sind alle programm-relevanten Daten und Einstellungen in Form von Klartext gespeichert. Das Programm besorgt das Laden und Sichern dieser Daten, das Suchen benötigter Daten aus dem INI-Datei-Text und das Hineinschreiben an der richtigen Stelle, wobei die Reihenfolge keine Rolle spielen soll. Bei der Verwendung benötigter Parameter stellt das Programm automatisch fest, ob es schon von der Festplatte in das RAM geladen wurde, erzeugt im Speicher eine Kopie, welche benützt wird und am Ende dann auf die Festplatte zurück gespeichert wird. Wenn noch keine INI-Datei vorhanden ist, erzeugt das Programm eine INI-Datei mit Anfangswerten. Da der Nutzer die INI-Datei von ausserhalb des Programms verändern kann, ist eine Fehlerkorrektur eingebaut, die die INI-Datei von unnötigen Leerzeichen usw säubert und fehlerhafte Eintragungen entfernt. Dann wird festgestellt, ob die INI-Datei alle nötigen Kriterien erfüllt, die ein richtiges Funktionieren erlauben, ansonsten wird eine neue INI-Datei erzeugt mit Defaultwerten als Eintragungen. Weiters soll die INI-Datei im selben Verzeichnis sein wie die Programm-Datei und den gleichen Namen haben wie die Programm-Datei. Dazu ist eine automatische Erkennung eingebaut, sodaß man den Programm-Namen beliebig verändern kann und das Programm in ein beliebig anderes verschieben kann. Die Darstellung zeigt u.a., wieviel Programm notwendig ist und welche komplizierten Algorithmen, allein für die Behandlung einer INI-Datei, ungeachtet des Umstandes, dass ein wesentlicher Teil des Programms ist nur für die Demonstration, wie es funktioniert. | In INI-files there are stored all program-relevant data and settlings in form of clear-text. The program cares for loading and saving of this data, the search of needy data out of the INI-file-text and the writing-in at the right place, whereby the sequence shall not play any role. By the use of the needed parameters the program determines automaticly, wether it is already loaded from hard-disk into the memory, generates in the memory a copy, which is hence used and at the end all is stored back on hard-disk. If there is no INI-file extant yet, the program generates an INI-file with start-values. Because the user can change the INI-file from outside of the program, there is built-in an error-correction, which cleans the INI-file from unneeded empty-characters etc. and faulty enrollments. Then it is determined, wether the INI-file fulfils all criteria, which allow a correct functioning, otherwise a new INI-File is created with default-values as enrollments. Furthermore the INI-File should be in the same folder as the program-file und have the same name as the program. For this there is built-in an automatic recognition, so that one can change the program-name arbitrarily und move the program in another, arbitrary folder. The depiction shows, among others, how much program is necessary and which complicated algorithms, alone for the treatment of an INI-file, let alone the circumstance, that an essential part of the program is only for demonstration how it works. | ||||||||||||||||||
Das Programm ist getestet vor der Publikation, aber es kann keine Garantie gegeben werden, dass es fehlerfrei ist | The program ist tested before publication, but there can be given no guarantee, that it is free of errors | ||||||||||||||||||
22. Aug. 2012 | Aug 22nd 2012 |
