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Ein Programm in der Programmiersprache | A program in the programming language | |||
Visual BASIC 2015 | ||||
zur Konversion von jedem BASIC-code in HTML-Text durch Verwendung des Publishers von MS-Office | for conversion of any BASIC-Code in HTML-text by use of the Publisher from MS-Office | |||
Das Programm hat dieselben Funktionen wie jenes auf dieser Seite , ist aber in Visual BASIC 2015 geschrieben. Hier kann man die Unterschiede in der Schreibweise und den Daten- Strukturen sehen und vergleichen. Das Programm ist fertig, wobei es für die Konversion des eigenen Codes zur Anzeige vom Publisher 452 kByte bekommt, reduziert sie auf 189 kByte und durch die Reduktion von aufeinanderfolgenden TAGs mit gleicher Farbe wird der Code weiter reduziert auf 162 kByte. Und dieser ist dann geeignet zur Implementierung in anderen Webseiten-Code. Hier wird die Technik der ArrayList ausprobiert. Der Code muss zeilenweise abgearbeitet werden, damit nicht <BR>-s in the TAGs hinein geraten. So muss eine ArrayListe pro Zeile eine verschiedene Anzahl von Elementen halten, wobei die Verarbeitung der Text-Elemente im Format List(of String) erfolgt, welches eine ausreichende Anzahl von Methoden zur Verfügung stellt und man braucht dann keine Separatoren. Aber für die Ein- und Ausgabe der Daten in und aus der ArrayList muss eine Conversion gemacht werden. Aber Konversionen haben ihre Eigenheiten. |
The program has the same functions as those on this page , but is written in Visual BASIC 2015. Here one can see the differencies in writing style and in the data- structures and compare. The program is finished and for conversion of its own code for display it gets 452 kByte from Publisher and reduces it to the size of 189 kByte and reduction of consecutive same color TAGs reduces more to 162 kByte. And this is appropriate to be implemented into other Website-Code. Here is tested a technique of the ArrayList. The code must be processed linewise , that no <BR>-s can get into the TAGs. So the ArrayList must hold a different number of elements per line, whereby the processing of the text-elements is done in the format List(of String), which has a sufficient number of methods and one needs no separators. But for the in- and output of data in and out from the ArrayList ist must be made a conversion. But the conversions have their mannerisms. | |||
Das Programm ist getestet vor der Publikation, aber es kann keine Garantie gegeben werden, dass es fehlerfrei ist | The program ist tested before publication, but there can be given no guarantee, that it is free of errors | |||
25. Sept. 2016 | Sept 25th 2016 |
Picture of the New Form (User-Surface) Msg in TextBox after Program-running
Program ' ==================================================================================================== Public Class Form1 Public PGM As New Program Private SCM As New SourceCodeMarkers Private TGP As New TAGprocs Private CHC As New ConvertHTMLcode Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.CenterToScreen() End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged End Sub Private Sub Label4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Label4.Click End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Lb(False) : But(False) : PGM.Main(1) : But(True) : Lb(True) End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click TBox.Text = "" : BrkErrMsg.Clear() : Report.Clear() Lb(False) : But(False) : PGM.Main(2) : Lb(True) End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged ItemSelected = ListBox1.SelectedItem TBox.Text = "Wait until Browser-Window opens" But(False) : Lb(False) : PGM.Main(3) : But(True) End Sub Private Sub But(enabl As Boolean) Button1.Enabled = enabl : Button2.Enabled = enabl : Button3.Enabled = enabl End Sub Private Sub Lb(visible As Boolean) If visible Then ListBox1.Show() : Label4.Show() Else Label4.Hide() : ListBox1.Hide() End Sub End Class ' ==================================================================================================== Module BasicConstituents Public LoS0 As New List(Of String) Public fSys As Object = My.Computer.FileSystem Public TBox As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox = Form1.TextBox1 Public Diag As New Diags Private CHC As New ConvertHTMLcode ' needed here for DisplayResult if BrkErrMsg Public Const RD = 1, WR = 2, CR0 = vbNullChar, PgmInTest = False Public BrkErrMsg, Report, aMarkers, aTAGs, mLines As New List(Of String) Public aTAGsCmt, aMarkersCode, aMarkersDate, aTitles, aErrTxt As String() Public ItemSelected, mmDeEn(1, 11) As String Public MainFinished As Boolean Public Txt = New With {.SingleLine = "", .List = Nothing, .Cmp = CompareMethod.Text, .HTML = New With {.WebSite = LoS0, .In = LoS0, .Out = LoS0, .Neu = LoS0}} Public fSuffix = New With {.TABsReplaced = ".TABsReplaced", .Output = ".Output"} Public Path = New With {.Current = fSys.CurrentDirectory, .MyDocs = fSys.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments, .Publisher = BPth(.WORKS, "YourSubPath1\"), .Script = BPth(.Publisher, "YourSubPath2\"), .HTMLpub = BPth(.Publisher, "YourSubPath3\"), .Websites = BPth(.WORKS, "YourSubPath4\"), .Dest = Nothing} Public fSpec = New With {.HTMLIn = "", .HTMLOut = "", .Website = "", .DestTmp = "", .In = "", .Out = "", .Tmp = BPth(Path.Current, "Tmp.txt")} Public Months = New With {.De = "Jänner,Feber,März,Apr.,Mai,Juni,Juli,Aug.,Sept.,Okt.,Nov.,Dez.", .En = "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec"} ' Constants and Variables Definitions after Classes Public Const numerics = "0123456789" Public Const HTMLSpecChrs = "<>&""§äöüÄÖÜß;lt;gt;amp;quot;sect;auml;ouml;uuml;Auml;Ouml;Uuml;szlig" Public Const Titles = "ScriptFile,SourceFile,DestFile" ' On FileSelectWindows Public Const ErrTxt = "BreakOff by the user" Public Const sTAG01 = "<span lang=de style='font-family:Courier New;font-size:10.0pt;color:#000000;'>" Public Const sTAG02 = "<span class=""HTML"">" : Public sTAG0 = sTAG01 Public Const sTAG1 = "<span>", sTAG2 = "</span>", sTAGc1 = "<span style='color:", sTAGc2 = "'>" Public Const TAGsCmt = "<!