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Ein Programm in der Programmiersprache A program in the programming language
Visual BASIC 2015
Code für ein Experiment zur Bildverarbeitung Code for an experiment to picture-processing

In einer Windows-Form wird eine PictureBox angelegt. Für dieses Objekt stellt das VB eine große Zahl von Instruktionen bereit zum Zeichnen von Figuren, aber man kann hier kein Bild hereinladen, weil das wird als Bitmap in das PictureBox.Image geladen und angezeigt, es überdeckt die Zeichnung und darin kann man nicht Zeichnen und man kann die Zeichnung in keiner Weise in das Bild bekommen. Man kann aber pixelweise lesen und schreiben und für ein Zeichnen in einer Grafik muss man sich selbst Prozeduren schreiben. Das PictureBox.Image ist eine Eigenschaft des PictureBox-Objektes.

Für die klarere Funktionsweise wird das ganze Bild in ein Array kopiert, dann in ein zweites Array ein künstliches Bild. Zu dem zweiten Array kommt ein gleich großes Array, wo die Bytes für die Transparenz jedes Pixels stehen.

Danach kann man dann das zweite Array ins erste kopieren mit automatischer Transparenz und dann das erste Array mit den Veränderungen wieder zurück in das PictureBox.Image, von wo das Bild angezeigt wird und dann auf Festplatte sichern.

Die Programm-Laufzeit ist doch einige Sekunden.

In a windows-form there is created a PictureBox. For this object VB offers a big number of instructions for drawing of figures, but one cannot load herein an image, because this will be loaded as bitmap into the PictureBox.Image and displayed, it overcovers the drawing and herein one cannot draw and one can in no way get the drawing into the image. But one can pixelwise read and write - and for drawing in a graphic one must himself write the procedures. The PictureBox.Image is a property of the PictureBox-Object.

For the clearer functioning the image is copied into an array, then an artificial image into a second array. To the second one a same size one, where there are the bytes for the transparency of each pixel.

Thereafter one can copy the second array into the first one with automatic transparency and then the first array with the changes can be copied back into the PictureBox.Image, from where it is displayed and saved on hard disk.

The program-runtime is, however, some seconds.

Das Programm ist getestet vor der Publikation, aber es kann keine Garantie gegeben werden, dass es fehlerfrei ist

The program ist tested before publication, but there can be given no guarantee, that it is free of errors
28. Juni 2016 June 28th 2016

Display of Graphic Experiment

Here is shown the display of a Break-Error-Message in the PictureBox
in case one occurs caused by wrong parameter choice in program