' Exchange Data with INI-Files Option Explicit ' Declaration of Constant, Variables and Objects ' necessary for demonstration-program only Public Title ' Strings Dim Version ' numeric ' necessary for INI-procedures-package Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2 ' Constants Public INIArray, INIdefaultArray ' Arrays ReDim INIArray(-1), INIdefaultArray(-1) ' Arrays Public INIFileSpec, TmpText ' Strings Dim CurrentDirectory, FulName, FileName, IniText, ErrMsg ' Strings Dim Value, INIfileOnDisk ' numeric Dim fso, f, WshShell ' Objects Dim INI, GUM ' Classes ' Instantiations of Objects and Classes Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' Objects Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set INI = New INIfileProcedurePackage ' Classes Set GUM = New GenerallyUsedModules ' Assignments of program parameters ' necessary for demonstration-program only Title = Split("After Reading from INI-Array,Result after Writing",",") ' necessary for INI-procedures-package CurrentDirectory = WshShell.CurrentDirectory & "\" FulName = WScript.ScriptName FileName = Left(FulName,InStrRev(FulName,".")-1) INIFileSpec = CurrentDirectory & FileName & ".INI" ' Program for demonstration of the functions ' the groupname must be right or if no groupname it must be "", ' otherwise an error is indicated or it should create a new INI-file With INI For Version = 0 To 1 If Version = 0 Then ' without Groupnames For INIfileOnDisk = 0 To 1 If INIfileOnDisk = 0 Then If fso.FileExists(INIFileSpec) Then fso.DeleteFile(INIFileSpec) ReDim INIArray(-1) End If ReadOut ' INIdefaultArray ReadIn "Parameter1=3,Parameter2=4,Parameter3=asdf" ReadIn "Parameter4=17" INIdefaultArray = ReadOut ErrMsg = .PutGetValueInINIArray(ForReading, "", "Parameter1", Value) MsgBox Msg(ErrMsg,Version,INIfileOnDisk,"","Parameter1",Value),,Title(0) ErrMsg = .PutGetValueInINIArray(ForWriting, "", "Parameter1", "55") ErrMsg = .PutGetValueInINIArray(ForReading, "", "Parameter1", Value) MsgBox Msg(ErrMsg,Version,INIfileOnDisk,"","Parameter1",Value),,Title(0) GUM.ReadWriteListFile ForWriting, INIArray, INIFileSpec GUM.ReadWriteListFile ForReading, INIArray, INIFileSpec MsgBox Msg(ErrMsg,Version,INIfileOnDisk,"[GroupName1]","Parameter1",Value) & _ vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Replace("GroupList-Content:" & vbCrLf & _ Join(INIArray,vbCrLf),vbTab,","),,Title(0) Next Else ' with Groupnames For INIfileOnDisk = 0 To 1 If INIfileOnDisk = 0 Then If fso.FileExists(INIFileSpec) Then fso.DeleteFile(INIFileSpec) ReDim INIArray(-1) End If ReadOut ' INIdefaultArray ReadIn "[GroupName1],Parameter1=3,Parameter2=4,Parameter3=asdf" ReadIn "[GroupName2],Parameter1=17,Parameter1=11" INIdefaultArray = ReadOut ErrMsg = .PutGetValueInINIArray(ForReading, "[GroupName1]", "Parameter2", Value) MsgBox Msg(ErrMsg,Version,INIfileOnDisk,"[GroupName1]","Parameter2",Value),,Title(0) ErrMsg = .PutGetValueInINIArray(ForWriting, "[GroupName1]", "Parameter2", "77") ErrMsg = .PutGetValueInINIArray(ForReading, "[GroupName1]", "Parameter2", Value) MsgBox Msg(ErrMsg,Version,INIfileOnDisk,"[GroupName1]","Parameter2",Value),,Title(0) GUM.ReadWriteListFile ForWriting, INIArray, INIFileSpec GUM.ReadWriteListFile ForReading, INIArray, INIFileSpec MsgBox Msg(ErrMsg,Version,INIfileOnDisk,"[GroupName1]","Parameter2",Value) & _ vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Replace("GroupList-Content:" & vbCrLf & _ Join(INIArray,vbCrLf),vbTab,","),,Title(1) Next End If Next End With: MsgBox "Procedure done" ' End of Program ' Procedures for demonstration-program ' Input-Output-Routines ' For in script assigned values Function ReadIn(ByVal AnyText) If TmpText <> "" Then TmpText = TmpText & "," TmpText = TmpText & AnyText End Function Function ReadOut ReadOut = Split(TmpText,","): TmpText = "" End Function ' For Display on screen Function