-- , -->" Public Const Markers = "Start,End, of Source-Code# ;ge,en,Date " ' aMarkersCode = "<!-- * of Source-Code# -->" ' aMarkersDate = "<!-- Date * -->" Public Const TAGs = "!--,span,table" Sub New() SetupArrayStyleOfVariables() End Sub ' Setup Procedures Private Sub SetupArrayStyleOfVariables() Dim CD, A, mmDe, mmEn As String() SetupMarkers() SetupTAGs() mmDe = Months.De.Split(",") : mmEn = Months.En.Split(",") For i = 0 To 11 : mmDeEn(0, i) = mmDe(i) : mmDeEn(1, i) = mmEn(i) : Next aTAGsCmt = TAGsCmt.Split(",") : CD = Markers.Split(";") With CHC A = CD(0).Split(",") : aMarkersCode = { .enTAG(A(0) & A(2)), .enTAG(A(1) & A(2))} A = CD(1).Split(",") : aMarkersDate = { .enTAG(A(2) & A(0)), .enTAG(A(2) & A(1))} End With aTitles = Titles.Split(",") aErrTxt = ErrTxt.Split(",") End Sub Private Sub SetupMarkers() Dim mTmp As String() = Markers.Split(";"), m3 As String() For i = 0 To 1 : m3 = mTmp(i).Split(",") For j = 0 To 1 : aMarkers.Add(Replace(m3(2), "*", m3(j))) Next Next End Sub Private Sub SetupTAGs() Dim m3 As String() = TAGs.Split(","), tmp As String For i = 0 To 2 : tmp = "<" & m3(i) If i = 0 Then aTAGs.Add(tmp & " ") : tmp = " " & Mid(tmp, 3) If i > 0 Then aTAGs.Add(tmp) : tmp = "</" & Mid(tmp, 2) aTAGs.Add(tmp & ">") Next End Sub ' String Procedures Public Function IsNumber(xStrg As String) As Boolean For Each Cr As String In xStrg.ToCharArray If InStr(numerics, Cr) = 0 Then Return False Next : Return True End Function Public Function SubStrg(xStr As String, x1 As Integer, x2 As Integer) As String If x1 < 1 Then x1 = 1 If x2 > Len(xStr) Then x2 = Len(xStr) If x2 < x1 Then Return "" Return xStr.Substring(x1, x2 - x1 + 1) 'Return Mid(xStr, x1, x2 - x1 + 1) End Function Public Function Substitute(xStr As String, x1 As Integer, x2 As Integer, iStr As String) As String Return Insert(Remove(xStr, x1, x2 - x1 + 1), x1, iStr) End Function Public Function Remove(xStr As String, x1 As Integer, xd As Integer) As String If x1 < 1 Or x1 > Len(xStr) Or xd < 1 Or (x1 + xd - 1) > Len(xStr) Then Return xStr Return Left(xStr, x1 - 1) & Mid(xStr, x1 + xd) End Function Public Function Insert(xStr As String, x1 As Integer, iStr As String) As String If x1 < 1 Or x1 > (Len(xStr) + 1) Then Return xStr Return Left(xStr, x1 - 1) & iStr & Mid(xStr, x1) End Function Public Function enBl(xStrg As String) As String Return " " & xStrg & " " End Function Public Function Accent(xStrg As String) As String Dim s As String = StrDup(5, "-") : Return Constants.vbCrLf & s & enBl(xStrg) & s End Function Public Function qo(xLine As String) As String Return """" & xLine & """" End Function ' List Procedures Public Function Ubd(xA As Object) As Integer If TypeOf xA Is String() Then Return UBound(xA) If TypeOf xA Is Integer() Then Return UBound(xA) If TypeOf xA Is Single() Then Return UBound(xA) If TypeOf xA Is Double() Then Return UBound(xA) If TypeOf xA Is List(Of String) Then Return xA.count - 1 If TypeOf xA Is List(Of Integer) Then Return xA.count - 1 If TypeOf xA Is Object Then Return xA.count - 1 Return -1 End Function Public Sub NL(ByRef xLofS As List(Of String)) xLofS.Add("") End Sub Public Function aON(xLofS As List(Of String)) As Boolean Return xLofS.Count > 0 End Function Public Function aOFF(xLofS As List(Of String)) As Boolean Return Not aON(xLofS) End Function Public Function CLofS(xVar As Object) As List(Of String) Dim A As New List(Of String) ' Converts Strings and LofS in LofS like my earlier PUSH did If TypeOf xVar Is List(Of String) Then A.AddRange(xVar) If TypeOf xVar Is String() Then A.AddRange(xVar) If TypeOf xVar Is String Then A.Add(xVar) If TypeOf xVar Is Integer Then A.Add(CStr(xVar)) Return A End Function Public Function ConvArrToLofS(xArr As ArrayList) As List(Of String) Dim A As New List(Of String) For Each Line In xArr : A.AddRange(Line) Next : Return A End Function Public Function GetListSize(xList As Object) As Integer Dim LofS As New List(Of String) : LofS.AddRange(CLofS(xList)) Dim size As Integer = 0 : For Each Line In LofS : size += Len(Line) : Next Return size End Function Public Function CVals(ByVal xArr As String()) As List(Of Integer) Dim A As New List(Of Integer) For i = 0 To Ubd(xArr) : A.Add(Val(xArr(i))) : Next : Return A End Function ' Path Procedures Public Function BPth(xPath As String, xFile As String) As String Return IO.Path.Combine(xPath, xFile) End Function ' Folder Procedures Public Function FoP(xfSpec As String) As String ' Parentfolder Return IO.Directory.GetParent(xfSpec).ToString End Function ' Parentfolder ' File Procedures Public Function FiN(xfSpec) As String Return IO.Path.GetFileName(xfSpec) End Function ' returns Filename Public Function FiE(xfSpec As String) As Boolean If xfSpec <> "" Then Return fSys.FileExists(xfSpec) Else Return False End Function ' File Exists Public Function FiB(xfSpec As String) As String Return IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(xfSpec) End Function ' returns Basename Public Function FiExt(xfSpec As String) As String Return IO.Path.GetExtension(xfSpec) End Function ' returns FileExtension with dot, for example: ".txt" Public Sub FiD(xfSpec As String) If FiE(xfSpec) Then fSys.DeleteFile(xfSpec) End Sub ' Delete File Public Function GetfSpecOut(xfSuffix As String, xfSpec As String) As String Return BPth(FoP(xfSpec), FiB(xfSpec) & xfSuffix & FiExt(xfSpec)) End Function ' Display Procedures ' in TextBox Public Sub SendReport(xVar As Object, xTitle As String) If xTitle <> "" Then Report.Add(Accent(xTitle)) Report.Add(String.Join(Constants.vbCrLf, CLofS(xVar))) End Sub Public Sub SendReportFromTAGreduction(Pgm As String, xCtr As Integer, ReducedNr As Integer, xTxt As List(Of String)) Dim Msg As New List(Of String), Bytes, dBytes, p As Integer, R As String = "" Dim MsgTxt As String() = { "SameColTAGs", "Nr Of ConsecutiveSameColorTAGs