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Ein Programm in der Programmiersprache | A program in the programming language | |||
vbScript & hta | ||||
zur Konversion von Power Basic- und Hta-vbScript- Quellcode in HTML-Text | for conversion of Power Basic- und Hta-vbScript- Source-Code in HTML-text | |||
Das Programm konvertiert einen einfarbigen Basic- oder Hta-Quellcode in einen farbigen HTML-Text. Head- and Body-TAGs sind weg gelassen. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) ist eine Seitenbeschreibungs-sprache und Hta (HTML Application) ist ein HTML-text, nicht zum Hinaufladen zu einem Provider für den weltweiten Zugriff, sondern für den alleinigen Gebrauch auf dem Computer des Benutzers, in welchem ein riesiges Programm in vbScript implementiert sein kann mit demselben Code wie ohne Hta. Aber Hta erzeugt eine Listbox auf dem Bildschirm zur Auswahl von verschiedenen Programmfunktionen. Die Schlüsselwörter für die blaue Farbe sind in einer Liste einzutippen unter dem Dateinamen: "Keywords-PB-stm.dat" im selben Verzeichnis wie das Script. Das Programm funktioniert sowohl zur Konversion von Power-Basic-Source-Code, wie auch von Hta+vbScript-Code zu HTML. Es berücksichtigt Zeilenvorschübe innerhalb von TAGs, korrigiert Groß- und Kleinschreibung von Schlüsselwörtern und konvertiert Sonderzeichen, wie deutsche Umlaute, in HTML-Code. |
The program converts a Basic- or Hta- Source-Code, beeing on hand as a monocolor text, into colored HTML-text, appropriate to be displayed on screen as colored program-code by recognition of words in the text. Head- and Body-TAGs are ommitted. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a page-description-language and Hta (HTML Application) is a HTML-text, not for upload to a provider for worldwide access, but for use on the user's computer only, which can have implemented a huge program in vbScript, with the same code as without Hta. But Hta generates a listbox on the screen to select between different program functions. The keywords for the blue and other colors are to type-in in a list under the filename: "Keywords-PB-stm.dat" etc. in the same folder as the script. The program works for conversion of Power-Basic-Source-Code as well as Hta+vbScript-Code to HTML. It considers linefeeds within TAGs, corrects lower-case and upper-case characters in keywords and converts special characters, as also german modified vowels, into HTML-Code. | |||
Das Programm ist getestet vor der Publikation, aber es kann keine Garantie gegeben werden, dass es fehlerfrei ist | The program ist tested before publication, but there can be given no guarantee, that it is free of errors | |||
22. Okt. 2014 | Oct 22nd 2014 |