' Program in Visual BASIC 2015
Public Class Form1
    Private PGM As New Program
    Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    End Sub
End Class
Public Class Program
    Private Const fSpec_Img1 = "D:\YourPath\Image.jpg" ' for loading
    Private Const fSpec_PictureBoxImage = "D:\YourPath\PictureBox.Image.*" ' for saving
    Private Const ImgFormats = "jpg.png" ' for saving
    Private Img1, Img1Array, Img2Array  ' img1 for bitmap, arrays for Bytes
    Private BrkErrMsg As New List(Of String) ' List of String
    Private Img1xmax, Img1ymax, Img2xmax, Img2ymax, xymax(2) As Int16 ' Img-sizes
    Private Sub AssignVars()
        With Form1.PictureBox1
            .Width = 256 : .Height = 256
            Img1xmax = .Width - 1 : Img1ymax = .Height - 1
            Img2xmax = Img1xmax \ 2 : Img2ymax = Img1ymax \ 2
            Dim aTmp(Img1xmax, Img1ymax, 2) As Byte : Img1Array = aTmp
            ReDim aTmp(Img2xmax, Img2ymax, 3) : Img2Array = aTmp
        End With
    End Sub
    Public Sub Main() ' Jumping out of the sub means BrkErr with automatic display
        With Form1.PictureBox1
            If Not LoadImgFromDisk(fSpec_Img1) Then Exit Sub ' as bitmap in img1
            CopyImg1ToArray1() ' without transparency
            Img2ToArray2() ' img2 produced by the pgm
            If Not UnsharpEdges(16) Then Exit Sub ' (margin) Sets Only Transparency in Array2-Mask
            Array2ToArray1(10, 130) ' (xoffs, yoffs) with automatic making transparency
            CopyArray1ToImg1() ' Bitmap-Image-Object of VB
            .Image = Img1 ' PictureBox.Image is a property of PictureBox
        End With
    End Sub
    Public Sub DisplayResult() ' as text in the picturebox
        If BrkErrMsg.Count < 1 Then Exit Sub
        BrkErrMsg.Insert(0, "BrkErrMsg")
        DrawListOfString(BrkErrMsg, 50) ' BrkErrMsg, y
    End Sub
    Sub DrawListOfString(LofS, y) ' Display of Text as Graphic-Text on PictureBox
        With Form1.PictureBox1 : Dim size : Dim d = 0
            Dim myFont As Font, myBrush As Brush
            Dim myGraphics As Graphics = .CreateGraphics
            Dim MyFormat As New StringFormat
            MyFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
            myBrush = New Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.Red)
            For i = 0 To LofS.Count - 1 : If i > 7 Then Exit For
                If i = 0 Then size = 12 Else size = 9
                myFont = New System.Drawing.Font("Verdana", size, FontStyle.Bold)
                myGraphics.DrawString(LofS.Item(i), myFont, myBrush, .Width \ 2, y + d, MyFormat)
                If i = 0 Then d += 30 Else d += 20
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub Img2ToArray2()
        Dim s = 32, c0 = 56 : Dim RGBT ' s for col-steps, c0 for brighter cols
        For y = 0 To Img2ymax
            For x = 0 To Img2xmax
                RGBT = {c0 + s * (x \ s), c0 + s * (y \ s), 0, 0} ' last 0 for transparency
                For c = 0 To 3 : Img2Array(x, y, c) = RGBT(c) : Next ' Colors and Transparency
    End Sub
    Private Sub Array2ToArray1(x0, y0)
        Dim x1, y1, col1, col2 : Dim T As Single
        For y = 0 To Img2ymax : y1 = y0 + y
            For x = 0 To Img2xmax : x1 = x0 + x
                If x1 > UBound(Img1Array, 1) Or y1 > UBound(Img1Array, 2) Then Continue For
                T = Img2Array(x, y, 3) / 255
                For c = 0 To 2 : col1 = Img1Array(x1, y1, c) : col2 = Img2Array(x, y, c)
                    Img1Array(x1, y1, c) = Int(col1 * T + col2 * (1 - T))
    End Sub
    Private Function LoadImgFromDisk(xfSpec)
        ' These possibilities, but exclude each other in use
        ' PictureBox1.Load(xfSpec)
        ' PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(xfSpec)
        With Form1.PictureBox1
            Dim MyBmp As New Bitmap(.Width, .Height) : Img1 = MyBmp
            Try : Img1 = Image.FromFile(xfSpec)
            Catch ex As Exception : BrkErrMsg.Add("Img-File not found") : Return False
            End Try : Return True
        End With
    End Function
    Private Sub SaveImgToDisk(fSpec)
        For Each f In Split(ImgFormats, ".") : Img1.Save(Replace(fSpec, "*", f)) : Next
    End Sub
    Private Sub CopyArray1ToImg1()
        Dim RGB(2)
        For y = 0 To Img1ymax
            For x = 0 To Img1xmax
                For c = 0 To 2 : RGB(c) = Img1Array(x, y, c) : Next
                Img1.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(RGB(0), RGB(1), RGB(2)))
    End Sub
    Private Sub CopyImg1ToArray1()
        Dim RGB(2) : Dim pxcol As Color
        For y = 0 To Img1ymax
            For x = 0 To Img1xmax
                pxcol = Img1.GetPixel(x, y)
                ConvertToRGB(RGB, Hex(pxcol.ToArgb))
                For c = 0 To 2 : Img1Array(x, y, c) = RGB(c) : Next
    End Sub
    Private Sub ConvertToRGB(ByRef RGB, ByVal xhex)
        Dim h
        For c = 0 To 2 : h = Mid(xhex, 2 * c + 3, 2)
            RGB(c) = Convert.ToInt32(h, 16) ' 16 = convert to hex
    End Sub
    Private Function UnsharpEdges(ByVal d) As Boolean ' d is counted down from outmost frame
        Dim x(4), y(4), A, T, ctr
        xymax(0) = 0 : For i = 1 To 2 : xymax(i) = UBound(Img2Array, i) : Next
        If 2 * d > Math.Min(xymax(1) + 1, xymax(2) + 1) Then _
            BrkErrMsg.Add("img too small for unsharp range") : Return False
        A = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 2}
        GetCoordinates(0, 0, x, y, A) ' x, y irrelevant, result in A
        GetCoordinates(1, 0, x, y, A) ' x, y = x(4), y(4) for Make4LinesTransparent
        A = {1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1} : T = 1 : ctr = d
        Do : Make4LinesTransparent(x, y, T) ' x, y = x(4), y(4)
            ctr -= 1 : If ctr = 0 Then Exit Do
            T = T - 1 / d : If T < 0 Then T = 0
            GetCoordinates(2, T, x, y, A) ' x, y = x(4), y(4) changed by f(T)
        Loop : Return True
        End Function
    Private Sub GetCoordinates(Mode, T, ByRef x, ByRef y, ByRef A) ' x, y = x(4), y(4)
        Dim j, i1, i2
        For i = 1 To 4 : j = 2 * i - 2 : i1 = A(j) : i2 = A(j + 1)
            Select Case Mode
                Case 0 : A(j) = xymax(i1) : A(j + 1) = xymax(i2)
                Case 1 : x(i) = i1 : y(i) = i2
                Case 2 : x(i) += i1 : y(i) += i2
                Case 3 : MakeLineTransparent(x(i1), y(i1), x(i2), y(i2), T)
            End Select
    End Sub
    Private Sub Make4LinesTransparent(x, y, T) ' x, y = x(4), y(4)
        Dim A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 3, 2, 4}
        GetCoordinates(3, T, x, y, A) ' x, y = x(4), y(4)
    End Sub
    Private Sub MakeLineTransparent(x1, y1, x2, y2, T)
        For y = y1 To y2
            For x = x1 To x2 : Img2Array(x, y, 3) = Int(T * 255) : Next
    End Sub
End Class