Removed: ", "BlanksInSpan", "Bytes Saved for blanks in Span-TAGs: ", "ReduceSameColorTAGs", "Bytes Saved for TAGreduction: "} Bytes = GetListSize(xTxt) Select Case Pgm Case MsgTxt(0) : Msg.Add(MsgTxt(1)) : dBytes = Bytes - ReducedNr Case MsgTxt(2) : Msg.Add(MsgTxt(3)) : dBytes = ReducedNr Case MsgTxt(4) : Msg.Add(MsgTxt(5)) : dBytes = ReducedNr End Select : Msg.AddRange({" items = ", ", Nr of Bytes = ", " of Total = ", " ( ", " %)"}) p = 100 * dBytes \ Bytes For i = 0 To Msg.Count - 1 R &= Msg(i) & {"", CStr(xCtr), CStr(dBytes), CStr(Bytes), CStr(p), ""}(i) Next : Report.Add(R) End Sub Public Sub SendInterim(ByVal xVar As Object, ByVal xTitle As String) Select Case xTitle Case "Txt.HTML.In", "Txt.HTML.Out" Case Else : If Not PgmInTest Then Exit Sub End Select : Dim Mode As String = "Notepad" ' TBox, Notepad Dim Lines As New List(Of String) Dim s, Line, item, OmittedLinesMsg As String Dim xMax, yMax, c As Integer : xMax = 110 : yMax = 48 : c = 0 OmittedLinesMsg = StrDup(20, ":") & " lines omitted" If TypeOf xVar Is ArrayList Then For i = 0 To xVar.Count - 1 : Line = "" For Each item In xVar(i) : If c Mod 3 = 2 Then s = "|" Else s = Chr(166) Line &= item & s : c += 1 Next : Lines.Add(Line) Next Else : Lines.AddRange(CLofS(xVar)) End If : If Mode = "TBox" Then Lines = LimitTxt(xMax, yMax, Lines, OmittedLinesMsg) Lines = ShowInvisible(Lines, OmittedLinesMsg) ' OmittedLinesMsg excluded If Mode = "TBox" Then TBox.Text = String.Join(Constants.vbCrLf, Lines) : MsgBox("continue") ElseIf Mode = "Notepad" Then DisplayMsg(Lines, fSpec.Tmp, xTitle) End If End Sub Private Function LimitTxt(ByVal xMax As Integer, ByVal yMax As Integer, ByVal xTxt As List(Of String), OmittedLinesMsg As String) As List(Of String) Dim Txt As New List(Of String), Cx, Cy As Integer Dim s As String = Replace(" .... ", " ", Chr(160)) Cx = (xMax - Len(s)) \ 2 : Cy = xTxt.Count If Cy > yMax Then xTxt.RemoveRange(yMax \ 2 + 1, Cy - yMax) For Each Line In xTxt If Len(Line) > xMax Then Line = Left(Line, Cx) & s & Right(Line, Cx) Txt.Add(Line) Next : If Cy > yMax Then Txt.Item(yMax \ 2) = OmittedLinesMsg Return Txt End Function Private Function ShowInvisible(ByVal xTxt As List(Of String), OmittedLinesMsg As String) As List(Of String) Dim Txt As New List(Of String), c As Byte For Each Line In xTxt If Line <> OmittedLinesMsg Then Line = Line.Replace(" ", Chr(176)).Replace(Chr(160), " ") ' replace blanks For i = 0 To 31 Select Case i Case 10 : c = 172 Case 13 : c = 169 Case Else : c = 154 End Select : Line = Line.Replace(Chr(i), Chr(c)) Next : Line &= Chr(182) ' mark end of line End If : Txt.Add(Line) Next : Return Txt End Function Public Sub DisplayDate(OldDate, NewDate, lg) Dim r As String = " Date" & aMarkersDate(lg) & ": " Report.Add("old" & r & OldDate) : Report.Add("new" & r & NewDate) End Sub Public Sub DisplayPgmResult() Dim A As New List(Of String), Txt As String() Dim Msg As String() = { "Break Error", "Job done", "To Select from Menu", "fSpec.HTMLIn: ", "fSpec.Website: ", " HTML-Text chosen"} For i As Byte = 0 To 1 : Msg(i) = Accent(Msg(i)) : Next Do : If BrkErrMsg.Count > 0 Then A = BrkErrMsg : A.Insert(0, Msg(0)) : Exit Do If MainFinished Then Txt = {Msg(3) & qo(FiN(fSpec.HTMLIn)), Msg(4) & qo(FiN(fSpec.Website))} SendReport(String.Join(Constants.vbCrLf, Txt), Msg(5)) A = Report : A.Add(Msg(1)) Else : A = Report : A.Add(Msg(2)) End If Loop Until True : TBox.Text = String.Join(Constants.vbCrLf, A) End Sub ' in Browser Public Sub DisplayNewDestPage(xTxt As List(Of String), xOrder As String) Select Case LCase(xOrder) Case "before" TBox.Text = "Wait until Browser Window appears" Path.Dest = FoP(fSpec.WebSite) fSpec.DestTmp = BPth(Path.Dest, "Tmp.htm") RDWRfile(WR, xTxt, fSpec.DestTmp) DisplayHTMLfile(fSpec.DestTmp) TBox.Text = "Wait until Msgbox appears" FiD(fSpec.DestTmp) Case "after" : DisplayHTMLfile(fSpec.WebSite) End Select End Sub Public Sub DisplayHTMLfile(xfSpec As String) Process.Start(xfSpec).WaitForExit() End Sub ' in Notepad Public Sub DisplayMsg(xArr, xfSpec, Title) If Not aON(xArr) Then Exit Sub RDWRfile(WR, enTitleMsg(xArr, Title), xfSpec) Process.Start("notepad.exe", xfSpec).WaitForExit() End Sub Public Function enTitleMsg(ByVal xLofS, ByVal Title) As List(Of String) If Title = "" Then Return xLofS Dim sd = StrDup(10, "="), T = enBl(Title) & sd Dim LofS As List(Of String) = CLofS({"", sd & T, sd & " End Of" & T}) LofS.InsertRange(2, xLofS) : Return LofS End Function ' Harddisk Procedures Public Sub RDWRfile(ByVal Dir As Byte, ByRef xLofS As List(Of String), ByVal xfSpec As String) If xfSpec = "" Then Exit Sub Dim fSpec As New IO.FileInfo(xfSpec) Dim fe = fSpec.Exists, de = IO.Directory.Exists(fSpec.DirectoryName) If Dir = RD Then If Not fe Then Exit Sub Dim LofS As New List(Of String) Using fs As IO.FileStream = fSpec.Open(IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read) Using sr As New IO.StreamReader(fs, System.Text.Encoding.Default) ' System.Text.Encoding.Default is needed for modified vowels Do While Not sr.EndOfStream : LofS.Add(sr.ReadLine) : Loop End Using End Using : xLofS = LofS ElseIf Dir = WR Then ' WriteLine makes after each Line a Linefeed, so that after the last line ' there is an empty line added, that cannot bei tolerated ' therefor the last line is made by Write ' if the List is empty, it must be avoided an error break ' xLofS needed to stay unchanged for further use If xLofS.Count < 1 Then Exit Sub If Not de Then fSpec.Directory.Create() Else If fe Then fSpec.Delete() Using fs As IO.FileStream = fSpec.Open(IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, IO.FileAccess.Write) Using sw As New IO.StreamWriter(fs, System.Text.Encoding.Default) ' System.Text.Encoding.Default is needed for modified vowels For Each s In xLofS.GetRange(0, xLofS.Count - 1) : sw.WriteLine(s) : Next sw.Write(xLofS.Last) : sw.Flush() ' Flush moves the stream buffer into the file End Using End Using End If End Sub End Module ' ==================================================================================================== Public Class Program Private CHC As New ConvertHTMLcode Private RTB As New ReplaceTABsByBlanks Public Sub Main(PgmNr As Byte) Select Case PgmNr Case 1 : RTB.Main() ' Replace Tabs by blank Case 2 : CHC.Main("GetCode") ' Convert HTML code Case 3 : CHC.Main("PutCode") ' Insert Code into Page End Select : DisplayPgmResult() End Sub End Class ' ==================================================================================================== Public Class ReplaceTABsByBlanks Public Sub Main() Dim A = LoS0, fSpec As String = "" ' Get Code from Source If Not Diag.GetFileSelected(fSpec, 1) Then Exit Sub RDWRfile(RD, Txt.HTML, fSpec) A.AddRange(Txt.HTML) SendInterim(A, "vbScript") ReplaceTabs(A) SendInterim(A, "TABreplaced") RDWRfile(WR, A, GetfSpecOut(fSpec)) End Sub Private Sub ReplaceTabs(ByRef aTxt As List(Of String)) Dim i, s : If Not aON(aTxt) Then Exit Sub ' 5,9,13, .... 1-4 -> 5 5-8 -> 9 ' space(4-((i-1) Mod 4)) For LineNr = 0 To aTxt.Count - 1 : i = 1 Do : i = InStr(i, aTxt(LineNr), vbTab) : If i = 0 Then Exit Do s = Space(4 - ((i - 1) Mod 4)) aTxt(LineNr) = Substitute(aTxt(LineNr), i, i, s) i += Len(s) - 1 Loop Next End Sub Private Function GetfSpecOut(xfSpec) Dim fBase = FiB(xfSpec), fExt = FiExt(xfSpec) Return BPth(FoP(xfSpec), fBase & fSuffix.TABsReplaced & fExt) End Function End Class ' ==================================================================================================== Public Class ConvertHTMLcode Private DTN As New DateToNow Private SCM As New SourceCodeMarkers Private TGP As New TAGprocs Private TGon() As Boolean = {False, False, False, False} Public Sub Main(Mode As String) If Mode = "GetCode" Then ' Get Code from Source With Txt.HTML If Not Diag.GetFileSelected(fSpec.HTMLIn, 2) Then Exit Sub RDWRfile(RD, .In, fSpec.HTMLIn) : SendInterim(.In, "Txt.HTML.In") If Not GetTextInTable(.In) Then Exit Sub ' =================================== ' Lineup Text to single line Txt.SingleLine = GetSingleLineFromHTMLtxt(.In) ' Removes vbCrLfs correctly, UCase("<br>") RemoveUnwantedCode(Txt.SingleLine) ' f.i. <span dir=ltr></span> TGP.ReplaceBlanks(Txt.SingleLine) ' =================================== ' ConvertTxt(Txt.SingleLine) To List With TGP Txt.List = .ExtractPTAGs(Txt.SingleLine) Txt.List = .GetAllSpanTAGs(Txt.List) .ReduceSameColorTAGs(Txt.List) End With .Out = TGP.ReplaceBlanksToNbsps(Txt.List) .Out = FontFormatText("Add", .Out) ' Reports Nr of Lines RDWRfile(WR, .Out, GetfSpecOut(fSuffix.Output, fSpec.HTMLIn)) SendInterim(.Out, "Txt.HTML.Out") ' Get Code from Destination If Not Diag.GetFileSelected(fSpec.Website, 3) Then Exit Sub RDWRfile(RD, .WebSite, fSpec.Website) If Not SCM.GetAllMarkers(.WebSite) Then Exit Sub ' Gets MenuItems If Not SCM.CallMenu Then Exit Sub ' Call Menu end exit if BrkErr ' Sub Main End and thereafter Control is in Listbox End With ElseIf Mode = "PutCode" Then ' Put Code into Destination With Txt.HTML Report.Add("Menu Selected: " & ItemSelected) MainFinished = True : If ItemSelected = "" Then Exit Sub If Not InsertCodeBetweenMarkers(.Neu, .WebSite, GetCodeLines(ItemSelected), .Out) Then Exit Sub DTN.InsertDate(.Neu) DisplayNewDestPage(.Neu, "before") ' BeforeOverwrite If Not GetOKforOverwritePage() Then Exit Sub OverwriteOldDestPage(.Neu, fSpec.WebSite) DisplayNewDestPage(.Neu, "after") ' AfterOverwrite End With End If End Sub ' Subs for Main Private Function GetTextInTable(ByRef xTxt As List(Of String)) As Boolean ' <table ...><tr...><td ...><div...> this is always produced by the publisher Dim TGson, ToAdd As Boolean, A As New List(Of String) Dim TG As New List(Of Array), TGname As String() = {"table", "tr", "td", "div"} For Each T In TGname : TG.Add({"<" & T & " ", "<" & T & ">", "</" & T & ">"}) Next : ToAdd = False ' TG(name)(part) For Each Line As String In xTxt : Line = Trim(Line) TGson = OnFlags(TG, Line) If Not TGson Then ToAdd = False If ToAdd Then A.Add(Line) If TGson Then ToAdd = True Next : xTxt = A : If A.Count > 0 Then Return True BrkErrMsg.Add("no table in text or no text in table") : Return False End Function Private Function OnFlags(aTG As List(Of Array), xLine As String) As Boolean Dim i As Integer ' div can come before table as part of body For n = 0 To 3 And TGon(0) : i = InStr(xLine, aTG(n)(0)) If i = 0 Then i = InStr(xLine, aTG(n)(1)) If i > 0 Then TGon(n) = True : Exit For If InStr(xLine, aTG(n)(2)) = 0 Then Continue For TGon(n) = False : Exit For Next : For i = 0 To 3 : If Not TGon(i) Then Return False Next : Return True End Function Private Function GetSingleLineFromHTMLtxt(ByVal xTxt As List(Of String)) As String Dim OneLine As String = String.Join(Constants.vbCrLf, xTxt), A As New List(Of Array) A.Add({">" & Constants.vbCrLf & "<", Constants.vbCrLf, "<br>"}) A.Add({"><", " ", "<BR>"}) For c = 0 To 2 : OneLine = Replace(OneLine, A(0)(c), A(1)(c),,, Txt.Cmp) Next : Return OneLine End Function Private Sub RemoveUnwantedCode(ByRef xOneLine As String) ' <span dir=ltr> = Schreibrichtung vom Text xOneLine = Replace(xOneLine, "<span dir=ltr></span>", "",,, Txt.Cmp) End Sub Private Function FontFormatText(Mode As String, ByVal xTxt As List(Of String)) As List(Of String) If Not (Mode = "Add" Or Mode = "Replace") Then Return xTxt Dim A As List(Of String) = xTxt ' RemoveAt is zero-based If Mode = "Replace" Then A.RemoveAt(0) : A.RemoveAt(A.Count - 1) A.Item(0) = sTAG0 & A.First ' item is zero-based A.Item(xTxt.Count - 1) = A.Last & sTAG2 Report.Add("Nr of Lines of HTML-Text: " & CStr(A.Count)) : Return A End Function Private Function GetCodeLines(ItemSelected) As List(Of Integer) Dim p As New List(Of Integer) : p.AddRange({-1, -1}) Dim index As Integer = SCM.MenuItems.IndexOf(ItemSelected) Dim MI As New List(Of String) : MI.AddRange(SCM.MarkersInfo(index).Split(", ")) If MI.Count = 3 Then p.Clear() Else Return p For i = 1 To 2 : p.Add(CInt(Val(MI(i)))) : Next ItemSelected = "" ' for Display after end of sub Return p End Function Public