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Ein Programm in der Programmiersprache | A program in the programming language | |||
vbScript | ||||
zur Konversion von jedem BASIC-code in HTML-Text durch Verwendung des Publishers von MS-Office | for conversion of any BASIC-Code in HTML-text by use of the Publisher from MS-Office | |||
der BASIC-Code wird vom Editor per Zwischenablage in den Publisher importiert und dann im HTML-Format exportiert, welches dann mit diesem Programm in eine Form konvertiert wird, dass man es in jede Webseite implementieren kann. TAB-Zeichen werden im HTML-Text durch Leerzeichen ersetzt, weil der Publisher die TABs nicht richtig verarbeitet, aber damit bei einer Einrückung der Textbeginn immer an derselben Stelle ist, muss die Anzahl der Leerzeichen pro TAB verschieden sein, abhängig von der Position des TAB-Zeichens in der Zeile. Das wird mit der Menü-Funktion "ReplaceTABs" im sw-Quellcode gemacht. Dieser wird dann in den vbScript-Editor geladen und der farbige Text von da mittels Screen-Shot und Zwischenablage in den Publisher eingefügt. TAB-Zeichen durch Leerzeichen zu ersetzen ist nur bei Code aus dem vbScript-Editor nötig, weil Visual Studio für VB 2015 erzeugt keine TABs im Code. Der Code ohne TABs wird per Zwischenablage in den Publisher importiert. Der Publisher kann 2 Arten von HTML-text erzeugen, was das Programm automatisch erkennen muss, damit sowohl der Code effizient ist, wie auch die Darstellung mittels Browser fehlerfrei. In der ersten Form ist für jede Zeile ein p-TAG, das einen Zeilenvorschub erzeugt und in welchem sich eine Kette von span-TAGs befindet, mit oder ohne zusätzlichem Zeilenvorschub. Wenn ein Line-Break in einem span-TAG drinnen ist, erkennt das der Browser, aber dann ist kein Zeilenvorschub bei der Betrachtung vom Quell-Text, das macht die Untersuchung für den Programmierer schwieriger. Daher sind die BRs aus den span-TAGs heraus verschoben worden. Das Programm befaßt sich damit, die Farben und Absätze heraus zu suchen und damit selbst einen Code zu erzeugen. |
the BASIC-code is imported per clipboard into the Publisher and than exported in HTML-Format, which than can be converted by this program into a code, which can be implemented into any website. TAB-characters are replaced in HTML-text by spaces, because the publisher does not process the TABs correctly, but that by an indent the beginning of the text is always at the same position, the numbers of spaces must be different dependant at which positions the TAB was in the line. This is done by the menu- function "ReplaceTABs" in the black-white source-code. This is thereafter loaded into the vbScript-Editor and the colored text from there into the clip-board by means of screen-shot. And from there pasted into the publisher. To replace TAB-characters by blanks is only needed for Code from vbScript-Editor, because Visual Studio for VB 2015 generates no TABs in Code. The code without TABs will be imported per clip-board into the publisher. The publisher can generate two forms of HTML-text, which the program must recognise automaticly, so that the code is efficient, as also the depiction by means of browser free of errors. In the first form for each line there is a p-TAG, which produces a line-feed, in which there is a chain of span-TAGs with or without more line-breaks, in the second there is one p-TAG for the entire text and line-breaks are among the span-TAGs. If some are enclosed in span-TAGs, the browser recognises it, but there is no line-break by the view of the source-text, what makes the investigation harder for the programmer. Therefor the BRs are moved out of the span-TAGs. The program deals with, to seek out the colors and paragraphs in order to generate a code itsself with it. | |||
Das Programm ist getestet vor der Publikation, aber es kann keine Garantie gegeben werden, dass es fehlerfrei ist | The program ist tested before publication, but there can be given no guarantee, that it is free of errors | |||
20. Juli 2016 | July 20th 2016 |
Code for Menu <html> <head> <title>Select a Task</title> <HTA:APPLICATION ID="Menu" APPLICATIONNAME="Multiple-selection List Box" BORDER="dialog" INNERBORDER="no" MAXIMIZEBUTTON="no" SCROLL="no" VERSION="1.0"> </head> <SCRIPT Language="VBScript"> Option Explicit Const fName_tmp = "tmp.txt", fExt_Help = ".Help.docx" ' Constants Dim A0: A0 = Array() Const RD = 1, WR = 2 ' needed for DisplayResult if BrkErrMsg Dim OneSelected: OneSelected = False ' Booleans Dim aParameters, MenuTable, ErrMsg, BrkErrMsg ' Arrays aParameters = A0: MenuTable = A0: ErrMsg = A0: BrkErrMsg = A0 Dim fso: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' Objects Dim WshShell: Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") ' OWN needs fso, generates BrkErrMsg Dim OWN: Set OWN = New OwnSysSpecs ' Classes Dim CLD: Set CLD = New Called ' ------------------- Procedures ------------------- Sub Window_OnLoad: Dim ListboxWidth, WindowWidth, WindowHeight Dim objOption, item, i: i = -1 ' WindowWidth and WindowHeight without listbox ListboxWidth = 150: WindowWidth = 70: WindowHeight = 200 ' ful automatic listbox size and window size from nr of tasks mylistbox.style.width = CStr(ListboxWidth) & "px" mylistbox.size = Ubd(MenuTable) + 1 WindowWidth = WindowWidth + ListboxWidth WindowHeight = WindowHeight + 16 * mylistbox.size self.ResizeTo WindowWidth, WindowHeight self.MoveTo (screen.AvailWidth-WindowWidth)/2, _ (screen.AvailHeight-WindowHeight)/2 If BrkErrON() Then Job("") ' from class initialise For Each item In MenuTable Set objOption = Document.createElement("OPTION") objOption.Text = item: objOption.Value = INC(i) mylistbox.Add(objOption) Next End Sub Sub