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Ein Programm in der Programmiersprache | A program in the programming language | |||
Classic Power Basic for Windows | ||||
zum Zeigen des Aufbaus mit Modulen | to show the construction with modules | |||
This is: Power BASIC | ||||
Das Programmieren beginnt in jeder Sprache mit dem Sammeln von selbstgeschriebenen Modulen, die zusammen die Grundfunktionen von Programmen anbieten, die etwas für den Anwender tun sollen. Dabei geht es in erster Linie um die Bedienung der Ein- und Ausgabe von Daten auf dem Bildschirm und um alle Arten von Festplatten-Operationen. Im Power-Basic können Module in einer Include-Datei angeordnet werden, so daß sie vor dem Hauptprogramm versteckt sind. In Visual Basic hat der Begriff "modules" auch noch eine andere Bedeutung, aber hier handelt es sich um selbst-geschriebene Prozeduren. | The programming starts in every language with collection of self-written modules, which together offer the basic-functions of programs, which are to do anything for the user. Thereby in the first line it is at stake the control of in- and output of files on the screen and all kinds of hard-disk-operations. In Power-Basic the modules can be arranged in an include-file, so that they are hidden from the main-program. In Visual Basic the notion "modules" has another meaning too, but here is all about self-ritten procedures. | |||
Das Programm ist getestet vor der Publikation, aber es kann keine Garantie gegeben werden, dass es fehlerfrei ist | The program ist tested before publication, but there can be given no guarantee, that it is free of errors | |||
30. Sept. 2012 | Sept 30th 2012 |
' ModulesTestPgm.bas #COMPILE EXE #DIM ALL #INCLUDE "SelfMadeModules.INC" ' WIN32API.INC in SelfMadeModuls included FUNCTION PBMAIN () AS LONG CALL DeclareModuleVariables ' From SelfMadeModules.INC DIM DriveName AS STRING, DriveLetter AS STRING DIM MyFolder AS STRING MSGBOX CurrentPath,,"Current Path" CALL CreateDriveList(DriveList()) MSGBOX ">" & JOIN$(DriveList(),$CRLF) & "<",,"DriveList" DriveName = MID$(DriveList(0),4) DriveLetter = GetDriveLetterFromDriveName(DriveList(),DriveName) MSGBOX ">" & DriveLetter & "<",,"DriveLetter" MyFolder = "d:\TestFolder\" MSGBOX STR$(FolderEmpty(MyFolder)),,"Folder Empty" END FUNCTION ' SelfMadeModules.INC #IF NOT %DEF(%WINAPI) #INCLUDE "WIN32API.INC" #ENDIF DECLARE FUNCTION GetDriveLetterFromDriveName(AnyArray() AS STRING, STRING) AS STRING DECLARE FUNCTION FileExists(STRING) AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION FolderExists(STRING) AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION FolderEmpty(STRING) AS INTEGER SUB DeclareModuleVariables GLOBAL CurrentPath AS STRING GLOBAL DriveList() AS STRING: REDIM DriveList(-1) AS STRING CurrentPath = CURDIR$ & "\" END SUB FUNCTION GetDriveLetterFromDriveName(AnyArray() AS STRING, AnyName AS STRING) AS STRING DIM i&: FUNCTION = "" CALL CreateDriveList(AnyArray()) IF AnyName <> "" THEN FOR i& = 0 TO UBOUND(AnyArray) IF UCASE$(AnyName) = UCASE$(MID$(AnyArray(i&),4)) THEN FUNCTION = LEFT$(AnyArray(i&),3): EXIT FOR END IF NEXT END IF END FUNCTION SUB CreateDriveList(BYREF AnyArray() AS STRING) DIM i&, sTmp$, DriveName$: sTmp$ = "" FOR i& = ASC("A") TO ASC("Z") DriveName$ = DIR$(CHR$(i&) & ":\*.*", %VLABEL) IF DriveName$ <> "" THEN IF sTmp$ <> "" THEN sTmp$ = sTmp$ & "," sTmp$ = sTmp$ & CHR$(i&) & ":\" & DriveName$ END IF NEXT: DIM AnyArray(PARSECOUNT(sTmp$)-1) PARSE sTmp$, AnyArray(),"," END SUB SUB WriteArrayToFile(AnyArray() AS STRING, BYVAL AnyFileSpec AS STRING) DIM sTmp$: sTmp$ = AnyArray(UBOUND(AnyArray)) REDIM PRESERVE AnyArray(UBOUND(AnyArray)-1) OPEN AnyFileSpec FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, AnyArray() PRINT #1, sTmp$; CLOSE #1 END SUB SUB ReadArrayFromFile(BYREF AnyArray() AS STRING, BYVAL AnyFilSpec AS STRING) DIM count& OPEN AnyFilSpec FOR INPUT AS #1 FILESCAN #1, RECORDS TO count& DECR count&: REDIM AnyArray(count&) LINE INPUT #1, AnyArray() TO count& CLOSE #1 END SUB SUB RemoveEmptyItemsFromArray(BYREF AnyArray() AS STRING) DIM i&, UBnd&: i& = 0: UBnd& = UBOUND(AnyArray) WHILE i& <= UBnd& IF TRIM$(AnyArray(i&)) = "" THEN ARRAY DELETE AnyArray(i&): DECR UBnd&: DECR i& END IF: INCR i& WEND: REDIM PRESERVE AnyArray(UBnd&) END SUB FUNCTION FileExists(AnyFileSpec AS STRING) AS INTEGER FUNCTION = ISTRUE(LEN(DIR$(AnyFileSpec,%READONLY OR %HIDDEN OR %SYSTEM OR %ARCHIVE))) END FUNCTION FUNCTION FolderExists(AnyFolder AS STRING) AS INTEGER FUNCTION = ISTRUE(LEN(DIR$(AnyFolder,%SUBDIR))) END FUNCTION FUNCTION FolderEmpty(AnyFolder AS STRING) AS INTEGER FUNCTION = ISTRUE(DIR$(AnyFolder,%HIDDEN OR %READONLY OR _ %SYSTEM OR %SUBDIR OR %NORMAL OR %ARCHIVE) = "") DIR$ CLOSE END FUNCTION SUB GetFiles(BYREF AnyArray() AS STRING, AnyFolder AS STRING) LOCAL temp$ temp$ = DIR$(AnyFolder & "*.*",%READONLY OR %HIDDEN OR %SYSTEM OR %ARCHIVE) WHILE LEN(temp$) REDIM PRESERVE AnyArray(UBOUND(AnyArray)+1) AnyArray(UBOUND(AnyArray)) = temp$ temp$ = DIR$ WEND: DIR$ CLOSE END SUB SUB GetSubFolders(BYREF AnyArray() AS STRING, AnyFolder AS STRING) LOCAL temp$ temp$ = DIR$(AnyFolder,%HIDDEN OR %READONLY OR %SYSTEM OR %NORMAL OR %ARCHIVE OR %SUBDIR) WHILE LEN(temp$) IF (GETATTR(AnyFolder & temp$) AND %SUBDIR) = %SUBDIR THEN REDIM PRESERVE AnyArray(UBOUND(AnyArray)+1) AnyArray(UBOUND(AnyArray)) = temp$ END IF: temp$ = DIR$ WEND: DIR$ CLOSE END SUB | ||