Function InsertCodeBetweenMarkers(ByRef aTextOut As List(Of String), ByVal aTextIn As List(Of String), ByVal aCodeLines As List(Of Integer), ByVal Code As List(Of String)) As Boolean Dim A As New List(Of String), p As List(Of Integer) = aCodeLines, LineNr As Integer = -1 Do : aTextOut.Clear() : If aTextIn.Count < 1 Then Exit Do If p.Count <> 2 Then Exit Do If p(0) = -1 Or p(1) = -1 Then Exit Do Do : LineNr += 1 ' Insert Code between Markers If LineNr = p(0) Then A.Add(aTextIn(LineNr)) NL(A) : A.AddRange(Code) : NL(A) : LineNr = p(1) ' String.Join("", Code) End If : A.Add(aTextIn(LineNr)) Loop Until LineNr = aTextIn.Count - 1 : If aON(A) Then aTextOut = A : Return True Loop Until True : BrkErrMsg.Add("no code converted") : Return False End Function Private Function GetOKforOverwritePage() As Boolean Return MsgBox("Is Conversion OK ? on " & qo(FiN(fSpec.Website)), vbYesNo, "Insert Code And Save") = vbYes ' qo(FiN(fSpec.Website)) ' MsgBox(msg, style, title) End Function Private Sub OverwriteOldDestPage(xTxt As List(Of String), xfSpec As String) RDWRfile(WR, xTxt, xfSpec) : Report.Add("New File saved") End Sub Public Function enTAG(xTxt As String) As String Return aTAGsCmt(0) & xTxt & aTAGsCmt(1) : End Function End Class ' ==================================================================================================== Public Class TAGprocs Public AofElmts As New ArrayList Private AofElmtsNew As New ArrayList ' is needed for Function JoinLofElmts Private LofElmts As New List(Of String) Private sp As String() = {"span", "<span>", "<span*>", " style='color:", "<span style='color:*'>", "</span>"} Public Function ExtractPTAGs(ByVal xLine As String) As List(Of String) Dim LofS As New List(Of String), Rest As String = Trim(xLine) Do : If Get1stTAGparams("p", xLine, Rest) Then LofS.Add(xLine) Else Exit Do Loop Until Rest = "" : SendInterim(LofS, "ExtractPTAGs") : Return LofS End Function Public Function GetAllSpanTAGs(xTxt As List(Of String)) As List(Of String) Dim TAGlist, LineTAGs, LineElmts As New List(Of String) Dim aTG(2), Te, Rest, buf, Line As String Dim SavedBytes, sBytes, NrOfEvents As Integer Rest = "" : SavedBytes = 0 : NrOfEvents = 0 For Each Line In xTxt : Rest = Line : buf = "" LineTAGs.Clear() : LineElmts.Clear() Do : If Not Get1stTAGparams("span", aTG, Rest) Then Exit Do Te = JoinTAGelmts(sBytes, aTG) If Te = "<BR>" Then buf += Te : LineElmts.AddRange({aTG(2), "", ""}) ElseIf Te.Replace(" ", "").Replace(" ", "") = "" Then LineTAGs.Add(Te) : LineElmts.AddRange({aTG(2), "", ""}) Else : LineTAGs.Add(buf & Te) : buf = "" : LineElmts.AddRange(aTG) End If : SavedBytes += sBytes : If sBytes > 0 Then NrOfEvents += 1 Loop : Line = String.Join("", LineTAGs) & buf Line = Line.Replace("<BR>", CR0 & "<BR>") TAGlist.AddRange(Split(Line, CR0)) : AofElmts.Add(LineElmts.ToArray) Next : RemoveEmptyLines(TAGlist) PutSingleBRsToNextLine(TAGlist) SendReportFromTAGreduction("BlanksInSpan", NrOfEvents, SavedBytes, xTxt) SendInterim(TAGlist, "GetAllSpanTAGs") : Return TAGlist End Function Private Function Get1stTAGparams(ByVal xT As String, ByRef xLineOrTG As Object, ByRef Rest As String) As Boolean ' to feed in Line the first time into Rest if function called in loop If Not (xT = "p" Or xT = "span") Then Return False Dim pNOTspan As Boolean = xT = "p" Dim PreTxt, s, col, Line As String, PT, TCR, CR, TA As String() PreTxt = "" : s = "" : col = "" : Line = Rest : Rest = "" If pNOTspan Then xLineOrTG = Line Else xLineOrTG = {Line} If Line = "" Then Return False If pNOTspan Then PreTxt = Filter1stBRs(Line) Do : Do : PT = Split(Line, "<", 2) : If PT.Count <> 2 Then Return False PreTxt &= PT(0) : TCR = Split(PT(1), ">", 2) If TCR.Count <> 2 Then Return False TA = Split(TCR(0), xT, 2, Txt.Cmp) : If TA.Count = 2 Then Exit Do PreTxt &= PT(0) & "<" & TCR(0) & ">" : Line = TCR(1) Loop : Line = TCR(1) : If Not pNOTspan Then col = GetCol(Trim(TA(1))) CR = Split(Line, "</" & xT & ">", 2, Txt.Cmp) If CR.Count <> 2 Then PreTxt &= CR(0) Else Exit Do Loop : If pNOTspan Then xLineOrTG = PreTxt & CR(0) : Rest = "<BR>" & CR(1) ' exports for False: xLine, "" ' exports for True: PreTxt & Content, <BR>Rest If Not pNOTspan Then xLineOrTG = {PreTxt, col, CR(0)} : Rest = CR(1) ' {PreText, Color, Content}, Rest Return True End Function Private Function JoinTAGelmts(ByRef SavedBytes As Integer, ByVal aTG As String()) As String Dim TGtxt, s As String : SavedBytes = 0 ' aTG = {PreText, Color, Content} or {PreText, Color, <BR>} or {Rest} Select Case aTG.Count Case 1 : AddToLofElmts(aTG(0)) : Return aTG(0) Case 3 : s = Trim(aTG(2)) If s.Replace(" ", "") = "" Then ' if " " within a span-TAG SavedBytes = Len("<span></span>") TGtxt = aTG(2) : AddToLofElmts(TGtxt) ElseIf s = "<BR>" Then ' if <BR> within a span-TAG SavedBytes = Len("<span></span>") + Len(aTG(2)) - Len(Trim(aTG(2))) If aTG(1) <> "" Then SavedBytes += Len(" style ='color:'") + Len(aTG(1)) TGtxt = Trim(aTG(2)) : AddToLofElmts(TGtxt) Else : AddToLofElmts(aTG) : TGtxt = enColTAG(aTG(1), aTG(2)) End If : Return aTG(0) & TGtxt Case Else : Return "" End Select ' aTG = {PreText, <span style='color:blue'>, Content</span>} End Function Private Function Filter1stBRs(ByRef xLine As String) As String Dim A As String() = {"", Trim(xLine)}, PreTxt As String = "" Do : A = Split(A(1), "<", 2) : If A.Count < 2 Then xLine = A(0) : Return PreTxt If A(1) <> "" Then A(1) = LTrim(A(1)) If Left(A(1), 3) <> "BR>" Then A(1) = "<" & A(1) : xLine = A(1) : Return PreTxt PreTxt += "<BR>" : A(1) = Mid(A(1), 4) Loop End Function Private Function GetCol(ByVal xAtts As String) As String ' lang=de style='font-size:9.5pt;line-height:119%;font-family:Consolas;color:blue;language:de' ' style='color:blue; font:bold;' If xAtts = "" Then Return "" Dim A, A1 As String(), att As String xAtts = Replace(xAtts, "STYLE", "style",, Txt.Cmp) A = Split(xAtts, " style") : If A.Count < 2 Then Return "" A = Split(Trim(A(1)), "=") : If A.Count <> 2 Then Return "" A = Split(Trim(A(1)), "'") : If