ItemSelected(ButMsg): Dim j, items: items = A0: OneSelected = False Select Case ButMsg Case "Run" For j = 0 To mylistbox.length-1 If mylistbox(j).selected Then _ PUSH items, mylistbox(j).Text: OneSelected = True Next: Job(items): If OneSelected Then window.close Case "Help": DisplayHelp(OWN.fSpec_Help) End Select End Sub Sub Job(SelectedItems): Dim A: A = A0 If BrkErrON() Then _ MsgBox Join(BrkErrMsg, vbCrLf): window.close: Exit Sub PUSH A, "ErrMsg if any": PUSH A, SelectedItems CLD.aTxt = A: If aOff(aParameters) Then MsgBox "Job done" End Sub ' ======================== General Used Procedures ========================= Class OwnSysSpecs Public fSpec, Path, FulName, BaseName, BaseSpec, fSpec_Tmp, fSpec_Help Private Sub Class_Initialize GetOwnFileSpec Menu.commandline: If BrkErrON Then Exit Sub Path = FoP(fSpec) FulName = FiN(fSpec) BaseName = FiB(fSpec) BaseSpec = BPth(Path, BaseName) fSpec_Tmp = BPth(Path, fName_tmp) fSpec_Help = BaseSpec & fExt_Help End Sub Sub GetOwnFileSpec(HTA_ID_CmdLine) ' HTA_ID_CmdLine = Menu.commandline ' HTA_ID_CmdLine comes from <HTA:APPLICATION ID="Menu" fSpec = deqo(Trim(HTA_ID_CmdLine)) If Not FiE(fSpec) Then PUSH BrkErrMsg, "no own-fSpec found" End Sub End Class Class Called: Private A ' for handover of data and run external files Private Sub Class_Initialize: Dim Caller, Called Do: RDWRfile RD, A, OWN.fSpec_Tmp: If aOFF(A) Then Exit Do Caller = LCase(FiB(DEQUEUE(A))): If aOFF(A) Then Exit Do Called = LCase(Split(OWN.BaseName, ".")(0)) If Caller = "" Or Called = "" Then A = A0 If Caller <> Called Then A = A0 Loop Until True: aParameters = A GetMenuTable: WRbrkOffMsgOnDisk("") ' For Breakoff by the User End Sub Private Sub GetMenuTable: Dim i, A: A = A0: If BrkErrON() Then Exit Sub Do: If aON(aParameters) Then PUSH A, aParameters: Exit Do For i = 1 To 13: PUSH A, "item-" & Right("0" & CStr(i),2): Next Loop Until True: MenuTable = A End Sub Public Property Get aTxt(): aTxt = aParameters: End Property Public Property Let aTxt(Value): WRbrkOffMsgOnDisk(Value): End Property Private Sub WRbrkOffMsgOnDisk(Value): A = A0 PUSH A, OWN.FulName: PUSH A, CArr(Value) RDWRfile WR, A, OWN.fSpec_Tmp End Sub End Class Sub DisplayHelp(fSpec) If Not FiE(fSpec) Then MsgBox "no Helpfile found",,"Error": Exit Sub WshShell.Run fSpec, 1, True ' 3 = Fulscreen, True = Wait for Pgm finish End Sub Sub PUSH(ByRef AnyArr, ByVal AnyVar): Dim item, u: CArr AnyArr: CArr AnyVar ' AnyVar can be a String, Numeric or a Variant Array For Each item In AnyVar: u = Ubd(AnyArr) + 1 ReDim Preserve AnyArr(u): AnyArr(u) = item: Next End Sub Sub QUEUE(ByRef AnyArr, ByVal AnyVar) CArr AnyVar: PUSH AnyVar, AnyArr: AnyArr = AnyVar: End Sub Function DEQUEUE(ByRef xArr) ' Pop from LowBound, returns only one single item DEQUEUE = vbNull: If aON(xArr) Then DEQUEUE = xArr(0): DelItem xArr, 0 End Function Sub DelItem(ByRef xArr, ByVal xPos): Dim i, A: A = xArr If aOFF(A) Or xPos < 0 Or xPos > Ubd(A) Then Exit Sub For i = xPos To Ubd(A) - 1: A(i) = A(i + 1): Next ReDim Preserve A(Ubd(A)-1): xArr = A End Sub Sub SWAP(ByRef AnyVar1, ByRef AnyVar2) Dim vTmp: vTmp = AnyVar1: AnyVar1 = AnyVar2: AnyVar2 = vTmp: End Sub Function CArr(ByRef aVar): CArr = aVar: If Not IsArray(aVar) Then _ aVar = Array(aVar): CArr = aVar: End If: End Function Function INC(ByRef AnyNr): AnyNr = AnyNr + 1: INC = AnyNr: End Function Function FiE(FiSpec): FiE = fso.FileExists(FiSpec): End Function Function FiB(FiSpec): FiB = fso.GetBaseName(FiSpec): End Function Function FiN(FiSpec): FiN = fso.GetFileName(FiSpec): End Function Sub FiD(FiSpec): If FiE(FiSpec) Then fso.DeleteFile(FiSpec): End If: End Sub Function FoP(FiSpec): FoP = fso.GetParentFolderName(FiSpec): End Function Function BrkErrON: BrkErrON = aON(BrkErrMsg): End Function Function BPth(xStr1, xStr2): BPth = fso.BuildPath(xStr1, xStr2): End Function Function Ubd(xA): Ubd = UBound(xA): End Function Function aON(xA): aON = Ubd(xA) > -1: End Function Function aOFF(xA): aOFF = Not aON(xA): End Function Function qo(xStr): qo = """" & xStr & """": End Function Function deqo(xStr): deqo=xStr: Dim L: L=Len(xStr): If L<2 Then Exit Function If Left(xStr,1) & Right(xStr,1) = """""" Then deqo = Mid(xStr,2,L-2) End Function Sub RDWRtmpMsg(Dir, ByRef Msg): RDWRfile Dir, Msg, OWN.fSpec_Tmp: End Sub Sub RDWRfile(ByVal Dir, ByRef aTxt, ByVal xfSpec) Dim f, LastLine, Line, NewList, format: format = False ' False = ASCII If Dir = RD Then 'returns lines in an array aTxt = A0: If Not FiE(xfSpec) Then Exit Sub Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(xfSpec, RD,, format) While Not f.AtEndOfStream: PUSH aTxt, f.ReadLine: Wend: f.Close ElseIf Dir = WR Then FiD(xfSpec): If aOFF(aTxt) Then Exit Sub Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(xfSpec, WR, True, format) LastLine = aTxt(Ubd(aTxt)): NewList = A0 If Ubd(aTxt) > 0 Then ReDim Preserve aTxt(Ubd(aTxt)-1) For Each Line In aTxt: f.WriteLine Line: Next End If: f.Write LastLine: f.Close End If End Sub </SCRIPT> <body bgcolor="buttonface"> <p align="center">Convert HTML<BR>from Publisher<BR><BR> <select name="mylistbox"></select><BR><BR> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><!-- button-positioning --> <colgroup><col width="35"><col width="35"><col width="25"> <col width="35"><col width="34"></colgroup><tr><td></td> <td align="center"><!-- button Run --> <input type="button" name="Run" id="Run" value="Run " onclick="ItemSelected('Run')"> </td><td></td> <td align="center"><!-- button Help --> <input type="button" name="Help" id="Help" value="Help" onclick="ItemSelected('Help')"> </td><td></td></tr> </table></p></body></html>