This language-selection-window is generated by the program <head> <title>Convert Source Code to HTML</title> <HTA:APPLICATION APPLICATIONNAME="ConvertSourceCodeToHTML" ID="ConvertSourceCodeToHTML"> </head> <SCRIPT Language="VBScript"> ' Convert Source-Code to HTML-Text, Programming Language vbScript Option Explicit ' Guarantees, that all variables are explicitly declared ' Declarations Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, Up = 1, Down = -1 ' Constants Dim ListKeywordsPBstm, ListKeywordsPBops, ListKeywordsVbsStm ' Arrays Dim ScriptText, HTMLText, LanguageList, ScriptMarkers, SM Dim MenuItems, ColReg, ReadTmp, Protocol, A0: A0 = Array(): Protocol = A0 Dim CurrentPath, Language, FontTAG, TAG2 ' Strings Dim FileSpecKeywords_PBstm, FileSpecKeywords_PBops, FileSpecKeywords_VbsStm Dim FileSpecTextIn, FileSpecTextOut, FileSpecTextOutCopy, FileSpecProtocol Dim HtaFlag ' Booleans Dim LineNr ' Numerics ' Instantiations of Objects Dim WshShell, fso, col, ColSet Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ColSet = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set col = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") ' Program-Parameter-Definitions MenuItems = "Hta,vbScript,Power Basic" LanguageList = "hta,vbs,PB" CurrentPath = WshShell.CurrentDirectory & "\" FileSpecProtocol = CurrentPath & "Protocol.txt" FontTAG = "<font face=""Courier New"" SIZE=""2"">" : TAG2 = "</font>" ScriptMarkers = "HTML,SCRIPT Language=""VBScript"",/SCRIPT,/HTML" ColSet.Add "ColTyps", "Txt,Key,Rem,Qum,Nrs,Ops,Fms,Att,Tag" Read "000000,0000FF,007F00,408080,A52A2A,,,FF0000,A52A2A" ' hta Read "000000,0000FF,007F00,808080,A52A2A,,,FF0000,A52A2A" ' vbs Read "000000,0000C0,007F00,C020C0,000000,8000FF,C06400,," ' PB ColReg = Read("") ' Assignment of Parameters to Variables MenuItems = Split(MenuItems,",") LanguageList = Split(LanguageList,",") For Each Language In LanguageList ColSet.Add Language, DEQUEUE(ColReg) Next SM = Split("<" & Replace(UCase(ScriptMarkers),",",">,<") & ">",",") ' Procedures Sub Window_OnLoad Dim strComputer, objWMIService, colItems, objItem, objOption, item, i Dim ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, WindowWidth, WindowHeight WindowWidth = 300: WindowHeight = 350: strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_DesktopMonitor") For Each objItem In colItems ScreenWidth = objItem.ScreenWidth ScreenHeight = objItem.ScreenHeight Next: i = 0 window.resizeTo WindowWidth, WindowHeight window.moveTo (ScreenWidth-WindowWidth)/2,(ScreenHeight-WindowHeight)/2 For Each item In MenuItems Set objOption = Document.createElement("OPTION") objOption.Value = INC(i) objOption.Text = item: mylistbox.Add(objOption) Next End Sub Sub OnClickDisplaySelected() Dim j, OneSelected: OneSelected = False For j = 0 To mylistbox.length-1 If mylistbox(j).selected Then _ GetJobDone(mylistbox(j).Text): OneSelected = True Next: If OneSelected = True Then window.close End Sub Sub GetJobDone(ChosenTask) ' GetJobDone is called from SUB OnClickDisplaySelected ' ChosenTask is what comes out of the menu ' Hta,vbScript,Power Basic Dim fSpc, ErrMsg: ErrMsg = "": htaFlag = True Language = LanguageList(Find(MenuItems, ChosenTask, 1)) fSpc = CurrentPath & "SourceCode." & Language FileSpecTextOut = fSpc & ".htm" FileSpecTextOutCopy = fSpc & ".copy.htm" Do: Select Case Language 'ChosenTask Case "hta", "vbs" ' hta