Msg(ErrMsg,Version,INIfileOnDisk,GroupName,Parameter,Value) Msg = "Version: " & CStr(Version) & vbCrLf _ & "INIfileOnDisk: " & CStr(INIfileOnDisk) & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & "in Group: """ & GroupName & """, Parameter: """ & Parameter & "" If ErrMsg = "" Then Msg = Msg & """, Value: """ & Value & """" ElseIf ErrMsg = "wrong direction" Then Msg = "" Else End If: Msg = ErrMsg & vbCrLf & Msg End Function ' End of Procedures Class INIfileProcedurePackage Function PutGetValueInINIarray(Direction, AnyGroupName, AnyParameter, ByRef AnyValue) Dim ErrMsg: ErrMsg = "" If UBound(INIArray) = -1 Then If fso.FileExists (INIFileSpec) Then GUM.ReadWriteListFile ForReading, INIArray, INIFileSpec Else GUM.ReadWriteListFile ForWriting, INIdefaultArray, INIFileSpec INIArray = GUM.CopyArray(INIdefaultArray) MsgBox "New INI-File created" End If If CheckContent(INIdefaultArray, INIArray) = False Then GUM.ReadWriteListFile ForWriting, ConvertToNormalFormat(INIdefaultArray), INIFileSpec End If End If If ErrMsg = "" Then ErrMsg = PutGetValueInAnyArray(Direction, INIArray, AnyGroupName, AnyParameter, AnyValue) End If: PutGetValueInINIarray = ErrMsg End Function Function PutGetValueInAnyArray(Direction, ByRef AnyGroupArray, _ AnyGroupName, AnyParameter, ByRef AnyValue) Dim i, j, OneGroupList, aTmp, ParameterName, Value, ErrorMsg ErrorMsg = "Wrong code for direction" If Direction = ForReading Or Direction = ForWriting Then ErrorMsg = "no item found" If UBound (AnyGroupArray) > -1 Then For i = 0 To UBound(AnyGroupArray) OneGroupList = Split(AnyGroupArray(i),vbTab) If UCase(OneGroupList(0)) = UCase(AnyGroupName) Then For j = 1 To UBound(OneGroupList) aTmp = Split(OneGroupList(j),"=") ParameterName = aTmp(0): Value = aTmp(1) If UCase(ParameterName) = UCase(AnyParameter) Then ErrorMsg = "" If Direction = ForReading Then AnyValue = Value ElseIf Direction = ForWriting Then OneGroupList(j) = ParameterName & "=" & AnyValue End If End If: If ErrorMsg = "" Then Exit For Next: AnyGroupArray(i) = Join(OneGroupList,vbTab) If ErrorMsg = "" Then Exit For End If Next End If End If: PutGetValueInAnyArray = ErrorMsg End Function Function CheckContent(ByRef AnyArray1, ByRef AnyArray2) ' Input in Normal-Format, Output in GroupList-Format Dim AnyList, ListNr, OK : OK = False Dim GroupList ' GroupList is another format of INIArray If IsArray(AnyArray1) And IsArray(AnyArray2) Then If UBound(AnyArray1) > -1 And UBound(AnyArray2) > -1 Then AnyList = GUM.CopyArray(AnyArray1) For ListNr = 1 To 2 ' Check AnyArray1 and AnyArray2 If UBound(AnyList) > -1 Then AnyList = CleanArray(AnyList) GroupList = ConvertToGroupListFormat(AnyList) GroupList = RemoveEmptyGroups(GroupList) GroupList = UniteSameNameGroups(GroupList) GroupList = RemoveEqualParametersInSameGroup(GroupList) End If: If ListNr = 2 Then Exit For AnyArray1 = GUM.CopyArray(GroupList) AnyList = GUM.CopyArray(AnyArray2) Next: AnyArray2 = GUM.CopyArray(GroupList) End If: If UBound(AnyArray1) > -1 And UBound(AnyArray2) > -1 Then OK = True If OK Then OK = CompareGroupLists(AnyArray1, AnyArray2) End If: CheckContent = OK End Function Function CleanArray(AnyList) ' Input and Output in Normal-Format Dim ListPos For ListPos = 0 To UBound(AnyList) ' eliminate faulty enrollments LINETYPE AnyList(ListPos) ' GROUP- and Parameter- Detect and Clean Next CleanArray = GUM.RemoveEmptyLines(AnyList) End Function Function RemoveEmptyGroups(AnyGroupList) ' If GroupName and nothing consecutive Dim ListPos If UBound(AnyGroupList) > -1 Then For ListPos = 0 To UBound(AnyGroupList) If UBound(Split(AnyGroupList(ListPos),vbTab)) = 0 Then AnyGroupList(ListPos) = "" End If Next End If: RemoveEmptyGroups = GUM.RemoveEmptyLines(AnyGroupList) End Function Function UniteSameNameGroups(AnyGroupList) Dim i, j, k, aTmp1, aTmp2, Line1, Line2 If UBound(AnyGroupList) > -1 Then For i = 0 To UBound(AnyGroupList) - 1: Line1 = AnyGroupList(i) If Line1 <> "" And InStr(Line1,vbTab) > 0 Then For j = i + 1 To UBound(AnyGroupList): Line2 = AnyGroupList(j) If Line2 <> "" And InStr(Line2,vbTab) > 0 Then aTmp1 = Split(Line1,vbTab): aTmp2 = Split(Line2,vbTab) If aTmp1(0) = aTmp2(0) Then For k = 1 To UBound(aTmp2) Line1 = Line1 & vbTab & aTmp2(k) Next: AnyGroupList(j) = "" AnyGroupList(i) = Line1 End If End If Next End If Next End If: UniteSameNameGroups = GUM.RemoveEmptyLines(AnyGroupList) End Function Function RemoveEqualParametersInSameGroup(AnyGroupList) Dim i, j, k, Line, OneGroupList, ParamName1, ParamName2 For i = 0 To UBound(AnyGroupList) ' Eliminate equal Parameters in same group Line = AnyGroupList(i): OneGroupList = Split(Line,vbTab) For j = 1 To UBound(OneGroupList) - 1 ' Eliminate multiple equal Parameters If OneGroupList(j) <> "" Then ParamName1 = UCase(Split(OneGroupList(j),"=")(0)) For k = j + 1 To UBound(OneGroupList) If OneGroupList(k) <> "" Then ParamName2 = UCase(Split(OneGroupList(k),"=")(0)) If ParamName1 = ParamName2 Then OneGroupList(k) = "" End If Next End If Next: Line = Join(OneGroupList,vbTab) While InStr(Line, vbTab & vbTab) Line = Replace(Line, vbTab & vbTab, vbTab) Wend: If Right(Line,1) = vbTab Then Line = Left(Line,Len(Line) - 1) AnyGroupList(i) = Line: OneGroupList = GUM.RemoveEmptyLines(OneGroupList) Next: RemoveEqualParametersInSameGroup = GUM.RemoveEmptyLines(AnyGroupList) End Function Function CompareGroupLists(AnyGroupList1, AnyGroupList2) Dim GroupList1, GroupList2, Passage, OneGroupList, GroupName, ParamName Dim i, j, ErrMsg, OK: OK = False If UBound(AnyGroupList1) > -1 And UBound(AnyGroupList2) > -1 Then GroupList1 = GUM.CopyArray(AnyGroupList1) GroupList2 = GUM.CopyArray(AnyGroupList2) For Passage = 1 To 2 For i = 0 To UBound(GroupList1) OneGroupList = Split(GroupList1(i),",") GroupName = OneGroupList(0) For j = 1 To UBound(OneGroupList): OK = False ParamName = Split(OneGroupList(j),"=")(0) ErrMsg = PutGetValueInAnyArray(ForReading, _ GroupList2, GroupName, ParamName, "") If ErrMsg = "" Then OK = True Next: If Not(OK) Then Exit For Next: If Not(OK) Or Passage = 2 Then Exit For GroupList1 = GUM.CopyArray(AnyGroupList2) GroupList2 = GUM.CopyArray(AnyGroupList1) Next End If: CompareGroupLists = OK End Function ' Line-Type-Detect Function LINETYPE(ByRef AnyString) Dim GroupDetected, ParamDetected, sTmp: sTmp = AnyString GroupDetected = GROUP(sTmp): ParamDetected = PARAM(sTmp) If Not(GroupDetected) And Not(ParamDetected) Then LINETYPE = "": AnyString = "" ElseIf GroupDetected Then LINETYPE = "GROUP": AnyString = sTmp ElseIf ParamDetected Then LINETYPE = "PARAM": AnyString = sTmp End If End Function Function GROUP(ByRef AnyString) ' Detect if line is a group ' needs module GUM.CharInSubset Dim sTmp: sTmp = Trim(AnyString): GROUP = False If Len(sTmp) >= 2 Then If Left(sTmp,1) = "[" And Right(sTmp,1) <> "]" Then sTmp = sTmp & "]" ElseIf Right(sTmp,1) = "]" And Left(sTmp,1) <> "[" Then sTmp = "[" & sTmp End If If Left(sTmp,1) = "[" And Right(sTmp,1) = "]" Then sTmp = Trim(Mid(sTmp,2,Len(sTmp)-2)) ' within square brackets If sTmp <> "" Then GROUP = GUM.CharInSubset("A-Z,0-9, _",sTmp) If GROUP Then If GUM.CharInSubset("0-9,_",Left(sTmp,1)) Then GROUP = False If Right(sTmp,1) = "_" Then GROUP = False End If End If End If: If GROUP Then AnyString = "[" & sTmp & "]" End Function Function PARAM(ByRef AnyString) ' Detect if line is a