Program ' Converts HTML-code produced by Publisher for inserting into website ' Code from Publisher / Export / HTML publish / Website HTML / HTML publish Option Explicit ' Constants and Variables Definitions before Classes Const SubFldrs = "ToPublish,htm" Const Path_HomePage = "C:\YourPath" Const fExt_Called = ".Menu.hta" Const fExt_Help = ".Help.docx" Const nExt_TABsReplaced = ".TABsReplaced" Const MenuItems1 = "ReplaceTABs,ConvertHTML" Const Titles = "ScriptFile,SourceFile,DestFile" ' On FileSelectWindows Const ErrTxt = "BreakOff by the user" Dim A0, CR0: A0 = Array(): CR0 = vbNullChar ' needed here for DisplayResult if BrkErrMsg Const RD = 1, WR = 2 Dim ErrMsg, BrkErrMsg, Report, aErrTxt: ErrMsg = A0: BrkErrMsg = A0: Report = A0 SetupArrayStyleOfVariables ' after Const ErrTxt Dim WshShell: Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' fso needed here for OWN Dim fso: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Do: ' OWN needs fso, generates BrkErrMsg Dim OWN: Set OWN = New OwnSysSpecs: If BrkErrON() Then Exit Do Dim CLR: Set CLR = New Caller: If BrkErrON() Then Exit Do Dim RTB: Set RTB = New ReplaceTABsByBlanks Dim CHC: Set CHC = New ConvertHTMLcode Dim SCM: Set SCM = New SourceCodeMarkers ' Declarations of Variables Dim Txt_NewHTML, fSpecWebSite, Title, sTAG0 ' Strings (Title for Err-Msg) Dim aTABLES, aTitles ' Arrays Dim aMarkers, StyleSheets, mmDe, mmEn Dim aMenuItems1, aFehler Dim aMarkersCode, aMarkersDate, aTAGsCmt, mLines ' Constants and Variables Definitions after Classes Const numerics = "0123456789" Const HTMLSpecChrs = "<>&""§äöüÄÖÜß;lt;gt;amp;quot;sect;auml;ouml;uuml;Auml;Ouml;Uuml;szlig" Const monthsDe = "Jänner,Feber,März,Apr.,Mai,Juni,Juli,Aug.,Sept.,Okt.,Nov.,Dez." Const monthsEn = "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec" Const TAGsCmt = "<!-- , -->" Const Markers = "Start, of Source-Code#,End;Date, ge, en" ' aMarkersCode(0) = "<!-- Start of Source-Code# -->" ' aMarkersCode(1) = "<!-- End of Source-Code# -->" ' aMarkersDate(0) = "<!-- Date ge -->" ' aMarkersDate(1) = "<!-- Date en -->" Const sTAG01 = "<span lang=de style='font-family:Courier New;font-size:10.0pt;color:#000000;'>" Const sTAG02 = "<span class=""HTML"">": sTAG0 = sTAG01 Const StyleSheet = "span.HTML ,<style type=""text/css"">,<!--,-->,</style>" Const SpanStyle = "span.HTML {lang:de;font-family:Courier New;font-size:10.0pt;color:#000000;'}" Const sTAG1 = "<span>", sTAG2 = "</span>", sTAGc1 = "<span style='color:", sTAGc2 = "'>" Const TABLES = "<table ,</table>" Const Fehler1 = "<span style='color:blue'>To</span><span>2</span>" Const Fehler2 = "<span style='color:blue'>To</span><span> 2</span>" ' =============== Parameters For Browsefile ====================== Dim ScriptPath, SourcePath, DestPath, fSpec_ToPublish ' WshShell needed here unless exist ScriptPath = "YourPath1" SourcePath = "YourPath2" DestPath = "YourPath3" fSpec_ToPublish = "YourFileSpec" Const ExtFilterScript = "vbs files|*.vbs|All Files|*.*" Const ExtFilterSource = "HTML files|*.htm*|All Files|*.*" Const ExtFilterDest = "HTML files|*.htm*|All Files|*.*" ' =========== End of Parameters For Browsefile ==================== SetupArrayStyleOfVariables ' =================================== Program ===================================== Main DisplayResult Loop Until True ' =================================== Procedures ===================================== Sub SetupArrayStyleOfVariables If Not IsObject(CLR) Then aErrTxt = Split(ErrTxt, ","): Exit sub aMenuItems1 = Split(MenuItems1, ",") aTABLES = Split(TABLES, ",") aTitles = Split(Titles, ",") aMarkers = Split(Markers, ",") StyleSheets = Split(StyleSheet, ",") mmDe = Split(monthsDe, ",") mmEn = Split(monthsEn, ",") aFehler = Array(Fehler1, Fehler2) Dim CD, A1, A2: aTAGsCmt = Split(TAGsCmt, ",") CD = Split(Markers, ";"): A1 = Split(CD( 0),","): A2 = Split(CD( 1),",") aMarkersCode = Array(enTAG(A1( 0) & A1( 1)), enTAG(A1( 2) & A1( 1))) aMarkersDate = Array(enTAG(A2( 0) & A2( 1)), enTAG(A2( 0) & A2( 2))) End Sub Sub Main ' ------------ Call Menu and Get Response ----------------- CallMenu( 1) End Sub ' =========================== Class ReplaceTABsByBlanks =========================== Class ReplaceTABsByBlanks Public Sub Main: Dim fSpec, HTMLtxt, A: A = A0 ' Get Code from Source If Not GetFileSpec(fSpec, aTitles( 0)) Then Exit Sub If Not FiE(fSpec) Then PUSH BrkErrMsg, "file " & fSpec & " not found": Exit Sub RDWRfile RD, HTMLtxt, fSpec PUSH A, HTMLtxt DisplayArray A, "vbScript" ReplaceTabs A DisplayArray A, "vbScript, TABreplaced" RDWRfile WR, A, GetfSpecOut(fSpec) End Sub Private Function GetFileSpec(ByRef xfSpec, xTitle): Dim fExt, P, A: A = A0 PUSH A, "Unknown Browsefile-Title": PUSH A, "no valid file chosen" P = GetParameters(xTitle): GetFileSpec = False If Not aON(P) Then PUSH BrkErrMsg, A( 0): Exit Function Do: xfSpec = BrowseFile(P): fExt = LCase(FiExt(xfSpec)) If xfSpec = "" Or fExt = "vbs" Then Exit Do MsgBox A( 1) Loop: If xfSpec <> "" Then GetFileSpec = True: Exit Function Select Case xTitle Case "ScriptFile": PUSH BrkErrMsg, aErrTxt( 0) End Select End Function Private Sub ReplaceTabs(ByRef aTxt): Dim i, LineNr, s: If Not aON(aTxt) Then Exit Sub ' 5,9,13, .... 