br,rd ; vbs bl fSpc = CurrentPath & "Keywords-" & "vbs" ListKeywordsVbsStm = LoadFromDisk(fSpc & "-stm.dat") If UBound(ListKeywordsVbsStm) = -1 Then Exit Do FileSpecTextIn = CurrentPath & "SourceCode." & Language Case "PB" Language = "PB": fSpc = CurrentPath & "Keywords-" & Language ListKeywordsPBstm = LoadFromDisk(fSpc & "-stm.dat") If UBound(ListKeywordsPBstm) = -1 Then Exit Do ListKeywordsPBops = LoadFromDisk(fSpc & "-ops.dat") If UBound(ListKeywordsPBops) = -1 Then Exit Do FileSpecTextIn = CurrentPath & "SourceCode." & "bas" End Select If Not(fso.FileExists(FileSpecTextIn)) Then _ ErrMsg = FileSpecTextIn: Exit Do ReadWriteListFile ForReading, ScriptText, FileSpecTextIn RemoveLeadingEmptyLines ScriptText If UBound(ScriptText) = -1 Then ErrMsg = FileSpecTextIn: Exit Do ConvertTextFromSourceCodeToHTML ' Conversion-Program-Call ReadWriteListFile ForWriting, HTMLText, FileSpecTextOut ReadWriteListFile ForWriting, HTMLText, FileSpecTextOutCopy ' ReadWriteListFile ForWriting, Protocol, FileSpecProtocol WshShell.Run "iexplore " & FileSpecTextOut, 1, True ' Display Result on Screen WshShell.Run "notepad " & FileSpecTextOut, 1, True 'WshShell.Run "notepad " & FileSpecProtocol, 1, true Loop Until True: If ErrMsg <> "" Then MsgBox Msg(ErrMsg),,"Error" End Sub Function LoadFromDisk(AnyFileSpec) Dim A, ErrMsg: ErrMsg = "": A = A0: LoadFromDisk = A Do: If Not(fso.FileExists(AnyFileSpec)) Then ErrMsg = AnyFileSpec: Exit Do ReadWriteListFile ForReading, A, AnyFileSpec If UBound(A) = -1 Then ErrMsg = AnyFileSpec: Exit Do ReadWriteListFile ForWriting, A, AnyFileSpec & ".bak" A = Sort(A, Up): A = RemoveDoubleItems(A) ReadWriteListFile ForWriting, A, AnyFileSpec A = SortForWordLenght(A): LoadFromDisk = A Loop Until True: If ErrMsg <> "" Then MsgBox Msg(ErrMsg),,"Error" End Function Sub ConvertTextFromSourceCodeToHTML Dim htaBuffer, BRbuffer, Lg, prevFlag: htaFlag = False If UBound(ScriptText) < 0 Then Exit Sub htaBuffer = A0: HTMLText = A0: BRbuffer = "" Lg = Language: If InStr("hta,vbs",Lg) Then Lg = "hta,vbs" PUSH HTMLText, FontTAG ' "<font face=""Courier New"" SIZE=""2"">" For LineNr = 0 To UBound(ScriptText) If Lg = "hta,vbs" Then SetHTAflag If LineNr = 0 Or prevFlag <> htaFlag Then _ prevFlag = AssignColors(Lg, htaFlag) If Lg = "hta,vbs" Then If htaFlag Then PUSH htaBuffer, CLine Else _ PUSH HTMLText, ConvertHTAcode(htaBuffer): htaBuffer = A0 End If If Not htaFlag Or Lg = "PB" Then If Trim(CLine) = "" Then BRbuffer = BRbuffer & "<BR>" Else If LineNr > 0 Then BRbuffer = BRbuffer & "<BR>" PUSH HTMLText, BRbuffer & ConvertCodeLine(CLine): BRbuffer = "" End If End If: If Lg = "hta,vbs" Then ResetHTAflag Next: PUSH HTMLText, BRbuffer & "<BR>" If Lg = "hta,vbs" Then PUSH HTMLText, ConvertHTAcode(htaBuffer) PUSH HTMLText, TAG2: RemoveConsecutiveSameColTAGs HTMLText End Sub Function ConvertCodeLine(AnyLine) Dim OldLine, NewLine, PrevChar, Color, sTmp, sTmp2, i, j OldLine = ReplaceTabsByBlanks(AnyLine): NewLine = "" If UCase(Left(Trim(OldLine),4)) = "REM " Then ' RemarkCodeLine NewLine = enTAG(col.Item("Rem"), OldLine) Else ' Word-Recognition If Language = "PB" Then For Each sTmp In Split("#PBFORMS ",",") If InStr(LTrim(OldLine),sTmp) = 1 Then PrevChar = Left(OldLine,1) NewLine = enTAG(col.Item("Fms"), OldLine) OldLine = "" ConvertCodeLine = NewLine: Exit Function End If Next End If: PrevChar = "" Do While Len(OldLine) ' Char- and Word-Recognition, Bytewise detect Select Case Left(OldLine, 1) Case """" ' 1234567i 1i ' "......" "" i = InStr(2, OldLine, """") If i = 0 Then i = Len(OldLine) sTmp = Left(OldLine,i): sTmp2 = "" If i > 1 Then sTmp2 = Mid(sTmp,2,i-2) sTmp = """" & ReplaceSpecChars(sTmp2) & """" PrevChar = Mid(OldLine,i,1) NewLine = NewLine & enTAG(col.Item("Qum"), sTmp) OldLine = Mid(OldLine,i+1) Case "'" PrevChar = Left(OldLine,1) NewLine = NewLine & enTAG(col.Item("Rem"), _ ReplaceSpecChars(OldLine)) OldLine = "" Case Else If Not(InStrOnly(PrevChar, "A-z,.")) Then ' KeyWord detect allowed sTmp = DyeIfKeyWordFound(OldLine) If sTmp <> "" Then Color = Left(sTmp,6): sTmp = Mid(sTmp,7) PrevChar = Right(sTmp,1) NewLine = NewLine & enTAG(Color, sTmp) OldLine = Mid(OldLine,Len(sTmp)+1) Else ' Number detect ' vbTab & " .;+-*\/()=<>" sTmp = IsNr(PrevChar, OldLine) If sTmp <> "" Then ' nr found in OldLineCopy PrevChar = Right(sTmp,1) NewLine = NewLine & enTAG(col.Item("Nrs"), sTmp) OldLine = Mid(OldLine,Len(sTmp)+1) Else ' no nr found PrevChar = Left(OldLine,1) NewLine = NewLine & ReplaceSpecChars(PrevChar) OldLine = Mid(OldLine,2) End If End If Else PrevChar = Left(OldLine,1) NewLine = NewLine & PrevChar OldLine = Mid(OldLine,2) End If End Select Loop: ConvertCodeLine = NewLine End If End Function Function ReplaceTabsByBlanks(AnyLine) Dim i, d: i = 0 Do: INC i: If i > Len(AnyLine) Then Exit Do If Mid(AnyLine,i,1) = vbTab Then d = 5+4*((i-1)\4)-i AnyLine = Left(AnyLine,i-1) & Space(d) & Mid(AnyLine,i+1) i = i + d - 1 End If Loop: ReplaceTabsByBlanks = AnyLine End Function Function AssignColors(AnyLanguage, AnyFlag) ' Result in the public array col.Items Dim ColTyp, i, a1, a2, Lg: Lg = AnyLanguage a1 = Split(ColSet.Item("ColTyps"),",") If col.Count = 0 Then For Each ColTyp In a1: col.Add ColTyp, "": Next Select Case Language Case "PB": Lg = "PB" Case "hta","vbs": If AnyFlag Then Lg = "hta" Else Lg = "vbs" End Select: a2 = Split(ColSet.Item(Lg),","): i = -1 For Each ColTyp In a1: col.Item(ColTyp) = a2(INC(i)): Next AssignColors = AnyFlag End Function Function DyeIfKeyWordFound(AnyString) ' Returns Color = Left(DyeIfKeyWordFound,6): Keyword = Mid(DyeIfKeyWordFound,7) ' Converts keyword from black-white to color ' If KeyWord found, it returns Keyword with col-TAGs ' and returns AnyString displaced ' If KeyWord not found, it returns "" and ' leaves AnyString unchanged Dim KeyWord: KeyWord = "" Select Case Language Case "PB": KeyWord = DetectKeyWord(AnyString, "PBstm", ListKeywordsPBstm) If KeyWord = "" Then _ KeyWord = DetectKeyWord(AnyString, "PBops", ListKeywordsPBops) Case "hta","vbs": KeyWord = DetectKeyWord(AnyString, "VbsStm", ListKeywordsVbsStm) End Select: DyeIfKeyWordFound = KeyWord End Function Function DetectKeyWord(AnyString, Which, AnyArray) Dim Color, Keyword, K, L, Ls, item, Found, NextChar: DetectKeyWord = "": Found = False Select Case Which Case "PBstm","VbsStm": K = "Key" Case "PBops": K = "Ops" End Select: Color = col.Item("Txt"): Ls = Len(AnyString) For Each KeyWord In AnyArray: L = Len(KeyWord) Do: If L > Ls Then Exit Do If UCase(KeyWord) <> UCase(Left(AnyString,L)) Then Exit Do ' Mid(AnyString, L+1,1) = NextChar If L < Ls Then If InStrOnly(Mid(AnyString, L+1,1), "A-z") Then Exit Do Color = col.Item(K) If Which = "PBstm" Then For Each item In Split("%IDC_,%IDD_",",") If UCase(KeyWord) = UCase(item) Then Color = col.Item("Txt") Next End If: Found = True: Exit For Loop Until True Next: If Not Found Then Exit Function NextChar = Mid(AnyString, L+1,1) If NextChar <> "" Then If InStr("0123456789", NextChar) > 0 Then Exit Function If Len(Color) <> 6 Then Color = "000000" If Not(InStrOnly(Color, "0-9,A-f")) Then Color = "000000" DetectKeyWord = Color & KeyWord End Function Function IsNr(AnyPrevChar, AnyString) Dim sTmp, Chrs, C0, C, C1, i, Number C0 = AnyPrevChar: Number = True: IsNr = "" Chrs = vbTab & " .;:+-*\/()=<>" If Not(InStrOnly(C0, Chrs) Or C0 = "" Or C0 = ",") Then Exit Function For i = 1 To Len(AnyString): sTmp = Mid(AnyString,i,2): C = Left(sTmp,1) If Not(InStrOnly(C, "0-9,.")) Then Number = False: Exit For Next: DEC i: If Number Then i = Len(AnyString) C1 = Mid(AnyString,i+1,1) If Not(InStrOnly(C1, Chrs) Or C1 = "" Or C1 = ",") Then Exit Function IsNr = Left(AnyString,i) End Function Function ConvertHTAcode(AnyArray) ' List of multiple lines Dim Code, TAGdyed, j, k: ConvertHTAcode = A0 If UBound(AnyArray) < 0 Then Exit Function Code = Join(AnyArray, vbCrLf): TAGdyed = "" Code = Replace(Code, vbTab, " ") Do While Len(Code): j = InStr(Code,"<"): k = InStr(Code,">") If j = 0 Or k = 0 Or j > k Then TAGdyed = enTAG(col.Item("Txt"), _ SpecChar(Code, "<>")): Exit Do Else TAGdyed = TAGdyed & DyeTAG(Left(Code,k)) Code = Mid(Code,k+1) End If Loop: TAGdyed = Replace(TAGdyed, vbCrLf, vbCrLf & "<BR>") TAGdyed = Replace(TAGdyed, "<BR>" & vbCrLf, "<BR>") ConvertHTAcode = RemoveBlanksAfterBreaks(Split(TAGdyed, vbCrLf)) End Function Function RemoveBlanksAfterBreaks(AnyText) Dim A1, A2, Line, NewLine, item, x, found: RemoveBlanksAfterBreaks = A0 A1 = Array("<BR>"," "," ") A2 = Array("<BR>"," "," ") For Each Line In AnyText: NewLine = "" Do: For Each item In A1: x = -1 If Left(Line, Len(item)) = item Then x = Find(A1,item,1) found = False: If x > -1 Then found = True: Exit For Next: If Not found Then NewLine = NewLine & Line: Line = "": Exit Do NewLine = NewLine & A2(x): Line = Mid(Line, Len(item) + 1) Loop: PUSH RemoveBlanksAfterBreaks, NewLine Next End Function Function ReplaceSpecChars(Line) ReplaceSpecChars = SpecChar(Line, "äÄöÖüÜß ""<>&§") End Function Function SpecChar(Line, CharMask) ' z.B. CharMask = """ " Dim CharSet, SpecChars, i, k, Char: SpecChar = "" ' insert HTML-code for special characters ' && must be on first place ' at the end ";" must be missing CharSet = "äÄöÖüÜß ""<>&§" SpecChars = "äÄöÖüÜß" & _ " "<>&§" SpecChars = Split(SpecChars,";") For i = 1 To Len(Line): Char = Mid(Line, i, 1) If InStr(CharMask, Char) > 0 Then _ k = InStr(CharSet, Char): Char = SpecChars(k-1) & ";" SpecChar = SpecChar & Char Next End Function Function DyeTAG(AnyString) ' One single TAG ' "....