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Ein Programm in der Programmiersprache | A program in the programming language | |||
Visual BASIC 2015 | ||||
Beispiele von wichtigen Programm-Funktionen | Examples of important program-functions | |||
Mit vbScript werden Programme mit mehr als 800 Zeilen unübersichtlich und Auslagern von Code in externe Scripts, die vom Hauptprogramm aufgerufen werden, erfordern noch mehr Code als zuvor für die Übergabe von Daten. Daher habe ich nach 5 Jahren Pause das Programmieren mit Visual Basic wieder aufgenommen und hier sind ein paar Beispiele vom Beginn einer Bibliothek: | In vbScript programs with more than 800 lines get confusing and outsourcing of code into external scripts, which are called by the main-program, need even more code as before for the handing over of data. Therefore, after a pause of 5 years, I restarted programming with Visual Basic and here are some example of the beginning of a library: | |||
Das Programm ist getestet vor der Publikation, aber es kann keine Garantie gegeben werden, dass es fehlerfrei ist | The program ist tested before publication, but there can be given no guarantee, that it is free of errors | |||
23. Sept 2016 | Sept 23th 2016 |
New Writing Style for String OperationsIn VB 2015 a String has become to an Object with Properties and Methods![]() Procedure Examples' Code in Visual BASIC 2015Public Class Form1 Private OWN As New OWNsysVars Private PGM As New Program Private ControlMenuItems1 = Split("TestProcedures,OpenFile,SaveFile,BrowseFolder", ",") Private Task Private Const RD = 1, WR = 2 Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load DiagListboxMenu("Init") ' Close() ' Form close End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click DiagListboxMenu("CallPgm") End Sub Private Sub Label1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click End Sub 'Dialog Windows Private Sub DiagListboxMenu(xTsk) Dim A = {}, Result As Array = {}, CMI = CArr(ControlMenuItems1) With ListBox1 Select Case xTsk Case "Init" : For Each Line In CMI : .Items.Add(Line) : Next Case "GetChoice" : For Each Line In .SelectedItems : PUSH(A, Line) : Next If aON(A) Then Task = A(0) Else Task = "" Case "CallPgm" PUSH(A, CMI) Select Case Task Case A(0) : PGM.TestProcedures() Case A(1) : Result = DiagFileOpen("") Case A(2) : DiagFileSave("", {"asdf", "jklo", "qwert"}) Case A(3) : Result = {DiagFolderBrowse()} End Select End Select End With : DisplayInLabel1(Result) End Sub ' Display Public Sub DisplayInLabel1(xVar) Dim A = CArr(xVar) : If Not aON(A) Then Exit Sub Label1.Text = A(0) End Sub End Class ' ============================================================================================ Public Module GeneralUsedProcedures Private OWN As New OWNsysVars Public Const RD = 1, WR = 2, AP = 3, ASC = 1, DSC = -1 Public Const GraficFormats = ".pcx.bmp.tif.tiff.gif.jpg.jpe.jpeg.png" Public Const Numerics = "0123456789" Public Const HexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF" Public Const Alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" ' HTMLSpecChrs(i) = "&" & HTMLSpecChrs(i) & ";" Public Const HTMLSpecChrs = "<>&""§äöüÄÖÜß;lt;gt;amp;quot;sect;auml;ouml;uuml;Auml;Ouml;Uuml;szlig" Public Const Chars_Prev = "([{ /*\,;:=<>+-" Public Const Chars_Next = ")]} /*\,;:=<>+-" Public Const allbracks = "()[]{}" Public Result As Array = {}, Report As Array = {}, ErrMsg As Array = {}, BrkErrMsg As Array = {} Public Property Chrs_Prev As Object Public Function DiagFileOpen(ByVal InitialPath As String) If InitialPath = "" Then InitialPath = OWN.Path.MyDocs Dim OpenFileDialog1 As New OpenFileDialog() With OpenFileDialog1 .Title = "Open the File" .Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|html files (*.htm*)|*.txt" .FilterIndex = 2 .Multiselect = True .RestoreDirectory = True .InitialDirectory = InitialPath If .ShowDialog() <> DialogResult.OK Then Return {} Return .FileNames End With End Function Public Sub DiagFileSave(ByVal InitialPath As String, ByVal xArr As Array) If InitialPath = "" Then InitialPath = OWN.Path.MyDocs Dim SaveFileDialog1 As New SaveFileDialog() With SaveFileDialog1 .Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*" .FilterIndex = 2 .RestoreDirectory = True .InitialDirectory = InitialPath If .ShowDialog() <> DialogResult.OK Then Exit Sub RDWRfile(WR, LofA(xArr), .FileName) End With End Sub Public Function DiagFolderBrowse() Dim sPath = "", FolderBrowserDialog1 = New FolderBrowserDialog With FolderBrowserDialog1 .RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.MyComputer If .ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then sPath = .SelectedPath End With : Return sPath End Function ' Array and Variant Procedures Public Function Ubd(xA) Return UBound(xA) : End Function Public Sub PUSH(ByRef xA, ByVal xVar) ' xVar can be a String, Numeric or a Variant Array For Each item In CArr(xVar) : ReDim Preserve xA(Ubd(xA) + 1) : xA(Ubd(xA)) = item : Next End Sub Public Function CArr(ByRef xVar) If Not IsArray(xVar) Then xVar = {xVar} Return xVar End Function Public Function LofA(ByRef xVar) As List(Of String) ' Returns an Array A as Object List(Of String) from ' an Array xVar or from a string or a chain ' a chain is a string "txt1,txt2,txt3" ' The other direction of the conversion is: Array = LofS.ToArray Dim A As New List(Of String) : A.AddRange(CArr(xVar)) : Return A End Function ' Files + Folders Public Function FiE(xfSpec) Return My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(xfSpec) End Function Public Sub FiD(xfSpec) If FiE(xfSpec) Then My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(xfSpec) End Sub Public Function FiB(xfSpec) Return IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(xfSpec) End Function Public Function FiN(xfSpec) Return IO.Path.GetFileName(xfSpec) End Function Public Function BPth(xPath, xFile) Return IO.Path.Combine(xPath, xFile) End Function ' Display Procedures Public Sub DisplayMsg(xArr, xfSpec, Title) If Not aON(xArr) Then Exit Sub RDWRfile(WR, enTitleMsg(xArr, Title), xfSpec) Process.Start("notepad.exe", xfSpec).WaitForExit() End Sub Public Function enTitleMsg(ByVal xLofS, ByVal Title) As List(Of String) If Title = "" Then Return xLofS Dim sd = StrDup(10, "="), T1 = sd, T = enBl(Title) & sd, T2 = T1 & " End Of" & T : T1 = T1 & T Dim LofS As New List(Of String) LofS.AddRange({"", T1, T2}) : LofS.InsertRange(2, xLofS) : Return LofS End Function ' Harddisk Procedures Public Sub RDWRfile(ByVal Dir As Byte, ByRef xLofS As List(Of String), ByVal xfSpec As String) If xfSpec = "" Then Exit Sub Dim fSpec As New IO.FileInfo(xfSpec) Dim fe = fSpec.Exists, de = IO.Directory.Exists(fSpec.DirectoryName) If Dir = RD Then If Not fe Then Exit Sub Dim LofS As New List(Of String) Using fs As IO.FileStream = fSpec.Open(IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read) Using sr As New IO.StreamReader(fs, System.Text.Encoding.Default) ' System.Text.Encoding.Default is needed for modified vowels Do While Not sr.EndOfStream : LofS.Add(sr.ReadLine) : Loop End Using End Using : xLofS = LofS ElseIf Dir = WR Then ' WriteLine makes after each Line a Linefeed, so that after the last line ' there is an empty line added, that cannot bei tolerated ' therefor the last line is made by Write ' if the List is empty, it must be avoided an error break ' xLofS needed to stay unchanged for further use If xLofS.Count < 1 Then Exit Sub If Not de Then fSpec.Directory.Create() Else If fe Then fSpec.Delete() Using fs As IO.FileStream = fSpec.Open(IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, IO.FileAccess.Write) Using sw As New IO.StreamWriter(fs, System.Text.Encoding.Default) ' System.Text.Encoding.Default is needed for modified vowels For Each s In xLofS.GetRange(0, xLofS.Count - 1) : sw.WriteLine(s) : Next sw.Write(xLofS.Last) : sw.Flush() ' Flush moves the stream buffer into the file End Using End Using End If End Sub End Module ' ============================================================================================ Public Class Program Private OWN As New OWNsysVars Public Sub TestProcedures() Dim A = OWN.ListOfSysVars() PUSH(A, Respond()) DisplayMsg(A, BPth(OWN.fPath, "tmp.txt"), "System Variables") End Sub End Class ' ============================================================================================ Imports System.IO Public Class OWNsysVars Public Mainboards, ComputerName, Mainboard, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, OS, UserName Public Screen As Object = My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Size ' Sub New() replaces Class_Initialise in