1-4 -> 5 5-8 -> 9 ' space(4-((i-1) Mod 4)) For LineNr = 0 To Ubd(aTxt): i = 1 Do: i = InStr(i, aTxt(LineNr), vbTab): If i = 0 Then Exit Do s = Space( 4-((i- 1) Mod 4)) aTxt(LineNr) = Substitute(aTxt(LineNr), i, i, s) i = i + Len(s) - 1 Loop Next End Sub Private Function GetfSpecOut(xfSpec): Dim fBase, fExt fBase = FiB(xfSpec): fExt = "." & FiExt(xfSpec) GetfSpecOut = BPth(FoP(xfSpec), fBase & nExt_TABsReplaced & fExt) End Function End Class ' ============================= Class ConvertHTMLcode ============================= Class ConvertHTMLcode Public Sub Main: Dim HTMLtxt, SingleLineTxt, HTMLtxtIn, HTMLtxtOut, HTMLtxtWebSite Dim fSpec, A: A = A0: HTMLtxtOut = A0 ' Get Code from Source If Not GetFileSpec(fSpec, aTitles( 1)) Then Exit Sub RDWRfile RD, HTMLtxt, fSpec PUSH A, HTMLtxt HTMLtxtIn = GetTextInTable(A) SingleLineTxt = GetSingleLineFromHTMLtxt(A) ' Removes vbCrLfs correctly, UCase("<br>") RemoveUnwantedCode SingleLineTxt ' f.i. <span dir=ltr></span> ReplaceBlanks SingleLineTxt ' =================================== HTMLtxtOut = ConvertTxt(SingleLineTxt) ' push contents of <p>-TAGs and <span>-TAGs in Arrays ' =================================== RDWRfile WR, HTMLtxtOut, GetfSpecOut(fSpec) DisplayArray HTMLtxtIn, "HTMLtxtIn" DisplayArray HTMLtxtOut, "HTMLtxtOut" ' Get Code from Destination If Not GetFileSpec(fSpecWebSite, aTitles( 2)) Then Exit Sub RDWRfile RD, HTMLtxtWebSite, fSpecWebSite SCM.GetAllMarkers(HTMLtxtWebSite): If aON(BrkErrMsg) Then Exit Sub If Not CallMenu( 2) Then Exit Sub ' Call Menu and Get Response ' Put Code into Destination Txt_NewHTML = HTMLtxtWebSite If Not InsertCodeBetweenMarkers(Txt_NewHTML, mLines, HTMLtxtOut) Then Exit Sub InsertDate Txt_NewHTML CorrectFehler Txt_NewHTML DisplayNewDestPage "before" ' BeforeOverwrite If Not GetOKforOverwritePage Then Exit Sub OverwriteOldDestPage ' Txt_NewHTML, fSpec_Dest DisplayNewDestPage "after" ' AfterOverwrite End Sub Private Function GetFileSpec(ByRef xfSpec, xTitle): Dim fExt, P, aMsg: aMsg = A0 PUSH aMsg, Array("no valid file chosen", aErrTxt( 0)) ' aMsg(0, 1) PUSH aMsg, Array("job done, no Dest-File chosen", "file not found") ' aMsg(2, 3) PUSH aMsg, Array("SourceFile", "DestFile") ' aMsg(4, 5) PUSH aMsg, Array("Unknown Browsefile-Title") ' aMsg(6) P = GetParameters(xTitle): GetFileSpec = False If Not aON(P) Then PUSH BrkErrMsg, aMsg( 6): Exit Function Do: xfSpec = BrowseFile(P): fExt = LCase(FiExt(xfSpec)) If xfSpec = "" Or InStr(enDot("htm.html"), enDot(fExt)) > 0 Then Exit Do MsgBox aMsg( 0) Loop: If xfSpec = "" Then Select Case xTitle Case aMsg( 4): PUSH BrkErrMsg, aMsg( 1) Case aMsg( 5): PUSH BrkErrMsg, aMsg( 2) End Select ElseIf FiE(xfSpec) Then GetFileSpec = True Else: PUSH BrkErrMsg, aMsg( 3) End If End Function Private Function GetTextInTable(ByRef xTxt): Dim xLine, Line, T, A, TableON T = aTABLES: A = Array(""): TableON = False For Each xLine In xTxt: Line = Trim(xLine) If Left(Line, L(T( 1))) = T( 1) Then TableON = False If TableON Then PUSH A, Line If Left(Line, L(T( 0))) = T( 0) Then TableON = True Next: xTxt = A: GetTextInTable = A End Function Private Function GetSingleLineFromHTMLtxt(ByVal xTxt): Dim OneLine OneLine = Join(xTxt, vbCrLf) OneLine = Replace(OneLine, ">" & vbCrLf & "<", "><") OneLine = Replace(OneLine, vbCrLf, " ") OneLine = Replace(OneLine, "<br>", "<BR>") GetSingleLineFromHTMLtxt = OneLine End Function Private Sub RemoveUnwantedCode(xOneLine) ' <span dir=ltr> = Schreibrichtung vom Text xOneLine = Replace(xOneLine, "<span dir=ltr></span>", " ") End Sub Private Function ReplaceBlanks(ByRef xTxt): Dim Line, A, IsA: A = A0 IsA = IsArray(xTxt) For Each Line In CArr(xTxt) Line = Replace(Line, " ", " ") Line = Replace(Line, Chr( 160), " ") PUSH A, Line Next: If IsA Then xTxt = A Else xTxt = Join(A, "") ReplaceBlanks = xTxt End Function ' ---------------------------------- Convert Text ------------------------------------ Private Function ConvertTxt(ByVal xLine): Dim A: A = A0 A = deTAG(xLine) A = ExtractBRs(A) A = ReduceAttributes(A) A = RemoveColorsForBlanks(A) A = FirstColorBlackRemove(A) ' Special Chars already replaced by the Publisher A = ReplaceBlanksToNbsps(A) ' s are needed only before finish to display A = enTAGtxt(A) FontFormatText "Add", A PrecedeSingleBRsToNextLine A A = LineUpSpans(A) RemoveConsecutiveSameColorTAGs A ConvertTxt = A End Function Private Function deTAG(ByVal xLine): Dim pContent, Span, aSpan, A, aP: A = A0 For Each pContent In GetTAGinfo("p", xLine): aP = Split(pContent, CR0) ' PreTxt = aP(0), Col = aP(1), pContent = aP(2) For Each Span In GetTAGinfo("span", aP( 2)): aSpan = Split(Span, CR0) aSpan( 2) = RemoveBlanksBeforeNumbers(aSpan( 2)) aSpan( 1) = GetColor(aSpan( 1)) PUSH A, Join(aSpan, CR0) Next: PUSH A, "<BR>" Next: deTAG = A End Function Private Function GetColor(xLine): Dim i, c, clip, col: GetColor = "" ' lang=de style='font-size:9.5pt;line-height:119%;font-family:Consolas; color:blue;language:de' ' style='color:blue;' i = InStr(xLine, "style='"): If i = 0 Then Exit Function clip = Mid(xLine, i+ 7): If Len(clip) < 1 Then Exit Function clip = Mid(clip, 7): i = InStr(clip, "'"): If i > 0 Then clip = Left(clip, i- 1) i = InStr(clip, "color:"): If i = 0 Then Exit Function clip = Mid(clip,i+ 6): c = ";": If Len(clip) < 1 Then Exit Function Do: i = InStr(clip, c): If i > 0 Then Exit Do If c <> " " Then c = " " Else Exit Do Loop: If i = 0 Then i = Len(clip) Else i = i- 1: End If: col = Left(clip, i) If col <> "" Then GetColor = " style='color:" & col & ";'" End Function Private Function ExtractBRs(ByVal aTxt): Dim Line, aLine, A: A = A0 For Each Line In aTxt Do: If Line = "" Then Exit Do aLine = Split(Line, CR0): If Ubd(aLine) <> 2 Then Exit Do If Split(Line, CR0)( 2) = "<BR>" Then Line = "<BR>" Loop Until True: PUSH A, Line Next: ExtractBRs = A End Function Private Function ReduceAttributes(ByVal aTxt): Dim Line, aLine, A, i, j A = A0: i = 0: j = 0 For Each Line In aTxt Do: If Line = "" Then Exit Do aLine = Split(Line, CR0): If Ubd(aLine) <> 2 Then Exit Do i = InStr(aLine( 1), "color:"): If i = 0 Then Exit Do j = InStr(i+ 6, aLine( 1), ";"): aLine( 1) = SubStrg(aLine( 1), i+ 6, j- 1) Line = Join(aLine, CR0) Loop Until True: PUSH A, Line Next: ReduceAttributes = A End Function Private Function RemoveColorsForBlanks(aTxt): Dim Line, aLine, A: A = A0 For Each Line In aTxt Do: If Line = "" Then Exit Do aLine = Split(Line, CR0): If Ubd(aLine) <> 2 Then Exit Do If Replace(aLine( 2), " ", "") = "" Then aLine( 1) = "" Line = Join(aLine, CR0) Loop Until True: PUSH A, Line Next: RemoveColorsForBlanks = A End Function Private Function FirstColorBlackRemove(aTxt): Dim Line, aLine, Break, A: A = A0: Break = False For Each Line In aTxt Do: If Line = "" Then Exit Do If Line = "<BR>" Then Break = True: Exit do aLine = Split(Line, CR0): If Ubd(aLine) <> 2 Then Exit Do If Break Then If aLine( 1) = "black" Or aLine( 1) = "#000000" Then aLine( 1) = "" Break = False End If: Line = Join(aLine, CR0) Loop Until True: PUSH A, Line Next: FirstColorBlackRemove = A End Function Private Function ReplaceBlanksToNbsps(aTxt): Dim Line, aLine, A, i, c, txt, Blk2, Nr: A = A0 For Each Line In aTxt Do: If Line = "" Then Exit Do aLine = Split(Line, CR0): If Ubd(aLine) <> 2 Then Exit Do txt = "": Blk2 = False For i = Len(aLine( 2)) To 1 Step - 1: c = Mid(aLine( 2),i, 1) Do: If c <> " " Then Blk2 = False: Exit Do If Blk2 Then c = " " Blk2 = True Loop Until True: txt = c & txt Next: aLine( 2) = txt: Line = Join(aLine, CR0) Loop Until True: PUSH A, Line Next: ReplaceBlanksToNbsps = A End Function Private Function enTAGtxt(aTxt): Dim Line, aLine, Col, xTG1, A: A = A0 For Each Line In aTxt Do: If Line = "" Then Exit Do aLine = Split(Line, CR0): If Ubd(aLine) <> 2 Then Exit Do Col = aLine( 1) If Trim(Replace(aLine( 2), " ", " ")) <> "" Then If Col = "" Then xTG1 = sTAG1 Else xTG1 = sTAGc1 & Col & sTAGc2 If IsNumber(aLine( 2)) Then aLine( 2)= " " & aLine( 2) Line = xTG1 & aLine( 2) & sTAG2 Else: Line = aLine( 2) End If Loop Until True: PUSH A, Line Next: enTAGtxt = A End Function Private Sub FontFormatText(Mode, ByRef xTxt): Dim LineNr, A: A = A0 If Mode = "Replace" Then xTxt( 1) = sTAG0 & xTxt( 1) xTxt(Ubd(xTxt)- 1) = xTxt(Ubd(xTxt)- 1) & sTAG2 For LineNr = 1 To Ubd(xTxt)- 1: PUSH A, xTxt(LineNr): Next xTxt = A ElseIf Mode = "Add" Then PUSH A, sTAG0: PUSH A,xTxt: PUSH A, sTAG2: xTxt = A End If End Sub Private Sub PrecedeSingleBRsToNextLine(ByRef xTxt): Dim Line, buf, A, x: A = A0: buf = "" For Each Line In CArr(xTxt): x = RTrim(Replace(Line, " ", " ")) If x = "" Or x = "<BR>" Then buf = buf & Line Else _ PUSH A, buf & Line: buf = "" Next: If buf <> "" Then PUSH A, buf xTxt = A End Sub Private Function LineUpSpans(xTxt) LineUpSpans = Split(Replace(Join(xTxt, ""), "<BR>", vbcrlf & "<BR>"), vbcrlf) End Function ' -----------------------------End of Convert Text-------------------------------- ' -----------------------------Subs for Convert Text------------------------------ Private Function GetTAGinfo(xTAG, ByVal xLine): Dim t, A: A = A0 Do: t = GetNextTAGparams(xLine, xTAG, 1): If t( 1) = 0 Then Exit Do PUSH A, Join(Array(t( 5), t( 6), t( 7)), Chr( 0)) xLine = Mid(xLine, t( 4)+ 1) Loop: GetTAGinfo = A End Function Private Function GetNextTAGparams(xLine, xT, x1): Dim A, TG1, TG2, L1, L2 A = Array( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,"","",""): GetNextTAGparams = A If Not(xT = "span" Or xT = "p") Then Exit Function TG1 = "<" & xT: TG2 = "</" & xT & ">" ' xT = "span" or "p" L1 = Len(TG1): L2 = Len(TG2) A( 1) = InStr(x1, xLine, TG1): If A( 1) = 0 Then Exit Function A( 2) = InStr(A( 1)+L1, xLine, ">"): If A( 2) = 0 Then Exit Function A( 3) = InStr(A( 2)+ 1, xLine, TG2): If A( 3) = 0 Then Exit Function A( 4) = A( 3) + L2 - 1 A( 5) = SubStrg(xLine, x1, A( 1) - 1) ' PreTxt A( 6) = SubStrg(xLine, A( 1) + L1, A( 2) - 1) ' Attributes A( 7) = SubStrg(xLine, A( 2) + 1, A( 3) - 1) ' Content GetNextTAGparams = A End Function Private Function ReplaceSpecialChars(aTxt): Dim Line, aLine, sc, txt, c, p, i, A: A = A0 sc = Split(HTMLSpecChrs,";") For Each Line In aTxt Do: If Line = "" Then Exit Do aLine = Split(Line, CR0): If Ubd(aLine) <> 2 Then Exit Do txt = "" For i = 1 To Len(Line): c = Mid(Line,i, 1): p = InStr(sc( 0),c) If p > 0 Then txt = txt & "&" & sc(p) & ";" Else txt = txt & c Next: aLine( 2) = txt: Line = Join(aLine, CR0) Loop Until True: PUSH A, Line Next: ReplaceSpecialChars = A End Function Private Function ReplaceNbsPs(ByRef xTxt): Dim Line, A: A = A0 For Each Line In CArr(xTxt) Line = Replace(Line, " ", " ") 'Line = Replace(Line, " ", chr(160)) PUSH A, Line Next: xTxt = A: ReplaceNbsPs = A End Function Private Sub RemoveConsecutiveSameColorTAGs(ByRef xTxt) ' <span style='color:blue'>Public</span> <span style='color:blue'> ' 1.......................2......3.....4......1.......................2 Dim aT1, aT2, i, x1, Bytes, Ctr, Msg: Msg = A0 PUSH Msg, "Nr of ConsecutiveSameColorTAGs Removed: " PUSH Msg, Array(", Nr of Bytes = ", " out of: ") ReDim aT1( 7): ReDim aT2( 7): Ctr = 0: Bytes = Len(Join(xTxt, "")) For i = 0 To Ubd(xTxt): x1 = 1 Do: Do: aT1 = GetNextTAGparams(xTxt(i), "span", x1) If aT1( 1) = 0 Then Exit Do aT2 = GetNextTAGparams(xTxt(i), "span", aT1( 4)+ 1) If aT2( 1) = 0 Then Exit Do If aT1( 6) <> aT2( 6) Then x1 = aT1( 4) + 1 Else Exit Do Loop: If aT1( 1) = 0 Or aT2( 1) = 0 Then Exit Do xTxt(i) = Substitute(xTxt(i), aT1( 3), aT2( 2), aT2( 5)): INC Ctr Loop Next: PUSH Report, Msg( 0) & CStr(Ctr) & _ Msg( 1) & CStr(Bytes - Len(Join(xTxt, ""))) & _ Msg( 2) & CStr(Bytes) End Sub Private Function GetfSpecOut(xfSpec): Dim fBase, fExt fBase = FiB(xfSpec): fExt = "." & FiExt(xfSpec) GetfSpecOut = BPth(FoP(xfSpec), fBase & ".Output" & fExt) End Function Public Function InsertCodeBetweenMarkers(ByRef aText, ByVal aCodeLines, ByVal Code) Dim LineNr, p, A: LineNr = - 1: p = aCodeLines: A = A0 InsertCodeBetweenMarkers = False Do: INC LineNr ' Insert Code between Markers If LineNr <= p( 0) Or LineNr > p( 1) Then PUSH A, aText(LineNr) Else: NL A: PUSH A, Code: NL A: LineNr = p( 1): PUSH A, aText(LineNr) End If Loop Until LineNr = Ubd(aText) If aOFF(A) Then PUSH BrkErrMsg, "no code converted" aText = A: InsertCodeBetweenMarkers = True End Function ' Date -------------- Private Sub InsertDate(ByRef xTxt): Dim Line, LineNr, i, j, k, c, s, lg Dim Mask, NewDate, DF: s = String( 5, "-"): DF = False Dim DateInfo( 1, 2), Dlg, r, aMasks( 1, 3), A: A = A0 Dlg = Array("<!