<..." "....>..." "....>...<..." "....<...>..." Dim TAG, TAGtxt, TAGname, TAGattr, TAGdyed, sTmp, sTmp2, i, j, k, Txt1 TAG = "": TAGtxt = "": TAGname = "": TAGattr = "": TAGdyed = "" If AnyString = "" Then Exit Function j = InStr(AnyString,"<"): k = InStr(AnyString,">") If j > 1 Then TAGdyed = SpecChar(Left(AnyString, j-1), """ ") AnyString = Mid(AnyString,j): j = 1: k = InStr(AnyString,">") End If: TAG = Left(AnyString,k): If TAG = "" Then Exit Function i = InStr(TAG," "): If i = 0 Then i = Len(TAG) ' split in TAGname and TAGattr TAGname = Mid(TAG,2,i-2): TAGattr = Mid(TAG, i, Len(TAG) - i) If Mid(TAG,2,3) = "!--" Then ' RemarkTAG DyeTAG = TAGdyed & enTAG(col.Item("Rem"), "<" & _ TAGname & TAGattr & ">"): Exit Function End If TAGdyed = TAGdyed & enTAG(col.Item("Key"), "<") & _ enTAG(col.Item("Tag"), TAGname) ' encolor leading < ' Dye Attributes for example size="3" name="mylistbox" If Len(TAGattr) Then sTmp2 = "": i = 1 ' several attributes Do: j = InStr(i, TAGattr,"="): If j = 0 Then Exit Do sTmp = SpecChar(Mid(TAGattr,i,j-i), " ") sTmp2 = sTmp2 & enTAG(col.Item("Att"), sTmp) ' encolors attname i = j: j = InStr(j,TAGattr,""""): If j = 0 Then Exit Do ' no " found j = InStr(j+1,TAGattr,""""): If j = 0 Then Exit Do ' no second " found sTmp2 = sTmp2 & enTAG(col.Item("Qum"), _ SpecChar(Mid(TAGattr,i,j-i+1),""" ")) ' encolors attval i = j + 1 ' next att Loop End If DyeTAG = TAGdyed & sTmp2 & enTAG(col.Item("Key"), ">") ' encolor trailing > End Function Function TAG1(AnyColor) ' Creates StartTAG with color Attribute TAG1 = "": If AnyColor = "" Then Exit Function If Len(AnyColor) <> 6 Then AnyColor = "000000" If Not(InStrOnly(AnyColor, "0-9,A-f")) Then AnyColor = "000000" TAG1 = "<font color=""#" & AnyColor & """>" ' "<font color=""#007F00"">" End Function Function enTAG(AnyCol, AnyStrg) ' equippes txt with start- and endTAG enTAG = TAG1(AnyCol) & AnyStrg & TAG2 End Function Function Sort(AnyArray, SortDirection) ' Sortdirection Up = 1, Down = -1 Dim A, Ubd, ItemPos, Pointer, PointerToPeakValue, CmpOp, SD SD = SortDirection: A = AnyArray: Ubd = UBound(A): Sort = A If Ubd < 0 Or Abs(SD) <> 1 Then Exit Function For ItemPos = 0 To Ubd: PointerToPeakValue = ItemPos For Pointer = ItemPos + 1 To Ubd: CmpOp = 0 If A(Pointer) < A(PointerToPeakValue) Then CmpOp = -1 If A(Pointer) > A(PointerToPeakValue) Then CmpOp = 1 If CmpOp <> SD Then PointerToPeakValue = Pointer Next: SWAP A(PointerToPeakValue), A(ItemPos) Next: Sort = A End Function Function SortForWordLenght(ByVal AnyArray) Dim i, sTmp, Flag: Flag = True While Flag = True: Flag = False For i = 0 To UBound(AnyArray)-1 If Len(AnyArray(i)) < Len(AnyArray(i+1)) Then sTmp = AnyArray(i): AnyArray(i) = AnyArray(i+1) AnyArray(i+1) = sTmp: Flag = True End If Next Wend: SortForWordLenght = AnyArray End Function Function RemoveLeadingEmptyLines(ByRef AnyArray) Dim item, Ctr, i: Ctr = 0: RemoveLeadingEmptyLines = AnyArray If UBound(AnyArray) < 0 Then Exit Function For Each item In AnyArray: If Trim(item) <> "" Then Exit For INC Ctr Next: If Ctr = 0 Then Exit Function For i = Ctr To UBound(AnyArray): AnyArray(i-Ctr) = AnyArray(i): Next ReDim Preserve AnyArray(UBound(AnyArray)-Ctr): RemoveLeadingEmptyLines = AnyArray End Function Function RemoveDoubleItems(AnyArray) Dim i, j: i = 0 While i <= UBound(AnyArray)-1 If AnyArray(i) = AnyArray(i+1) Then For j = i+2 To UBound(AnyArray): AnyArray(j-1) = AnyArray(j): Next DEC i: ReDim Preserve AnyArray(UBound(AnyArray)-1) End If: INC i Wend: RemoveDoubleItems = AnyArray End Function Function InStrOnly(AnyString, Subset) ' InStrOnly(AnyString, "a-z,A-Z,A-z,0-9, _[]ßäöüÄÖÜ€|") ' InStrOnly(AnyString, "Chr(32-127),ßäöüÄÖÜ€") Dim Char, C1, C2, UC1, UC2, LC1, LC2, Size1, Size2 Dim item, i, arrSubset, OK, strOK: OK = False arrSubset = Split(Subset,","): strOK = True If AnyString = "" Then strOK = False For i = 1 To Len(AnyString) Char = Mid(AnyString,i,1): OK = False For Each item In arrSubset If Len(item) = 3 And Mid(item,2,1) = "-" Then ' UCase = True, LCase = False, Nrs treated as UCase C1 = Left(item,1): C2 = Right(item,1) UC1 = UCase(C1): UC2 = UCase(C2) LC1 = LCase(C1): LC2 = LCase(C2) Size1 = (UC1 = C1): Size2 = (UC2 = C2) If Size1 And Size2 Then ' A-Z If Char >= UC1 And Char <= UC2 Then OK = True If Char >= "0" And Char <= "9" Then OK = True ElseIf Not(Size1) And Not(Size2) Then ' a-z If Char >= "a" And Char <= "z" Then OK = True ElseIf (Size1 And Not(Size2)) Or _ (Not(Size1) And Size2) Then ' A-z If Char >= UC1 And Char <= UC2 Then OK = True If Char >= LC1 And Char <= LC2 Then OK = True End If ElseIf item = "Chr(32-127)" Then If Char >= Chr(32) And Char <= Chr(127) Then OK = True Else If InStr(item, Char) <> 0 Then OK = True End If Next: If Not(OK) Then strOK = False If Not(strOK) Then Exit For Next: InStrOnly = strOK End Function Sub RemoveConsecutiveSameColTAGs(ByRef AnyHTMLtext) Dim A, i: A = AnyHTMLtext For i = 0 To UBound(A): RemoveSameColTAGsInLine A(i): Next: AnyHTMLtext = A End Sub Sub RemoveSameColTAGsInLine(ByRef AnyLine) Dim i, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, s, c, Line, ULine: i = 1 Line = AnyLine Do: ULine = UCase(Line) i1 = InStr(i, ULine, UCase("<font color=")): If i1 = 0 Then Exit Do i2 = InStr(i1, ULine,""""): If i2 = 0 Then Exit Do i3 = InStr(i2, ULine,""""): If i3 = 0 Then Exit Do i4 = InStr(i3, ULine,">"): If i4 = 0 Then Exit Do i5 = InStr(i4, ULine, UCase("</font>")): If i5 = 0 Then Exit Do i6 = i5 + Len("</font>")-1 i7 = InStr(i6, ULine, Mid(ULine, i1, i4 - i1 + 1)) Do: If i7 = 0 Then i = i6 + 1: Exit Do s = Mid(Line, i6 + 1, i7 - i6 - 1) c = Trim(Replace(s, " ", " ")) If c <> "" Then i = i7: Exit Do i8 = InStr(i7, ULine,">") Line = Left(Line, i5 - 1) & LCase(s) & Mid(Line, i8 + 1): i = i1 