parameter ' needs module GUM.CharInSubset Dim i, L, R, M, sTmp, aTmp : ReDim aTmp(-1): PARAM = False If GUM.CharInSubset("Chr(32-127),ßäöüÄÖÜ€|", AnyString) Then sTmp = Trim(AnyString): L = "": R = "" If InStr(sTmp,"=") > 0 Then If Len(sTmp) = 2 Then If Right(sTmp,1) = "=" Then PARAM = True If Not(GUM.CharInSubset("A-Z",Left(sTmp,1))) Then PARAM = False ElseIf Len(sTmp) > 2 Then aTmp = Split(Replace(sTmp,"==","="),"=") PARAM = True: If UBound(aTmp) > 1 Then PARAM = False If PARAM Then L = Trim(aTmp(0)): R = Trim(aTmp(1)) If Len(L) = 0 Then PARAM = False If PARAM Then M = "": If Len(L) > 2 Then M = Mid(L,2,Len(L)-2) aTmp = Array(Left(L,1),"A-Z",M,"A-Z,0-9, _",Right(L,1),"A-Z,0-9") For i = 0 To 4 Step 2 If Not(GUM.CharInSubset(aTmp(i+1),aTmp(i))) Then PARAM = False: Exit For End If Next End If End If End If End If End If: If PARAM Then AnyString = L & "=" & R End Function ' Individually adapted service-routines Function ConvertToGroupListFormat(AnyList) Dim sTmp, GroupList: ReDim GroupList(-1) If UBound(AnyList) > -1 Then AnyList = GUM.RemoveEmptyLines(AnyList) sTmp = Join(AnyList, vbTab) sTmp = Replace(sTmp, vbTab & "[", vbLf & "[") GroupList = Split(sTmp, vbLf) If Left(GroupList(0),1) <> "[" Then GroupList(0) = vbTab & GroupList(0) End If: ConvertToGroupListFormat = GroupList End Function Function ConvertToNormalFormat(AnyGroupList) AnyGroupList = GUM.RemoveEmptyLines(AnyGroupList) If Left(AnyGroupList(0),1) = vbTab Then AnyGroupList(0) = Mid(AnyGroupList(0),2) ConvertToNormalFormat = Split(Replace(Join(AnyGroupList,vbLf),vbTab,vbLf),vbLf) End Function End Class Class GenerallyUsedModules Function RemoveEmptyLines(AnyArray) Dim item, sTmp: sTmp = "" For Each item In AnyArray If Len(Trim(item)) Then If Len(sTmp) Then sTmp = sTmp & vbLf sTmp = sTmp & item End If Next: RemoveEmptyLines = Split(sTmp,vbLf) End Function Function CharInSubset(CharTypes, AnyString) ' CharInSubset("Chr(32-127),A-Z,0-9, _[]ßäöüÄÖÜ€|", AnyString) Dim i, j, Char, aTmp, OK, strOK aTmp = Split(CharTypes,","): strOK = True For i = 1 To Len(AnyString) Char = Mid(AnyString,i,1): OK = False For j = 0 To UBound(aTmp) Select Case UCase(aTmp(j)) Case "" Case "CHR(32-127)":If Char >= Chr(32) And Char <= Chr(127) Then OK = True Case "A-Z": If UCase(Char) >= "A" And UCase(Char) <= "Z" Then OK = True Case "0-9": If InStr("0123456789",Char) <> 0 Then OK = True Case Else: If InStr(aTmp(j),Char) <> 0 Then OK = True End Select Next: If Not(OK) Then strOK = False If Not(strOK) Then Exit For Next: CharInSubset = strOK End Function Function CopyArray(AnyArray) CopyArray = AnyArray End Function ' Harddisk-In-Out Sub ReadWriteListFile(ByVal Direction, ByRef AnyList, ByVal AnyFileSpec) Dim MyFile, Line, LastLine If Direction = ForReading Then 'returns lines in an array ReDim AnyList(-1) If fso.FileExists(AnyFileSpec) Then Set MyFile = fso.OpenTextFile(AnyFileSpec, ForReading) While Not MyFile.AtEndOfStream ReDim Preserve AnyList(UBound(AnyList)+1) AnyList(UBound(AnyList)) = MyFile.ReadLine Wend: MyFile.Close End If ElseIf Direction = ForWriting Then ' If AnyList ist not defined (DIM AnyList(-1)), ' then it stores no file with lenght 0 and ' if a previous such is extant, then delete. ' Writes lines without quotation marks ' True overwrites the already extant file ' WriteLine makes a CrLf behind If UBound(AnyList) > -1 Then If fso.FileExists(AnyFileSpec) Then fso.DeleteFile(AnyFileSpec) Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(AnyFileSpec, ForWriting, True) f.Write Join(AnyList,vbCrLf): f.Close ElseIf fso.FileExists(AnyFileSpec) Then fso.DeleteFile(AnyFileSpec) End If End If End Sub End Class | ||