-- Date ge -->", "<!-- Date en -->") PUSH A, Array(">#. @", ">##. @", " ####<", " ####<") PUSH A, Array(">@", ">@", " #<@@@>@@<@@@@> ####<", " ##<@@@>@@<@@@@> ####<") For i = 0 To 1: For j = 0 To 3: aMasks(i,j) = A( 4*i+j): Next: Next: A = A0 PUSH Report, s & " Date Replace " & s For Each Line In xTxt: i = 0: j = 0: r = A0 Mask = GetMaskFromLine(lg, aMasks, Dlg, Line) ' lg comes out Do: If Mask = "" Then PUSH A, Line: Exit Do GetDateij i, j, Mask, aMasks, lg If i = 0 Or j = 0 Then PUSH A, Line: Exit Do NewDate = GetDateFormatted(lg): DF = True r = " date" & aMarkers(lg+ 3) & ": " PUSH Report, "old" & r & SubStrg(Line, i, j) PUSH Report, "new" & r & NewDate PUSH A, Substitute(Line, i, j, NewDate) Loop Until True Next: If DF Then xTxt = A: Exit Sub PUSH Report, "no date replaced" End Sub Private Function GetDateFormatted(lg): Dim D, i, dd, de, sD, aEnd, e d = Split(Date, ".") ' dd.mm.yy For i = 0 To 1: d(i) = CStr(Eval(d(i))): Next dd = d( 0) & ". " & mmDe(Eval(d( 1)- 1)) & " " & d( 2) aEnd = Array( 1,"st", 2, "nd", 3, "rd", 21, "st", 22, "nd", 31, "st"): e = "th" For i = 0 To UBound(aEnd) Step 2 If Eval(d( 0)) = aEnd(i) Then e = aEnd(i+ 1) Next: de = mmEn(Eval(d( 1)- 1)) & " " & d( 0) & "<sup>" & e & "</sup> " & d( 2) sD = Array(dd, de): GetDateFormatted = sD(lg) End Function Private Function GetMaskFromLine(ByRef lg, aMasks, Dlg, xLine): Dim i, j, c, s, Mask For lg = 0 To 1: i = InStrRev(xLine,Dlg(lg)): Mask = "" If i > 0 Then For j = 1 To i- 1 c = Mid(xLine, j, 1): s = "@" If IsNumber(c) Then s = "#" If InStr(". <>", c) > 0 Then s = c Mask = Mask & s Next: If Mask <> "" Then GetMaskFromLine = Mask: Exit Function End If Next: GetMaskFromLine = "" End Function Private Sub GetDateij(ByRef i, ByRef j, Mask, aMasks, lg): Dim L Do: j = InStrRev(Mask, aMasks(lg, 3),- 1, 1): L = Len(aMasks(lg, 3)) If j = 0 Then j = InStrRev(Mask, aMasks(lg, 2),- 1, 1): L = Len(aMasks(lg, 2)) If j = 0 Then Exit Do i = InStrRev(Mask, aMasks(lg, 2),j, 1) If i = 0 Then i = InStrRev(Mask, aMasks(lg, 1),j, 1) If i = 0 Then Exit Do i = i+ 1: j = j+L- 2: Exit Sub Loop Until True: i = 0: j = 0 End Sub ' End of Date -------------- Private Sub InsertSpanStyle(ByRef xText): Dim Line, xLine, A, F, P, S: A = A0 F = False: P = 0: S = StyleSheets For Each xLine In xText: Line = LTrim(xLine) If P <> 4 Then If Left(Line, Len(S( 1))) = S( 1) Then P = 1 If Left(Line, Len(S( 2))) = S( 2) And P = 1 Then P = 2 If Left(Line, Len(S( 3))) = S( 3) And P = 2 Then P = 3 If Left(Line, Len(S( 4))) = S( 4) And P = 3 Then P = 4 If P = 2 And Left(Line, Len(S( 0))) = S( 0) Then F = True If P = 3 And Not F Then PUSH A, SpanStyle: F = True End If: PUSH A, xLine Next: xText = A: If F Then sTAG0 = sTAG02 End Sub Private Sub CorrectFehler(ByRef xText) Dim Line, A: A = A0 For Each Line In xText Line = Replace(Line, aFehler( 0), aFehler( 1)) PUSH A, Line Next: xText = A End Sub Private Function GetOKforOverwritePage GetOKforOverwritePage = MsgBox("is Conversion OK ?", _ vbYesNo, "Insert Code and Save") = vbYes End Function Private Sub OverwriteOldDestPage RDWRfile WR, Txt_NewHTML, fSpecWebSite ErrMsg = "New File saved": Title = "Msg" End Sub Private Sub DisplayNewDestPage(xOrder): Dim Path_Dest, fSpec_DestTmp Select Case LCase(xOrder) Case "before" Path_Dest = FoP(fSpecWebSite) fSpec_DestTmp = BPth(Path_Dest, "Tmp.htm" ) RDWRfile WR, Txt_NewHTML, fSpec_DestTmp DisplayHTMLfile fSpec_DestTmp FiD fSpec_DestTmp Case "after": DisplayHTMLfile fSpecWebSite End Select End Sub Private Sub DisplayHTMLfile(xfSpec) WshShell.Run "iexplore " & xfSpec, 3, True WshShell.SendKeys "% x" ' maximises consecutive windows End Sub End Class ' ============================ Class SourceCodeMarkers ============================ Class SourceCodeMarkers Public MarkersInfo, MenuItems Private Sub Class_Initialize() MarkersInfo = A0: MenuItems = A0 End Sub Public Function GetAllMarkers(xTxt): Dim Start_End, p, A GetAllMarkers = A0: A = A0 Do: If Not GetMarkersInfo(p, Start_End, xTxt) Then Exit Do If Not RemoveEmptyLines(p) Then Exit Do If SingleMarker(p) Then Exit Do If StartEndChanged(p) Then Exit Do If Overlaps(p) Then Exit Do GetAllMarkers = p ' out from Text GetMenuItems p ' from Markers MarkersInfo = p ' Variable Exit Function Loop Until True: QUEUE BrkErrMsg, "Error in Source-Code-Markers" End Function Private Function GetMarkersInfo(ByRef p, ByRef Start_End, ByVal xTxt) Dim Line, LineNr, mNr, ctr, se, A, mON: mON = False LineNr = - 1: p = A0: GetMarkersInfo = False If aOFF(xTxt) Then PUSH BrkErrMsg, "no HTML-Text found": Exit Function For Each Line In xTxt: Line = Trim(Line): INC LineNr ' GetMarkers-Info Do: If Not DetectMarkers(Start_End, mNr, Line) Then Exit Do If mNr > Ubd(p) Then ReDim Preserve p(mNr)' mNr; LineNr, ctr; LineNr, ctr If p(mNr) = "" Then p(mNr) = CStr(mNr) & ";-1,0;-1,0" A = Split(p(mNr), ";"): se = Start_End ctr = Eval(Split(A(se+ 1),",")( 1)) A(se+ 1) = Join(Array(CStr(LineNr), CStr(ctr+ 1)),",") p(mNr) = Join(A, ";"): mON = True Loop Until True Next: If mON Then GetMarkersInfo = True: Exit Function PUSH BrkErrMsg, "no markers found" End Function Private Function DetectMarkers(ByRef Start_End, ByRef mNr, ByVal xLine) Dim Line, A, L, i, M, s: Start_End = - 1: mNr = - 1 Line = Trim(xLine): M = - 1: s = "": DetectMarkers = False For i = 0 To 1: A = Split(aMarkersCode(i), "#"): L = Len(A( 0)) If Left(Line, L) = A( 0) Then M = i: Exit For Next: If M < 0 Then Exit