A.Count <> 3 Then Return "" A = Split(Trim(A(1)), ";") : If A.Count < 1 Then Return "" For Each att In A : A1 = Split(Trim(att), ":") If A1.Count <> 2 Then Continue For If LCase(Trim(A1(0))) <> "color" Then Continue For Return Trim(A1(1)) Next : Return "" End Function Private Sub AddToLofElmts(xElmts As Object) Dim A As List(Of String) = CLofS(xElmts) Select Case A.Count Case 1 : LofElmts.AddRange(A) : LofElmts.AddRange({CR0, CR0, CR0}) Case 3 : LofElmts.AddRange(A) : LofElmts.Add("</span>") End Select ' {PreTxt, Col, Content, "</span>"} OR {Text, CR0, CR0, CR0} ' 0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3... ' 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 End Sub Public Sub ReplaceBlanks(ByRef xTxt As Object) ' Replace in Strings or LofS Dim Lines As New List(Of String) For Each Line As String In CLofS(xTxt) For Each cc In {" ", Chr(160)} : Line = Line.Replace(cc, " ") Next : Lines.Add(Line) Next: xTxt = String.Join(Constants.vbCrLf, Lines) End Sub Public Function ReplaceBlanksToNbsps(ByVal LofS As List(Of String)) Dim NewLine As New List(Of String) For Each Line In LofS : NewLine.Add(ReplaceBlanksToNbspsPerLine(Line)) Next : Return NewLine End Function Private Function ReplaceBlanksToNbspsPerLine(ByVal xLine As String) As String Dim NewLine As String = "" : If Len(xLine) < 2 Then Return xLine For i = 1 To Len(xLine) - 1 If Mid(xLine, i, 2) = " " Then NewLine &= " " Else NewLine &= Mid(xLine, i, 1) Next : Return NewLine & Right(xLine, 1) End Function Public Sub RemoveEmptyLines(ByRef xTxt As List(Of String)) Dim i As Integer = 0 Do While i < xTxt.Count If BlanksOnly(xTxt(i)) Then xTxt.RemoveAt(i) Else i += 1 Loop End Sub Public Sub PutSingleBRsToNextLine(ByRef xTxt As List(Of String)) Dim i, ctr As Integer, s, buf As String : i = 0 : buf = "" Do While i < xTxt.Count : s = Trim(xTxt(i)) : ctr = 0 Do While Left(s, 4) = "<BR>" : ctr += 1 : s = Mid(s, 5) : Loop If s = "" Then For j = 1 To ctr : buf += "<BR>" : Next : xTxt.RemoveAt(i) ElseIf s.Replace(" ", " ").Replace(" ", "") = "" Then For j = 1 To ctr : buf += "<BR>" : Next : xTxt.RemoveAt(i) Else : xTxt(i) = buf & xTxt(i) : buf = "" : i += 1 End If Loop End Sub Public Sub MakeNLsforBRs(ByRef xTxt As List(Of String)) Dim A As New List(Of String) For Each Line In xTxt Line = Line.Replace("<BR>", CR0 & "<BR>") If Left(Line, 1) = CR0 Then Line = Mid(Line, 2) A.AddRange(Line.Split(CR0)) Next : xTxt = A End Sub ' ----------------- ReduceSameColorTAGs ------------------ Public Sub ReduceSameColorTAGs(ByRef xTxt As List(Of String)) ' 0 1 2|3 4 5|6 7 8 ' 0 1 2|0 1 2|0 1 2 'Exit Sub Dim A, TAGlist, Line, Lines As New List(Of String), Arr As String() Dim Elmt As String, i, ctr, NrOfItems, Bytes As Integer ctr = -1 : NrOfItems = 0 : Bytes = 0 For Each Arr In AofElmts : A = CLofS(Arr) : TAGlist.Clear() : Line.Clear() For Each Elmt In A : ctr += 1 : TAGlist.Add(Elmt) If ctr Mod 3 = 2 Then TAGlist.Add("</span>") Next : i = -4 : A.Clear() : A.AddRange(TAGlist) ' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 ' 0 1 2 3|0 1 2 3|0 1 2 3 Do While i < A.Count - 5 : i += 4 If Not BlanksOnly(String.Join("", A.GetRange(i, 3))) Then Continue Do A(i + 4) = A(i) & A(i + 2) & A(i + 4) : A.RemoveRange(i, 4) : i -= 4 Loop For i = 0 To A.Count - 1 Step 4 If BlanksOnly(A(i + 1)) Then _ A(i + 1) = CR0 : A(i + 3) = CR0 : Continue For A(i + 1) = enColSpan(A(i + 1)) Next For i = 4 To A.Count - 1 Step 4 If A(i + 1) = CR0 Or A(i - 3) = CR0 Then Continue For If A(i + 1) = A(i - 3) Then NrOfItems += 1 : Bytes += Len(A(i - 1)) + Len(A(i + 1)) A(i - 1) = CR0 : A(i + 1) = CR0 End If Next : For Each Elmt In A : If Elmt <> CR0 Then Line.Add(Elmt) Next : Lines.Add(String.Join("", Line)) Next : If Lines.Count > 0 Then If BlanksOnly(Lines.First) Then Lines.Remove(0) MakeNLsforBRs(Lines) PutSingleBRsToNextLine(Lines) SendInterim(Lines, "ReduceSameColorTAGs") SendReportFromTAGreduction("ReduceSameColorTAGs", NrOfItems, Bytes, xTxt) xTxt = Lines End Sub Private Function enColSpan(ByVal xCol As String) As String ' "<span>", "<span style='color:col'>" If xCol <> "" Then xCol = Replace(" style='color:*'", "*", xCol) Return Replace("<span*>", "*", xCol) End Function Private Function enTGcol(ByVal xCol As String) As String ' "" , "<span style='color:col'>" If xCol = "" Then Return "" Else Return enColSpan(xCol) End Function Private Function enTGelmts(ByVal xA As List(Of String)) As String ' "PretxtContent", "Pretxt<span style='color:col'>content</span>" Dim A As New List(Of String) : A.AddRange(xA) If A(1) <> "" Then A(1) = enColSpan(A(1)) : A.Add("</span>") Return String.Join("", A) End Function Private Function enColTAG(ByVal xCol As String, ByVal xContent As String) As String ' "<span>Content</span>", "<span style='color:col'>Content</span>" Return enColSpan(xCol) & xContent & "</span>" End Function Public Sub TestOfReduceSameColTAGs(ByRef xTxt As List(Of String)) Dim A, HTMLtxt As New List(Of String) : AofElmts.Clear() ' as ArrayList Dim AL As New ArrayList, s As String = StrDup(20, "-") A.Add("¦green¦'°Program°in°VB°2015,°Start°on°July°21st°2016|¶") A.Add("<BR>¦green¦'°=======================================================================|¶") A.Add("<BR>¦blue¦Public|¦¦°|¦blue¦Class|¦¦°|¦#2B91AF¦Form1|¶") A.Add("<BR>¦¦°°°°|¦blue¦Public|¦¦°PGM°|¦blue¦As|¦¦°|¦blue¦New|¦¦°|¦#2B91AF¦Program|¶") A.Add("<BR>¦¦°°°°|¦blue¦Private|¦¦°SCM°|¦blue¦As|¦¦°|¦blue¦New|¦¦°|¦#2B91AF¦SourceCodeMarkers|¶") A.Add("<BR>¦¦°°°°|¦blue¦Private|¦¦°TGP°|¦blue¦As|¦¦°|¦blue¦New|¦¦°|¦#2B91AF¦TAGprocs|¶") A.Add("<BR>¦¦°°°°|¦blue¦Private|¦¦°CHC°|¦blue¦As|¦¦°|¦blue¦New|¦¦°|¦#2B91AF¦ConvertHTMLcode|¶") A.Add("<BR>¦¦ |¶") For Each Line As String In A : Line = Line.Replace("|¶", "").Replace("|", "¦").Replace("°", " ") AofElmts.Add(Line.Split("¦").ToArray) Next AL.AddRange(AofElmts) A = CLofS(s & enBl("Reduced Color TAGs") & s) AL.Add(A.ToArray) ReduceSameColorTAGs(xTxt) 'TBox.Text = String.Join(vbCrLf, xTxt) 'SendInterim(xTxt.ToArray, "xTxt.ToArray") For Each Line In