Loop Until True Loop: AnyLine = Line End Sub Sub ReadWriteListFile(ByVal Direction, ByRef AnyList, ByVal AnyFileSpec) Dim f, CodeLine, LastCodeLine If Direction = ForReading Then 'returns CodeLines in an array AnyList = A0: If Not fso.FileExists(AnyFileSpec) Then Exit Sub Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(AnyFileSpec, ForReading) AnyList = Split(f.ReadAll,vbCrLf): f.Close ElseIf Direction = ForWriting Then If UBound(AnyList) < 0 Then fso.DeleteFile(AnyFileSpec): Exit Sub If fso.FileExists (AnyFileSpec) Then fso.DeleteFile(AnyFileSpec) Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(AnyFileSpec, ForWriting, True) f.Write Join(AnyList,vbCrLf): f.Close End If End Sub Function Read (AnyLine) If Not IsArray(ReadTmp) Then ReadTmp = A0 If AnyLine = "" Then Read = ReadTmp: ReadTmp = A0: Exit Function PUSH ReadTmp, AnyLine: Read = A0 End Function Function Find(AnyArray, AnyString, AnyComp) Dim item: Find = -1: item = "wrong parameter in Find" If AnyComp <> 0 And AnyComp <> 1 Then Exit Function If UBound(AnyArray) = -1 Or AnyString = "" Then Exit Function For Each item In AnyArray: INC Find If StrComp (item, AnyString, AnyComp) = 0 Then Exit Function Next: Find = -1 End Function Function INC(ByRef AnyNr): AnyNr = AnyNr + 1: INC = AnyNr: End Function Function DEC(ByRef AnyNr): AnyNr = AnyNr - 1: DEC = AnyNr: End Function Function CLine: CLine = ScriptText(LineNr): End Function Sub PUSH(ByRef AnyArr, ByVal AnyVar) ' AnyVar can be a String, Numeric or a Variant Array Dim item If Not IsArray(AnyVar) Then AnyVar = Array(AnyVar) For Each item In AnyVar ReDim Preserve AnyArr(UBound(AnyArr)+1): AnyArr(UBound(AnyArr)) = item Next End Sub Function DEQUEUE(ByRef AnyArr) Dim i: If UBound(AnyArr) = -1 Then Exit Function DEQUEUE = AnyArr(0) For i = 1 To UBound(AnyArr): AnyArr(i-1) = AnyArr(i): Next ReDim Preserve AnyArr(UBound(AnyArr)-1) End Function Sub SWAP(byRef aString, byRef bString) Dim sTmp: sTmp = aString: aString = bString: bString = sTmp End Sub Sub SetHTAflag ' SM = "HTML, SCRIPT Language=""VBScript"", /SCRIPT, /HTML" Dim Line: Line = UCase(CLine) If InStr(Line,SM(0)) Or InStr(Line,SM(2)) Then htaFlag = True End Sub Sub ResetHTAflag Dim Line: Line = UCase(CLine) If InStr(Line,SM(1)) Or InStr(Line,SM(3)) Then htaFlag = False End Sub Function Msg(AnyFileSpec) Msg = Left(AnyFileSpec,10) & " ..." If Mid(AnyFileSpec,2,2) = ":\" Then Msg = fso.GetFileName(AnyFileSpec) Msg = "correct file """ & Msg & """ missing" End Function ' End of Procedures </SCRIPT> <body bgcolor="buttonface"> <p align="center"> Select programming language<BR>of the source-code<BR> for correct text-recognition<BR><BR> <select size="3" name="mylistbox" style="width:140px" ondblclick="OnClickDisplaySelected"></select><BR><BR> Program Loads Code from file "SourceCode" (Type .hta, .vbs or .bas)<BR> but hta and vbs recognise automaticly the type of each other<BR><BR> <input type="button" name="DisplaySelected" id="DisplaySelected" value=" Start " onclick="OnClickDisplaySelected"> </p> </body> </html> | ||