Function i = InStr(L, Line, A( 1)): If i = 0 Then Exit Function s = Trim(Mid(Line, L+ 1, i-L- 1)) If s = "0" Then Exit Function If s = "" Then s = "0" If Not IsNumber(Trim(s)) Then Exit Function Start_End = M: mNr = Eval(s): DetectMarkers = True End Function Private Function Overlaps(xTxt): Dim i, j, A, aN1, aN2: A = xTxt: Overlaps = False For i = 0 To Ubd(A): For j = 0 To Ubd(A) ' if overlaps If i <> j Then aN1 = CVals(Split(A(i), ",")): aN2 = CVals(Split(A(j), ",")) If (aN1( 1) > aN2( 1)) And (aN1( 1) < aN2( 2)) Or _ (aN1( 2) > aN2( 1)) And (aN1( 2) < aN2( 2)) Then _ Overlaps = True: Exit Function End If Next: Next End Function Private Function StartEndChanged(ByVal aTxt): Dim Line, aN: StartEndChanged = False For Each Line In aTxt: aN = CVals(Split(Line, ",")) If aN( 2) < aN( 1) Then StartEndChanged = True: Exit function Next End Function Private Function SingleMarker(byRef aTxt) Dim Line, A, A1, AllMs, aTmp, i, LNrs( 1), mNr, ErrTxt SingleMarker = True: A1 = A0 For Each Line In aTxt: A = Split(Line, ";"): AllMs = A0 ' if occur single For i = 1 To 2: aTmp = Split(A(i), ","): mNr = CVals(aTmp)( 1) If mNr <> 1 Then If mNr < 1 Then ErrTxt = "missing" Else ErrTxt = "manifold (*)" PUSH BrkErrMsg, "marker " & Replace(ErrTxt, "*", CStr(mNr)) Exit Function End If: LNrs(i- 1) = aTmp( 0) Next: PUSH AllMs, A( 0): PUSH AllMs, LNrs PUSH A1, Join(AllMs, ",") Next: aTxt = A1: SingleMarker = False End Function Private Sub GetMenuItems(mInfo): Dim Line, A, mNr: A = A0 ' 0,1,3 ' 1,14,16 ' 2,10,12 ' 3,5,7 For Each Line In mInfo: mNr = Split(Line,",")( 0) If mNr = "0" Then mNr = "" Else mNr = " " & mNr PUSH A, "Markers" & mNr Next: MenuItems = A End Sub Public Function GetMarkersLines(ByVal MenuItem): Dim A, Line GetMarkersLines = Array(- 1,- 1) MenuItem = Trim(Mid(MenuItem, Len("Markers")+ 1)) If MenuItem = "" Then MenuItem = "0" For Each Line In MarkersInfo: A = Split(Line, ",") If A( 0) = MenuItem Then _ GetMarkersLines = CVals(Array(A( 1), A( 2))): Exit For Next End Function Private Function RemoveEmptyLines(ByRef aTxt): Dim Line, A: A = A0 For Each Line In aTxt: If Line <> "" Then PUSH A, Line Next: aTxt = A: RemoveEmptyLines = aon(A) End Function Private Function CVals(ByVal xArr): Dim i, A: A = A0 For i = 0 To Ubd(xArr): PUSH A, Eval(xArr(i)): Next: CVals = A End Function End Class ' =============================== General Used Procedures =============================== ' =============================== Class OwnSysSpecs =============================== Class OwnSysSpecs Public fSpec, Path, FulName, BaseName, BaseSpec Public Path_ToPublish, Path_htm, fName_Menu, fSpec_Menu, fSpec_Tmp Private Sub Class_Initialize: Dim A: A = Split(SubFldrs, ",") ' SubFldrs = "ToPublish,htm" fSpec = WScript.ScriptFullName Path = FoP(fSpec) FulName = FiN(fSpec) BaseName = FiB(fSpec) BaseSpec = BPth(Path, BaseName) fName_Menu = BaseName & fExt_Called fSpec_Menu = BPth(Path, fName_Menu) fSpec_Tmp = BPth(Path, "tmp.txt") Path_ToPublish = BPth(Path, A( 0)): FoC(Path_ToPublish) Path_htm = BPth(Path, A( 1)): FoC(Path_htm) If Not FiE(fSpec_Menu) Then PUSH BrkErrMsg, "No Menufile found" End Sub End Class ' ================================= Class Caller ================================== Class Caller ' for handover of data and run external files Private fulName_Called, fSpec_Called, A Private Sub Class_Initialize fulName_Called = OWN.BaseName & fExt_Called fSpec_Called = BPth(OWN.Path, fulName_Called) If Not FiE(fSpec_Called) Then _ PUSH BrkErrMsg, "No Menufile " & qo(fulName_Called) & " found" End Sub Public Property Let aTxt(Value): A = A0 PUSH A, OWN.FulName: PUSH A, CArr(Value) RDWRfile WR, A, OWN.fSpec_Tmp WshShell.Run fSpec_Called, 1, True ' RunCalled End Property Public Property Get aTxt(): aTxt = A0: Dim Msg: Msg = "" RDWRfile RD, A, OWN.fSpec_Tmp If aOFF(A) Then Msg = "No" Else If A( 0) <> fulName_Called Then Msg = "Wrong" Do: If Msg = "" Then DEQUEUE A: Exit Do PUSH BrkErrMsg, Msg & " Response from " & qo(fulName_Called): A = A0 Loop Until True: FiD OWN.fSpec_Tmp If aOFF(A) Then _ PUSH BrkErrMsg, aErrTxt( 0) Else PUSH ErrMsg, DEQUEUE(A): aTxt = A End Property End Class Function CallMenu(MenuNr): Dim MenuInfo, A, s: s = String( 5, "-") ' ------------ Call Menu and Get Response ----------------- CallMenu = False Select Case MenuNr Case 1: A = aMenuItems1 Case 2: A = SCM.MenuItems End Select: CLR.aTxt = A ' here is waiting for the response MenuInfo = CLR.aTxt: If aON(BrkErrMsg) Then Exit Function PUSH Report, s & " Response from Menu " & s: PUSH Report, MenuInfo Select Case MenuNr Case 1: Select Case MenuInfo( 0) Case A( 0): RTB.Main Case A( 1): CHC.Main End Select Case 2: mLines = SCM.GetMarkersLines(MenuInfo( 0)) End Select: CallMenu = True End Function Function BPth(aStrg, bStrg): BPth = fso.BuildPath(aStrg, bStrg): End Function Function Ubd(xA): Ubd = UBound(xA): End Function Function aON(xA): aON = Ubd(xA) > - 1: End Function Function aOFF(xA): aOFF = Not aON(xA): End Function Function INC(ByRef AnyNr): AnyNr = AnyNr + 1: INC = AnyNr: End Function Function FiE(FiSpec): FiE = fso.FileExists(FiSpec): End Function Function FiB(FiSpec): FiB = fso.GetBaseName(FiSpec): End Function Function FiN(FiSpec): FiN = fso.GetFileName(FiSpec): End Function Function FiExt(FiSpec): FiExt = fso.GetExtensionName(FiSpec): End Function Sub FiD(FiSpec): If FiE(FiSpec) Then fso.DeleteFile(FiSpec): End If: End Sub Function FoE(FoSpec): FoE = fso.FolderExists(FoSpec): End Function Function FoC(FoSpec): If Not FoE(FoSpec) Then fso.CreateFolder(FoSpec): End If: End Function Function FoP(FiSpec): FoP = fso.GetParentFolderName(FiSpec): End Function Function BrkErrON: BrkErrON = aON(BrkErrMsg): End Function Function enDot(aStrg): enDot = "." & aStrg & ".": End