xTxt : A = CLofS(Line) : AL.Add(A.ToArray) : Next SendInterim(AL, "AofElmts") End Sub ' Common Use Procedures Private Function JoinLofElmts() As List(Of String) Dim ProcID As String = "JoinLofElmts" Dim AofElmtsCopy As New ArrayList() : AofElmtsCopy = AofElmts.Clone() Dim A, ALineNew As New List(Of String), Line, style, buf As String Dim ptr, ctr, NrOfEvents, SavedBytes As Integer Const n As Integer = 4 ' n = NrOfElements per TAG style = " style='color:" : buf = "" : NrOfEvents = 0 : SavedBytes = 0 : ptr = -n ' Remove all no-TAGs and move Text to next PreTxt For Each ALine As List(Of String) In AofElmtsCopy : ALineNew.Clear() : buf = "" Do While ALine.Count >= 4 If DetectNoTAGtxt(ALine, n, 0) Then buf &= ALine(0) Else : ALine(0) = buf & ALine(0) : buf = "" ALineNew.AddRange(ALine.GetRange(0, n)) End If : ALine.RemoveRange(0, n) Loop : If buf <> "" Then ALineNew.Add(buf) : buf = "" AofElmtsNew.Add(ALineNew) Next : AofElmtsCopy = AofElmtsNew.Clone() : AofElmtsNew.Clear() SendInterim(ConvArrToLofS(AofElmtsCopy), "Removed all no-TAGs and move Text to next PreTxt") ' Mark all which are to remove For Each ALine As List(Of String) In AofElmtsCopy : ALineNew.Clear() Do While Not (ALine.Count < 4) ' Mark all which are to remove A.Add(StrDup(40, "-")) : A.AddRange(ALine.GetRange(0, n)) ALineNew.AddRange(ALine.GetRange(0, n)) : ALine.RemoveRange(0, n) If ALine.Count < 4 Then Exit Do If Not BlanksOnly(ALine(0)) Then Continue Do If ALine(1) <> ALineNew(ALineNew.Count - n + 1) Then Continue Do ALineNew(ALineNew.Count - 1) = CR0 : ALine(1) = CR0 Loop : AofElmtsNew.Add(ALineNew) Next : AofElmtsCopy = AofElmtsNew.Clone() : AofElmtsNew.Clear() SendInterim(ConvArrToLofS(AofElmtsCopy), "ListMarked to remove") ' Remove all which are marked and send report For Each ALine As List(Of String) In AofElmtsCopy A.Clear() : ctr = -1 For Each Elmt In ALine : ctr += 1 : If Elmt = CR0 Then Continue For Select Case ctr Mod n Case 0, 2, 3 : A.Add(Elmt) Case 1 : If Elmt <> "" Then Elmt = Replace(style & "*'", "*", Elmt) A.Add("<span" & Elmt & ">") End Select Next : AofElmtsNew.Add(A) Next SendInterim(ConvArrToLofS(AofElmtsNew), "removed marked and enstyled") A = ReplaceBlanksToNbsps(A) 'RemoveEmptyLines(A) Line = Join(A.ToArray, "") Line = Line.Replace(Constants.vbCrLf, " ").Replace("<BR>", CR0 & Constants.vbCrLf & "<BR>") A.Clear() : A.AddRange(Split(Line, CR0)) ' in Array but no CrLf SendInterim(A, "reformated") SendReportFromTAGreduction(ProcID, NrOfEvents, SavedBytes, A) Return A End Function Private Function BlanksOnly(ByVal xTxt As String) As Boolean For Each cc In {" ", " "} : xTxt = Strings.Replace(xTxt, cc, "", 1, -1, Txt.Cmp) Next : Return xTxt = "" End Function Private Function DetectNoTAGtxt(xLofElmts As List(Of String), n As Integer, xptr As Integer) As Boolean For i = xptr + 1 To xptr + 3 : If xLofElmts(i) <> CR0 Then Return False Next : Return True End Function End Class ' ==================================================================================================== Public Class SourceCodeMarkers Private aErrTxt As String() = {"Error in Source-Code-Markers", "no markers found"} Private Const MenuItemPrefix As String = "Markers" Public MarkersInfo, MenuItems As New List(Of String) Public Function GetAllMarkers(xTxt As List(Of String)) As Boolean Dim Start_End As Integer = -1, p As New List(Of String) Do : If Not GetMarkersInfo(p, Start_End, xTxt) Then Exit Do If Not RemoveEmptyLines(p) Then Exit Do If SingleMarker(p) Then Exit Do If StartEndChanged(p) Then Exit Do If Overlaps(p) Then Exit Do GetMenuItems(p) ' from Markers MarkersInfo = p ' Variable Return True Loop Until True : BrkErrMsg.Insert(0, aErrTxt(0)) : Return False End Function Private Function GetMarkersInfo(ByRef p As List(Of String), ByRef Start_End As Integer, ByVal xTxt As List(Of String)) As Boolean Dim Line As String, A As String(), mON As Boolean = False Dim LineNr, mNr, ctr, se As Integer : LineNr = -1 : mNr = -1 : p.Clear() : Start_End = -1 If aOFF(xTxt) Then BrkErrMsg.Add("GetMarkersInfo: no HTML-Text found") : Return False For Each Line In xTxt : Line = Trim(Line) : LineNr += 1 ' GetMarkers-Info If Not DetectMarkers(Start_End, mNr, Line) Then Continue For While mNr > p.Count - 1 : p.Add("") : End While ' mNr; LineNr, ctr; LineNr, ctr If p(mNr) = "" Then p(mNr) = CStr(mNr) & ";-1,0;-1,0" A = p(mNr).Split(";") : se = Start_End ctr = Val(A(se + 1).Split(",")(1)) A(se + 1) = String.Join(",", {CStr(LineNr), CStr(ctr + 1)}) p(mNr) = String.Join(";", A) : mON = True Next : If mON Then Return True BrkErrMsg.Add(aErrTxt(1)) : Return False End Function Private Function RemoveEmptyLines(ByRef aTxt As List(Of String)) As Boolean Dim A As New List(Of String) For Each Line As String In aTxt : If Line <> "" Then A.Add(Line) Next : aTxt = A : Return aON(A) End Function Private Function SingleMarker(ByRef aTxt As List(Of String)) As Boolean Dim A1, AllMs As New List(Of String), mNr, LNrs(1), ErrTxt As String Dim A, aTmp As String() For Each Line As String In aTxt : A = Line.Split(";") : AllMs.Clear() ' if occur single For i As Integer = 1 To 2 : aTmp = A(i).Split(",") : mNr = CVals(aTmp)(1) If mNr <> 1 Then If mNr < 1 Then ErrTxt = "missing" Else ErrTxt = "manifold (*)" BrkErrMsg.Add("marker " & Replace(ErrTxt, "*", CStr(mNr))) Return True End If : LNrs(i - 1) = aTmp(0) Next : AllMs.Add(A(0)) : AllMs.AddRange(LNrs) A1.Add(String.Join(",", AllMs)) Next : aTxt = A1 : Return False End Function Private Function StartEndChanged(ByVal aTxt As List(Of String)) As Boolean Dim aN As New List(Of Integer) For Each Line As String In aTxt : aN = CVals(Line.Split(",")) If aN(2) < aN(1) Then Return True Next : Return False End Function Private Function DetectMarkers(ByRef Start_End As Integer, ByRef mNr As Integer, ByVal xLine As String) As Boolean Dim A As String() = {}, Line, s As String, L As Integer Start_End = -1 : Line = Trim(xLine) ' aMarkersCode(0) = "<!-- Start of Source-Code# -->" ' aMarkersCode(1) = "<!