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Ein Programm in der Programmiersprache | A program in the programming language | |||
Classic Power Basic for Windows | ||||
zum Auswählen von verschiedenen Progammen einer Programmsammlung | for selection of different programs of a program-collection | |||
This is: Power BASIC | ||||
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Das Programm erzeugt ein solches Dialog-Fenster mit einer Listbox zur Auswahl von Funktionen. Der Code ist generiert von den "Power Basic Forms" und so modfiziert, dass nach einem Doppelklick auf den ausgewählten Posten oder einem Einmal-Klick plus Drücken des Knopfes das Fester verschwindet, nachdem es eine Programm-Sub aufgerufen hat.
The program generates such a dialog-window with a listbox for selection of functions. The code is generated by the "Power Basic Forms" and modified so, that after double-click on the selected item or single-click plus button, the window disappears, after is has called a program-sub.
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Das Programm ist getestet vor der Publikation, aber es kann keine Garantie gegeben werden, dass es fehlerfrei ist | The program ist tested before publication, but there can be given no guarantee, that it is free of errors | |||
30. Sept. 2012 | Sept 30th 2012 |
#PBFORMS CREATED V1.52 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' The first line in this file is a PB/Forms metastatement. ' It should ALWAYS be the first line of the file. Other ' PB/Forms metastatements are placed at the beginning and ' end of "Named Blocks" of code that should be edited ' with PBForms only. Do not manually edit or delete these ' metastatements or PB/Forms will not be able to reread ' the file correctly. See the PB/Forms documentation for ' more information. ' Named blocks begin like this: #PBFORMS BEGIN ... ' Named blocks end like this: #PBFORMS END ... ' Other PB/Forms metastatements such as: ' #PBFORMS DECLARATIONS ' are used by PB/Forms to insert additional code. ' Feel free to make changes anywhere else in the file. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #COMPILE EXE #DIM ALL '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' ** Includes ** '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #PBFORMS BEGIN INCLUDES #IF NOT %DEF(%WINAPI) #INCLUDE "WIN32API.INC" #ENDIF #PBFORMS END INCLUDES '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' ** Constants ** '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #PBFORMS BEGIN CONSTANTS %IDD_DIALOG1 = 101 %IDC_LABEL1 = 1001 %IDC_LISTBOX1 = 1002 %IDC_BUTTON1 = 1003 #PBFORMS END CONSTANTS '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' ** Declarations ** '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DECLARE CALLBACK FUNCTION ShowDIALOG1Proc() DECLARE FUNCTION SampleListBox(BYVAL hDlg AS DWORD, BYVAL lID AS LONG, BYVAL _ lCount AS LONG) AS LONG DECLARE FUNCTION ShowDIALOG1(BYVAL hParent AS DWORD) AS LONG #PBFORMS DECLARATIONS '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' ** Main Application Entry Point ** '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION PBMAIN() ShowDIALOG1 %HWND_DESKTOP END FUNCTION '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' ** CallBacks ** '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALLBACK FUNCTION ShowDIALOG1Proc() DIM txt$ SELECT CASE AS LONG CBMSG CASE %WM_INITDIALOG ' Initialization handler CASE %WM_NCACTIVATE STATIC hWndSaveFocus AS DWORD IF ISFALSE CBWPARAM THEN ' Save control focus hWndSaveFocus = GetFocus() ELSEIF hWndSaveFocus THEN ' Restore control focus SetFocus(hWndSaveFocus) hWndSaveFocus = 0 END IF CASE %WM_COMMAND ' Process control notifications SELECT CASE AS LONG CBCTL CASE %IDC_LABEL1 CASE %IDC_LISTBOX1 IF CBCTLMSG = %LBN_DBLCLK THEN LISTBOX GET TEXT CBHNDL, %IDC_LISTBOX1 TO txt$ CALL Program(txt$) DIALOG END CBHNDL END IF CASE %IDC_BUTTON1 IF CBCTLMSG = %BN_CLICKED OR CBCTLMSG = 1 THEN LISTBOX GET TEXT CBHNDL, %IDC_LISTBOX1 TO txt$ IF txt$ = "" THEN MSGBOX "no item selected" ELSE CALL Program(txt$) DIALOG END CBHNDL END IF END IF END SELECT END SELECT END FUNCTION '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' ** Sample Code ** '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION SampleListBox(BYVAL hDlg AS DWORD, BYVAL lID AS LONG, BYVAL lCount _ AS LONG) AS LONG LOCAL i AS LONG FOR i = 1 TO lCount LISTBOX ADD hDlg, lID, USING$("Test Item #", i) NEXT i END FUNCTION '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' ** Dialogs ** '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION ShowDIALOG1(BYVAL hParent AS DWORD) AS LONG LOCAL lRslt AS LONG #PBFORMS BEGIN DIALOG %IDD_DIALOG1 LOCAL hDlg AS DWORD DIALOG NEW hParent, "Dialog1", 303, 164, 154, 140, %WS_POPUP OR _ %WS_BORDER OR %WS_DLGFRAME OR %WS_SYSMENU OR %WS_CLIPSIBLINGS OR _ %WS_VISIBLE OR %DS_MODALFRAME OR %DS_3DLOOK OR %DS_NOFAILCREATE OR _ %DS_SETFONT, %WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT OR %WS_EX_LEFT OR _ %WS_EX_LTRREADING OR %WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR, TO hDlg CONTROL ADD LABEL, hDlg, %IDC_LABEL1, "Label1", 30, 10, 100, 10, _ %WS_CHILD OR %WS_VISIBLE OR %WS_BORDER OR %SS_CENTER OR %SS_SUNKEN, _ %WS_EX_LEFT OR %WS_EX_LTRREADING CONTROL SET COLOR hDlg, %IDC_LABEL1, -1, %WHITE CONTROL ADD LISTBOX, hDlg, %IDC_LISTBOX1, , 30, 25, 100, 80, %WS_CHILD OR _ %WS_VISIBLE OR %WS_TABSTOP OR %WS_VSCROLL OR %LBS_NOTIFY, _ %WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE OR %WS_EX_LEFT OR %WS_EX_LTRREADING OR _ %WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR CONTROL ADD BUTTON, hDlg, %IDC_BUTTON1, "Button1", 55, 110, 50, 15 #PBFORMS END DIALOG SampleListBox hDlg, %IDC_LISTBOX1, 30 DIALOG SHOW MODAL hDlg, CALL ShowDIALOG1Proc TO lRslt #PBFORMS BEGIN CLEANUP %IDD_DIALOG1 #PBFORMS END CLEANUP FUNCTION = lRslt END FUNCTION '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUB Program(AnyText$) MSGBOX AnyText$,,"Program" END SUB | ||