Function Function qo(xStr): qo = """" & xStr & """": End Function Sub NL(ByRef xArr): PUSH xArr, "": End Sub Function L(xStrg): L = Len(xStrg): End Function Function SubStrg(xStr, x1, x2): If x1 < 1 Then x1 = 1 If x2 > Len(xStr) Then x2 = Len(xStr) SubStrg = Mid(xStr, x1, x2-x1+ 1) End Function Function Remove(xStr, x1, xd): Remove = xStr If x1 < 1 Or x1 > Len(xStr) Or xd < 1 Or (x1 + xd - 1) > Len(xStr) Then _ Exit Function Remove = Left(xStr, x1 - 1) & Mid(xStr, x1 + xd) End Function Function Insert(xStr, x1, iStr): Insert = xStr If x1 < 1 Or x1 > (Len(xStr)+ 1) Then Exit Function Insert = Left(xStr, x1 - 1) & iStr & Mid(xStr, x1) End Function Function Substitute(xStr, x1, x2, iStr) Substitute = Insert(Remove(xStr, x1, x2-x1+ 1), x1, iStr) End Function Sub PUSH(ByRef xArr, ByVal xVar): Dim item, u ' AnyVar can be a String, Numeric or a Variant Array For Each item In CArr(xVar): u = Ubd(xArr) + 1 ReDim Preserve xArr(u): xArr(u) = item: Next: End Sub Function CArr(ByRef aVar): CArr = aVar If Not IsArray(aVar) Then aVar = Array(aVar): CArr = aVar: End If: End Function Sub QUEUE(ByRef xArr, ByVal xVar) CArr xVar: PUSH xVar, xArr : xArr = xVar : End Sub Function DEQUEUE(ByRef xArr) ' Pop from LowBound, returns only one single item DEQUEUE = vbNull: If aON(xArr) Then DEQUEUE = xArr( 0): DelItem xArr, 0 End Function Sub DelItem(ByRef xArr, ByVal xPos): Dim i, A: A = xArr If aOFF(A) Or xPos < 0 Or xPos > Ubd(A) Then Exit Sub For i = xPos To Ubd(A) - 1: A(i) = A(i + 1): Next ReDim Preserve A(Ubd(A)- 1): xArr = A End Sub Function ToCharArray(xStr): Dim i, A: A = A0: ToCharArray = A0 If xStr = "" Then Exit Function If IsArray(xStr) Then If aON(xStr) Then xStr = xStr( 0) Else Exit Function For i = 1 To Len(xStr): PUSH A, Mid(xStr, i, 1) Next: ToCharArray = A End Function Function RemoveBlanksBeforeNumbers(xLine): Dim Line, Cr Do: Line = Replace(xLine, " ", ""): If Line = "" Then Exit Do If IsNumber(Line) Then xLine = LTrim(xLine) Loop Until True: RemoveBlanksBeforeNumbers = xLine End Function Function IsNumber(xStrg): Dim Cr: IsNumber = True For Each Cr In ToCharArray(xStrg) If InStr(numerics, Cr) = 0 Then IsNumber = False: Exit Function Next End Function Function enTAG(xTxt): enTAG = aTAGsCmt( 0) & xTxt & aTAGsCmt( 1): End Function ' -------------- Display-Procedures ----------------- Sub DisplayResult: Dim A, s: A = A0: s = String( 10, "-") If Not (aON(Report) Or BrkErrON) Then MsgBox "Job done": Exit Sub If aON(Report) Then PUSH A, s & " Report " & s: PUSH A, Report PUSH A, s & " Errors " & s: PUSH A, BrkErrMsg DisplayArray A, OWN.FulName End Sub Sub DisplayArray(ByVal AnyArray, Title): Dim A, fi: A = A0 fi = OWN.fSpec_Tmp PUSH A, "Title of the display = "& qo(Title) PUSH A, String( 50,"="): PUSH A, AnyArray RDWRfile WR, A, fi: WshShell.Run "notepad " & fi, 1, True: FiD fi End Sub ' ---------------- Harddisk-Procedures ------------------ Sub RDWRfile(ByVal Dir, ByRef AnyList, ByVal xfSpec) Dim f, LastLine, Line, format, A: format = False ' False = ASCII If Dir = RD Then 'returns lines in an array AnyList = A0: If Not FiE(xfSpec) Then Exit Sub Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(xfSpec, RD,, format) While Not f.AtEndOfStream: PUSH AnyList, f.ReadLine: Wend: f.Close ElseIf Dir = WR Then If FiE(xfSpec) Then FiD(xfSpec) A = AnyList: If Not aON(A) Then Exit Sub Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(xfSpec, WR, True, format) LastLine = A(Ubd(A)): If Ubd(A) > 0 Then _ ReDim Preserve A(Ubd(A)- 1): For Each Line In A: f.WriteLine Line: Next f.Write LastLine: f.Close End If End Sub ' ================== For BrowseFile ====================== Function GetParameters(xTitle): Dim A: A = A0: GetParameters = A0 Select Case xTitle Case aTitles( 0): PUSH A, Array(ScriptPath, "*.*", ExtFilterScript) Case aTitles( 1): PUSH A, Array(SourcePath, "*.*", ExtFilterSource) Case aTitles( 2): PUSH A, Array(DestPath, "*.htm*", ExtFilterDest) End Select: If Not aON(A) Then Exit Function If Not FoE(A( 0)) Then Exit Function PUSH GetParameters, xTitle PUSH GetParameters, A End Function Function BrowseFile (ByVal Parameters): Dim P: ' Parameters: Title, Path, Filter, ExtFilter Dim tempDir, tempFile, powershellFile, powershellOutputFile Dim textFile, appCmd, psScript, A: A = A0: P = Parameters tempDir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") tempFile = tempDir & "\" & fso.GetTempName powershellFile = tempFile & ".ps1" ' temporary powershell script file to be invoked powershellOutputFile = tempFile & ".txt" ' temporary file to store standard output from command PUSH A, "[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(""System.windows.forms"") | Out-Null" PUSH A, "$dlg = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog" PUSH A, "$dlg.initialDirectory = " & qo(P( 1)) PUSH A, "$dlg.filter = " & qo(P( 3)) PUSH A, "$dlg.FilterIndex = 1" PUSH A, "$dlg.Title = " & qo("Select " & P( 0)) ' Title PUSH A, "$dlg.ShowHelp = $False" PUSH A, "$dlg.ShowDialog() | Out-Null" PUSH A, "Set-Content " & qo(powershellOutputFile) & " $dlg.FileName" psScript = Join(A, vbCrLf) & vbCrLf Set textFile = fso.CreateTextFile(powershellFile, True) textFile.WriteLine(psScript): textFile.Close: Set textFile = Nothing appCmd = "powershell -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted &'" & powershellFile & "'" WshShell.Run appCmd, 0, TRUE Set textFile = fso.OpenTextFile(powershellOutputFile, 1, 0, - 2) BrowseFile = textFile.ReadLine: textFile.Close: Set textFile = Nothing FiD(powershellFile): FiD(powershellOutputFile) WshShell.SendKeys "% x" ' should maximise succeeding windows End Function ' ============ End of For BrowseFile ==================== ' ============== End of Procedures ====================== | ||