-- End of Source-Code# -->" For i = 0 To 1 : A = aMarkersCode(i).Split("#") : L = Len(A(0)) If Left(Line, L) = A(0) Then Start_End = i : Exit For Next : If Start_End < 0 Then Return False s = Trim(Replace(Mid(Line, L + 1), aTAGsCmt(1), "")) If s = "0" Then Return False If s = "" Then s = "0" If IsNumber(s) Then mNr = Val(s) : Return True Return False End Function Private Function Overlaps(xTxt As List(Of String)) As Boolean ' Overlaps of Marker-ranges Dim A As List(Of String) = xTxt, aN1, aN2 As List(Of Integer) For i As Integer = 0 To A.Count - 1 : For j As Integer = 0 To A.Count - 1 ' if overlaps If i <> j Then aN1 = CVals(A(i).Split(",")) : aN2 = CVals(A(j).Split(",")) If (aN1(1) > aN2(1)) And (aN1(1) < aN2(2)) Or (aN1(2) > aN2(1)) And (aN1(2) < aN2(2)) Then Return True End If Next : Next : Return False End Function Private Sub GetMenuItems(mInfo As List(Of String)) Dim A As New List(Of String), mNr As String ' 0,1,3 ' 1,14,16 ' 2,10,12 ' 3,5,7 For Each Line In mInfo : mNr = Split(Line, ",")(0) If mNr = "0" Then mNr = "" Else mNr = " " & mNr A.Add(MenuItemPrefix & mNr) Next : MenuItems = A End Sub Public Function CallMenu() As Boolean If MenuItems.Count = 0 Then _ BrkErrMsg.Add("no Markers found") : MainFinished = True : Return False With Form1 With .ListBox1 With .Items .Clear() : .AddRange(MenuItems.ToArray) End With : .Show() End With : .Label4.Show() End With : MainFinished = False : Return True End Function End Class ' ==================================================================================================== Public Class DateToNow Private Dlg As String() = {"<!-- Date ge -->", "<!-- Date en -->"} Private AllMasks As String() = {">#. @", ">##. @", " ####<", " ####<", ">@", ">@", " #<@@@>@@<@@@@> ####<", " ##<@@@>@@<@@@@> ####<"} Private Endings As String() = {"st", "nd", "rd"} Private sup As String() = {"<sup>", "</sup>"} Public Sub InsertDate(ByRef xTxt) ' aMarkersDate(#) = "<!-- Date * -->" Dim A As New List(Of String), i, j As Integer Dim Mask, OldDate, NewDate, DateInfo(1, 2), aMasks(1, 3), r As String Dim lg As Byte = 0, DF As Boolean = False, s As String = StrDup(5, "-") For i = 0 To 1 : For j = 0 To 3 : aMasks(i, j) = AllMasks(4 * i + j) : Next : Next Report.Add(Constants.vbCrLf & s & " Date Replace " & s) For Each Line As String In xTxt : i = 0 : j = 0 : r = "" Mask = GetMaskFromLine(lg, aMasks, Dlg, Line) ' lg comes out Do : If Mask = "" Then A.Add(Line) : Exit Do GetDatePtrs(i, j, Mask, aMasks, lg) If i = 0 Or j = 0 Then A.Add(Line) : Exit Do OldDate = Line.Substring(i - 1, j - i + 1) : DF = True NewDate = GetDateFormatted(lg) A.Add(Substitute(Line, i, j, NewDate)) DisplayDate(OldDate, NewDate, lg) Loop Until True Next : If DF Then xTxt = A : Exit Sub Report.Add("no date replaced") End Sub Private Function GetDateFormatted(lg As Byte) As String Dim Today, NewDate As String, D As String(), Dv(2) As Integer ' Months.De = "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,Mai,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sept,Okt,Nov,Dez" ' Months.En = "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec" If Not (lg = 0 Or lg = 1) Then Return "" Today = DateAndTime.Today : D = Today.Split(".") ' Split(dd.mm.yy, ".") For i = 0 To 2 : Dv(i) = Val(D(i)) : D(i) = CStr(Dv(i)) : Next ' Removes leading zeros NewDate = mmDeEn(lg, Dv(1) - 1) If lg = 0 Then NewDate = D(0) & ". " & NewDate ' German If lg = 1 Then NewDate &= " " & D(0) & sup(0) & GetEnding(Dv(0)) & sup(1) ' English Return NewDate & " " & D(2) End Function Private Function GetEnding(ByVal dd As Integer) As String Dim d As Integer = dd Mod 10 : dd = dd \ 10 If dd = 0 And d = 0 Then Return "" If dd = 1 Then Return "th" If d > 0 And d < 4 Then Return Endings(d - 1) Else Return "th" End Function Private Function GetMaskFromLine(ByRef lg As Byte, aMasks As String(,), Dlg As String(), xLine As String) As String Dim i, j As Integer, c, s, Mask As String For lg = 0 To 1 : i = InStrRev(xLine, Dlg(lg)) : Mask = "" If i = 0 Then Continue For For j = 1 To i - 1 c = Mid(xLine, j, 1) : s = "@" If IsNumber(c) Then s = "#" If InStr(". <>", c) > 0 Then s = c Mask &= s Next : If Mask <> "" Then Return Mask Next : Return "" End Function Private Sub GetDatePtrs(ByRef i As Integer, ByRef j As Integer, Mask As String, aMasks As String(,), lg As Byte) Dim L As Integer Do : j = InStrRev(Mask, aMasks(lg, 3), -1, 1) : L = Len(aMasks(lg, 3)) If j = 0 Then j = InStrRev(Mask, aMasks(lg, 2), -1, 1) : L = Len(aMasks(lg, 2)) If j = 0 Then Exit Do i = InStrRev(Mask, aMasks(lg, 1), j, 1) If i = 0 Then i = InStrRev(Mask, aMasks(lg, 0), j, 1) If i = 0 Then Exit Do i += 1 : j += L - 2 : Exit Sub Loop Until True : i = 0 : j = 0 End Sub End Class ' ==================================================================================================== Public Class Diags ' Dialog Windows Public Function GetFileSelected(ByRef xfSpec As String, fNr As Byte) As Boolean Dim afSpec As New List(Of String) : xfSpec = "" Select Case fNr Case 1 : afSpec = FileOpen(Path.Script, "vbs") Case 2 : afSpec = FileOpen(Path.HTMLpub, "htm") Case 3 : afSpec = FileOpen(Path.Websites, "htm") Case Else : afSpec.Clear() End Select : If afSpec.Count > 0 Then xfSpec = afSpec(0) : Return True BrkErrMsg.Add("no file selected") : Return False End Function Public Function FileOpen(ByVal InitialPath As String, ByVal Filter As String) As List(Of String) Dim fPrefix As String = "all files (*.*)|*.*" Dim A As New List(Of String) If InitialPath = "" Then InitialPath = Path.MyDocs Select Case Filter Case "htm" : Filter = "|html files (*.htm*)|*.htm*" Case "vbs" : Filter = "|vbs files (*.vbs)|*.vbs" Case Else : Filter = "" End Select Dim OpenFileDialog1 As New OpenFileDialog() With OpenFileDialog1 .Title = "Open the File" .Filter = fPrefix & Filter .FilterIndex = 2 .Multiselect = False .RestoreDirectory = True .InitialDirectory = InitialPath If .ShowDialog() <> DialogResult.OK Then Return A A.AddRange(.FileNames) : Return A End With End Function End Class | ||