older VB-Versions ' and is started automaticly everytime, if the Class is ' instantiated in another class Public Sub New() ' ----------- System Variables ----------- Dim fSys As Object = My.Computer.FileSystem ' More than one Mainboard if you have running the program on other computers Mainboards = "YourMainBoardName1,YourMainBoardName2,YourMainBoardName3" ComputerName = Environment.MachineName ' ComputerName is extended versus MainboardName for versions of different installations Mainboard = GetMainBoard() ' as part of the computername OS = Split(My.Computer.Info.OSFullName, " ")(2) ' Operating System UserName = Environment.UserName ' ----------- File-Specs ----------- With fSpec .Name = IO.Path.GetFileName(Application.ExecutablePath) ' (FulName) .Base = IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Application.ExecutablePath) .File = BPth(Path.Current, .Name) ' Path & FulName .INI = BPth(Path.Work, .Base & ".INI") End With ' ----------- Pathes ----------- With Path .MyDocs = fSys.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments .Current = fSys.CurrentDirectory ' Path.Preliminary is used for test-phase before pgm finished ' and is made to WorkPath by GetWorkPath() for general use .Preliminary = "YourPath" .ProjectSub = "Visual Studio 2015\Projects\*\*\bin\Debug" .ProjectSub = Replace(.ProjectSub, "*", fSpec.Base) .Project = BPth(.MyDocs, .ProjectSub) .Work = GetWorkPath() .Constituents = BPth(.Work, "Constituents") ' used if more files as INI extant End With ' ----------- Drive-Specs ----------- DRV.Specs = DRV.GetAllInfo() End Sub ' ----------- Procedures ----------- Private Function GetMainBoard() As String For Each MB In Split(Mainboards, ",") If StrComp(MB, Left(ComputerName, Len(MB)), CompareMethod.Text) Then Return MB Next : Return "" End Function Private Function GetWorkPath() If Path.Current = Path.Project Then Return Path.Preliminary Return Path.Current End Function Public Function Respond() Return OWN.UserName & _ " is here, test that information from OWN is processed by GUP to program" End Function Public Function ListOfSysVars() Dim V, A As New List(Of String) With OWN V.AddRange({ "Screen.Width", Screen.Width, "Screen.Height", Screen.Height, "Mainboard", .Mainboard, "ComputerName", .ComputerName, "OS", .OS, "UserName", .UserName, "DriveInfo", String.Join(", ", DRV.GetAllInfo.ToArray), "Path.MyDocs", Path.MyDocs, "Path.Project", Path.Project, "Path.Preliminary", Path.Preliminary, "Path.Current", Path.Current, "OWN.fname", .fname, "OWN.fSpec", .fSpec, "Path.Work", Path.Work, "Path.Constituents", Path.Constituents, "fSpec.INI", .INI, "fSpec.DefaultINI", fSpec.DefaultINI}) For i = 0 To V.Count - 2 Step 2 : A.Add(String.Join(" = ", V.GetRange(i, 2))) : Next End With : Return A End Function End Class ' ========================================================================================= Public Class PathSpecs Public Current, MyDocs, Preliminary, Project, ProjectSub, Work, Constituents End Class ' ========================================================================================= Public Class FileSpecs Public Base, Name, File, INI End Class ' ========================================================================================= Imports System.IO ' needed for DriveInfo Public Class DriveSpecs Public Specs As New List(Of String) ' Procedures Public Function GetAllInfo() As List(Of String) If Specs.Count > 0 Then Return Specs Dim DrvInf As New List(Of String) For Each d As DriveInfo In DriveInfo.GetDrives() If d.IsReady Then DrvInf.Add(Left(d.Name, 2) & d.VolumeLabel) Next : Return DrvInf End Function Public Function Exists(xName) As Boolean ' xName = ":Name" or "letter:" If Len(xName) < 2 Then Return False Dim Typ = -1, A As String() = Split(xName, ":") : If Ubd(A) <> 1 Then Return False For i = 0 To 1 : If A(i) = "" Then Typ = 1 - i Next : If Not (Typ = 0 Or Typ = 1) Then Return False For Each d In GetAllInfo() If StrComp(Split(d, ":")(Typ), A(Typ), CompareMethod.Text) Then Return True Next : Return False End Function Public Function GetLetterFromName(xName As String) As String Dim a : If Not Exists(":" & xName) Then Return "" For Each d In GetAllInfo() : a = Split(d, ":") If StrComp(a(1), xName, CompareMethod.Text) Then Return UCase(a(0)) Next : Return "" End Function End Class | ||